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Книги по фотонике
Урик Винсент Дж.-мл., МакКинни Джейсон Д., Вилльямс Кейт Дж.
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Книги, изданные при поддержке РФФИ
Editorial policy of APP Centre "TECHNOSPHERA"

In their activities, the Editorial boards and Editorial collegiums and review team are guided by the requirements of adherence to publication ethics in the preparation and publication of journals produced by the ASSOCIATE PRINTING-AND-PUBLICATION CENTRE “TECHNOSPHERA”. The international practice on the ethics of editing, reviewing, publishing and authorship of scientific publications is observed by all participants in the editorial and publishing process — authors, editors, reviewers, and the publishing team creating all of our journals.

The editorial board monitors compliance with the ethics requirements based on the manuals prepared by domestic and international specialized organizations, associations and publishers, as well as the Association of Science Editors and Publishers. The main standards relied in ASSOCIATE PRINTING-AND-PUBLICATION CENTRE “TECHNOSPHERA” are those developed by the Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications, adopted by ASEP.

The responsibility of editors

1. The editors are responsible for the content of the materials published and recognize that responsibility. The reliability of the work in question and its scientific significance should always be the basis in the decision to publish.

2. The editors make fair and objective decisions, regardless of any commercial considerations and provide a fair and efficient process for the independent review.

3. The editors evaluate manuscripts' intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, origin, nationality, and/or the political preferences of the authors.

4. The editors do not work with articles where there is a conflict of interests.

5. The editors resolve conflict situations arising during the editorial process and use all available means to resolve these situations.

6. The editors of the journal, if necessary, publish information concerning corrections, rebuttals, and review articles in order to adhere to the high standards of objectiveness, honesty and integrity.

7. The editors of the journal do not publish the final version of the article without the consent of the authors.

The responsibility of the reviewers

1. The reviewer evaluates his or her own availability before the examination of the article and accepts materials for review only if the reviewer is able to allow for sufficient time as to ensure the quality of his or her work and the communication with authors. In the event of a possible delay in the review process, the reviewer must inform the editor in due time.

2. The reviewer notifies the editorial staff of any conflict of interest (if one exists) before the start of the review of the article.

3. The reviewer does not send information about the article and or any of the data contained within the article to any third party.

4. The reviewer does not use the information obtained from the article for any personal and or commercial purposes.

5. The reviewer may not involve third parties in the review of the article without the consent of the Editorial board of the journal that submitted the manuscript for review.

6. The reviewer does not make conclusions about the quality of the article on the basis of subjective data, e.g. the personal relationship to the author, gender, age, religion, etc. For additional protection from the factor of subjectivity in the editorial, double blind review is used when the reviewer does not know the names of the authors of the article and the names of the organizations in which the article submitted for review was performed.

7. The reviewer uses the only tactful and appropriate language and explanations in respect to the articles, avoiding any personal remarks. The reviewer should confirm his critical conclusions with solid, qualitative arguments, provide documentary evidence to his conclusions and criticism.

The general rules and responsibility of the authors

1. The author submits previously not published materials for review. If the article is based on previously published materials which are not academic articles or based on materials presented on the Internet, the author should notify the editorial staff of the journal.

2. The author does not submit the same article to different journals for review.

3. All co-authors consent to the submission of their articles to the journal.

4. The author informs the editorial staff of a potential conflict of interest.

5. The author takes the necessary steps to ensure the correctness of citations in the submitted article.

6. The list of authors included only individuals who have made significant contributions to the research.

7. The author correctly cites his or her previous work as to avoid self-plagerism in the manuscript and the artificial increase of volume of publications (salami-slicing).

8. The author, who is acting as the contact with journal, informs all other co-authors of all changes and suggestions from the editorial staff, and does not make decisions regarding the article alone without the written consent of all co-authors.

9. The author properly corresponds with the reviewer through contact with the editor and responds to comments and observations if they arise.

10. If necessary, the authors either adjust the data presented in the article, or refute them.

11. When re-publishing materials, the author undertakes to provide a link to materials previously published in the journal "Photonics Russia".

12. Re-publication is possible in exceptional cases (for example, when a journal is released for a thematic event, the central issue of which is related to the content of the article) and only after agreement with the owner of the rights.

The responsibility of the Publisher

1. The publisher not only supports scientific communication and invests in the process, but is also responsible for complying with all current guidelines and standards for publishing scientific work.

2. The publisher does not affect the editorial policy of the journal.

3. The publisher provides legal support to the journal if necessary.

4. The publisher provides for the timely release of issues of the journal.

5. The publisher publishes changes, explanations, and recalls articles that have been identified to contain scientific misconduct and or critical errors.

Derivation and Plagiarism

During the consideration of an article, the Editorial staff of the APP Center “TECHNOSPHERA” may conduct a verification of the submitted materials with the help of the Anti-plagiarism system. In the case of the discovery of multiple incidents of content matching, the Editorial staff acts in accordance with the rules of COPE.


1. Scientific editing aims present the text in an improved form for readers to perceive.

2. The scientific editor has the right to make only such corrections in the manuscript text that do not distort the scientific meaning of the article.

3. If the author has not complied with the requirements of the journal, and the graphic materials of the manuscript are of poor quality, then the scientific editor may decide to exclude them from the manuscript.

4. The scientific editor is obliged to coordinate with the authors all changes in the manuscript.

5. The author must respond to letters from the scientific editor within 3 days from the date of sending the letter from the editorial office. The editors of the journal equates the absence of a that response from the author as a refusal of the author to continue working with the editors of the journal.

6. The editors of the journal adhere to the principle: the published scientific results belong to the author, and the illustrations made in the publication belong to the TECHNOSPHERE publishing house.

7. The author transfers to the editors of the journal the right to publish the manuscript at no cost.

8. The author agrees to transfer the editors of the journal PHOTONICS RUSSIA the right to translate, publish, post an article in electronic databases and library systems, deposit it, send it to readers subscribed to the journal, and provide it to interested persons.

9. For educational purposes, the publication from a journal may be used without permission from the editorial board of the journal PHOTONICS RUSSIA.

10. When posting articles in other publications, the permission of the editorial staff of the journal is required.

11. The PHOTONICS RUSSIA journal adheres to the principles of integrity and ethics in published content.

12. The PHOTONICS RUSSIA journal has a policy of conflicts of interest, and the works published in the journal comply with the institutional standards for working with people and animals.

13. The editor-in-chief of the PHOTONICS RUSSIA journal is a member of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ASEP) and the European Association of Science Editors (EASE). The PHOTONICS RUSSIA journal agrees with the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) regarding how to deal with cases of inappropriate behavior to ensure research ethics. The PHOTONICS RUSSIA journal in the event of plagiarism follows the principles and recommendations of COPE regarding plagiarism.

14. The author submits the manuscript to the editorial staff that provides a conscientious review process. The works that were received in the PHOTONICS RUSSIA journal are subject to peer review. The following manuscripts are not subject to peer review: scientific reports heard at sessions, congresses, conferences, and recommended for publication by the members of the editorial board or program committees of the journal’s partner conferences; interviews and reports from conferences and meetings; informational messages and announcements.


The manuscripts submitted to the PHOTONICS RUSSIA journal, as a rule, are sent for review to two peers. The editorial board of the PHOTONICS RUSSIA journal uses the “blind” form of reviewing. The peer-reviewers include both internal experts who are members of the editorial board of the journal, and external reviewers representing highly qualified specialists in the field of photonics and optics. The time from the moment the manuscript is received in the editorial office to the adoption of the first decision ranges from 20 to 40 days. If the received reviews contain opposite assessments, or one of the reviewers rejects the proposal to conduct a review due to a conflict of interest or lack of necessary qualifications, the manuscript is transferred to another reviewer. In this case, the response preparation time can be increased up to 2 months. The amount of rejected manuscripts is within 10%. The final decision on the publication of the manuscript is made by the editor-in-chief together with the editorial board. The reviews exclude criticism directed at the identity of the authors. The reviewers give links to any other work with which the manuscript has significant similarity or intersection, if they are aware about it.


The policy of the PHOTONICS RUSSIA journal in relation to the archiving of articles published since 2007 is aimed at ensuring sustainable access to content in the long term. The articles are archived on the website of the PHOTONICS RUSSIA journal (URL: on the platform of the scientific electronic library e.Library (URL:, on the platform of the DOE electronic library system (URL:


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