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Книги по фотонике
Урик Винсент Дж.-мл., МакКинни Джейсон Д., Вилльямс Кейт Дж.
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Книги, изданные при поддержке РФФИ
Photonics Russia
Journal PHOTONICS RUSSIA (Print ISSN 1993-7296;
Online ISSN 2686-844X) is a Russian scientific and technical journal that publishes original articles and reviews devoited to current photonics and optical technologies and their applications.
The purpose of the journal PHOTONICS RUSSIA is to provide a connect between scientists, manufacturers and users of equipment and technologies of various disciplines who share a common interest in optical and photonics systems and technologies, as well as to promote the development of scientific mentation among young scientists.

The journal is addressed to a wide range of photonic technologies market professionals, scientists and technical specialists, students, faculty members.

The journal PHOTONICS RUSSIA exhaustively covers issues associated with industrial photonics, phovoltaics, optical materials and photonic technologies components. The journal contains information on conferences, exhibitions, symposiums and seminars relative to coherent and incoherent emission interaction with substances, optical processing and information transfer.

The PHOTONICS RUSSIA journal is published under the scientific and methodological guidance of the Russian scientific community, representing Laser Association (, an international organization uniting developers and users of laser products, optical and optoelectronic technologies in the territory CIS.

Founder of science journal PHOTONICS RUSSIA is Publishing Center "TECHNOSPHERA" was founded in 1996. "TECHNOSPHERA" successfully implemented hundreds projects of books publishing and scientific and technical journals. The publishing house publishes scientific, technical and educational literature in a wide range of scientific disciplines, from materials science and electronics to biology and medicine.

The journal publishes original scientific articles and reviews on the current state of the most urgent problems of photonics and related sciences, brief notes, design solutions and product reviews of optical and photonic enterprises and companies, as well as scientific reports recommended by the program committees of the journal’s partner conferences.


  • Lasers & Laser Systems
  • Technological equipment and technologies
  • Additive Technologies
  • Optical-Electronic Systems & Complexes
  • Optoelectronic Instruments & Devices
  • Optical Devices & Systems
  • Materials & Coatings
  • Optical Measurements
  • Fiber-Optic Devices & Technologies
  • Laser Medicine
  • Biophotonics
  • Free-Space Optical Communication
  • Metatronics
  • Microwave Photonics
  • Quantum technologies
  • Metrology & Certification
  • Metrology & Metrological Equipment
  • History of Science & Technology
  • Scientometrics
  • Expert Opinion
  • Roundtable Discussion
  • Industrial Policy
  • A Running Commentary of Production
  • General industry problems. Events. Documentation
  • Business People
  • Conferences, exhibitions, seminars
  • News

Indexing by specialized andscientometric databases

RSCI, eLIBRARY.RU (The scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU is the largest Russian information and analytical portal in the field of science, technology, medicine and education), VINITI RAS (abstract journal of the All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information RAS) RJ 18L Optics and Laser Physics, Chemical Abstracts.

The journal's Terms & Conditions include unlimited simultaneous use, perpetual access to subscribed content. Access to the full text of the articles opens a year after publication for all other readers who are not subscribed.

Editorial Staff

Editor-in-chief: Natalia Istomina

N.L. Istomina - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, a member of the Association of Science Editors and Publishers (ANRI) and the European Association of Science Editors (EASE), Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Department of Innovation Management, Moscow University of Geodesy and Cartography, Department of Optoelectronic Devices (Moscow).

Editor-in-chief: Naumov Andrey Vitalievich

A. V. Naumov, corresponding member of RAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Head of the Department of Theoretical Physics n. a. E. V. Shpolsky (Moscow)

A. S. Boreisho, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Institute of Laser Engineering and Technology of the Baltic State Technical University «VOENMEH» n. a. D. F. Ustinov (St. Petersburg)

G. T. Mikaelyan, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, SIE «INJECT», Institute of Master studies at NRNU MEPhI (Saratov) E. V. Zemlyakov, Cand. of Engineering Sciences, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg)

V. Yu. Venediktov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» (St. Petersburg)

O. A. Alexeeva, Cand. of Physical and Mathematical Science, FSRC «Crystallography & Photonics» RAS (Moscow)

I. S. Shelemba, Cand. of Engineering Sciences, «Inversion-Sensor» LLC (Perm)

V.G. Siromaha, Cand.of Philology, Maxim Gorky Institute of Literatury& Creative Writin (Moscow)

Editorial Board

Chairman of the Editorial Board:

I. B. Kovsh, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, President of the Laser Association

Editorial Board:

S. A. Babin, corresponding member of RAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Siberian branch of RAS Institute of Automation and Electrometry (Novosibirsk)

Yu. V. Bazhanov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, SPC Systems of Precision Instrumentation OJSC (Moscow)

A. V. Budagovsky, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, All-Union Scientific and Research Institute of Genetics and selection of fruit plants n. a. I. V. Michurin (Tambov Region, Michurinsk)

G. I. Dolgikh, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pacific Oceanological Institute n. a. V. I. Ilichev, FEB of RAS (Vladivostok)

A. G. Kazansky, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Physics, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow)

D. V. Kapranov, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (Moscow)

A. V. Karmenyan, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Dong Hwa State University (Hualin), Biophotonics and Molecular Imaging Research Centre, National Yang Ming University of Taipei (Taipei)

V. N. Krutikov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, All-Union Scientific and Research Institute of Optical and Physical Measurements, Higher School of Economics (Moscow)

A. A. Lutovinov, corresponding member of RAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Space Research Institute of RAS (Moscow)

V. P. Minaev, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, SEO IRE-Polyus, IPG Photonics Group

V. V. Osipov, corresponding member of RAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Institute of Electrophysics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Physical-Technical University (Yekaterinburg)

R. V. Romashko, corresponding member of RAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB of RAS (Vladivostok)

G. A. Turichin, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, Institute of Laser and Welding Technologies (ILIST) of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University n. a. Peter the Great (St. Petersburg)

Zhu Xiao, Director of the National Laser Technology Research Center of the University of Huangzhong, President of the Laser Association of the Optical Valley of China, (Wuhan, Hubei
Province, China)

V. Ya. Shur, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the Ural Federal University n. a. B. N. Yeltsin, Ural Centre for Collective Use
«Modern Nanotechnologies» (Yekaterinburg)

I. A. Scherbakov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Institute of General Physics n. a. A. M. Prokhorov of RAS, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) (Moscow)

Yu. V. Chuguy, Doctor of Engineering Sciences., Design and Technological Institute of Scientific Instrument Making SB RAS, Novosibirsk State University (Novosibirsk)


Yu. G. Yakushenkov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography «MIIGAiK» (Moscow) 2008-2019

S. B. Odinokov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Research Institute of Radioelectronics and Laser Technology of Moscow State Technical University N. E. Bauman (Moscow), 2010-2021

V. P. Vasiliev, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, SPC Systems of Precision Instrumentation OJSC (Moscow),2008-2021

Istomina Natalya Leonidovna

Biography Chronology
N.L. Istomina - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences specializing in physical electronics. She has extensive practical experience in the optical spectrometry and instrumentation in the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and industrial enterprises Rosstandart space industry.

N.L. Istomina worked as a professor in the departments of "Physics" and "Electronics and Microsystem Technology" in MATI. Tsiolkovsky and MAMI, which teaches courses in general physics, metrology, nano-devices, physical fundamentals of microelectronics. Now she teaches courses in laser technology and innovation management technology at MIIGAiK and MAI.

  1. A. P. Pogoda, A. A.Sergeev, I. S. Khakhalin, E. E. Popov, N. L. Istomina, A. S. Boreisho, V. M.Petrov. Holographic reflective Bragg gratings of gain and their role in theoperation of high-power pulsed lasers. QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 2020, 50 (7), 658–661.
  2. Open Access [Nepeina K., Istomina N., Bykova O. The Role of Field Training in STEM Education: Theoretical and Practical Limitations of Scalability // Eur. J. Investig. Health Psychol. Educ. 2020, Vol. 10, Is. 1, p. 511-529.
  3. Akinshin V.S, Istomin NL, Klenow N.V , Karkowski Y.I / Ed. S.K Stafeeva. Optics. 2nd edition revised, Saint-Petersburg .: Lan, 2015. - 240p. (ISBN 978-5-8114-1671-4).
  4. Reference laser welding. Translated from English. edited Istomina. M .: TECHNOSPHERA, 2015. - 700p. (ISBN 978-5-94836-420-9).
  5. Istomina N.L., et al. Optika. M .: MATI, 2007. - 280p. (ISBN 978-5-93271-351-8).
  6. Istomina N.L., et al. Physical practical for the specialty «Physics».M .: MATI, 2007. - 224p. (ISBN 5-93271-344-5).
  7. Istomina N.L. et al. Physical basis of optical measurement techniques submicron razmerov. M .: MATI, 2006. - 150p. (ISBN 5-93271-300-3).
  8. Istomina N.L. et al. Physical methods of research. Part2. Methods of linear measurements in nanotechnology. M .: MATI, 2006. - 109p. (ISBN 5-93271-300-3).
  9. Istomina N.L. et al. Physical practical work in Optic. M .: MATI, 2005. - 171p. (ISBN 5-93271-242-2).

Naumov Andrey Vitalievich — corresponding member of RAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,Leading of the scientific researches in the field of far-field optical nanodiagnostics of condensed matter using methods of spectroscopy and imaging of single quantum emitters (organic fluorescent molecules, semiconductor and dielectric quantum dots). Basic reseraches in the field of low-temperature dynamics of disordered solids and complex molecular systems. Photon-echo spectroscopy of ultrafast processes. Teaching of special courses on optics and spectroscopy. Ph.D., M.S. advising.

Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Head of the Department of Theoretical Physics n. a.
E. V. Shpolsky (Moscow).
Skills and Expertise: Spectroscopy, Single-molecule Spectromicroscopy, Optics and Photonics, Image Processing

  1. Pavani S.R.P., Thompson M.A., Biteen J.S., Lord, S.J., Liu N., Twieg R.J., Piestun R., Moerner W.E. Three-dimensional, single-molecule fluorescence imaging beyond the diffraction limit by using a doublehelix point spread function.PNAS USA. 2019;106(9): 2995–2999.
  2. Naumov A.V., Gorshelev A.A., Gladush M.G., Anikushina T.A., Golovanova A.V., Koehler J., Kador L. Micro-Refractometry and Local-Field Mapping with Single Molecules. Nano Letters. 2018; 18(10): 6129–6134.
  3. Naumov A., Gladush M., Karimullin K. XIII International Conference on Hole Burning, Single Molecule, and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications (HBSM-2018): preface, EPJ Web Conf., 190, XIII International conference on hole burning, single molecules and related spectroscopies: science and applications (HBSM-2018), 2018, 00001.
  4. Naumov A.V. Low temperature spectroscopy of organic molecules in solid matrices: from the Shpolsky effect to the laser luminescent spectromicroscopy for all effectively emitting single molecules. Physics-Uspekhi. 2013; 56(6): 605–622.
  5. Yu.G Vainer; M.A Kol'chenko; A.V Naumov; R.I Personov; S.J Zilker. Photon echoes in doped organic amorphous systems over a wide (0.35–50K) temperature range. Apr 2000. Journal of Luminescence.DOI: 10.1016/S0022-2313(00)00172-1.

Major journal headlines
  • Competent Opinion (review of current problems)
  • Production Equipment and Technologies
  • Lasers and Laser Systems
  • A running commentary of production
  • Optoelectronic Devices
  • Optical Components and Systems
  • Fiber-Optic Technologies
  • Laser medicine
  • Biophotonics
  • Confereces, Exhibitions, Seminars
  • News

General Information
Published since 2007
Frequency: one issue in one and a half month (8 issues annually)
Edition: 4,500 copies
Paper: enameled glazed
Dissemination: subscription, retail
Publisher: JSC Technosphera

Distribution of the journal PHOTONICS RUSSIA

Distribution channels of the journal PHOTONICS RUSSIA:

Free distribution at specialized exhibitions and conferences in Russia and the CIS countries;

Subscription through post offices of communication according to the catalog of the Rospechat Agency, to Vse Pressa LLC and to the combined Press of Russia catalog throughout Russia and the CIS countries;

Editorial subscription;

To the Book Chamber of the Russian Federation and large technical libraries, ministries, departments, heads of constituent entities of the Federation, etc.


According to the catalog “Newspapers and magazines” of the Rospechat agency: 80540 - semi-annual index, 48507 - annual index; CJSC MK-Periodika - foreign subscription, LLC Ural-Press, LLC Agency Artos-GAL, LLC Informnauka

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