DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.

The article provides information about the device of an unmanned aircraft system. It tells about the requirements for drones and about the device of optoelectronic ultraviolet solar-­blind direction finders.
The article discusses the requirements for optoelectronic UV-solar-­blind direction finders from the point of view of detecting a fire source and transmitting this information to rescue services. The emphasis is placed on the devices of UV direction finders based on multi-­channel photomultipliers, which have a high potential for timely detection of fires and rapid response to extinguish them.

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Книги, изданные при поддержке РФФИ
Issue #4/2023
A. F. Osipov
Unmanned Aircraft System for Automatic Detection and Determination of Coordinates of Forest Fires in the Ultraviolet Spectrum
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.

The article provides information about the device of an unmanned aircraft system. It tells about the requirements for drones and about the device of optoelectronic ultraviolet solar-­blind direction finders.
The article discusses the requirements for optoelectronic UV-solar-­blind direction finders from the point of view of detecting a fire source and transmitting this information to rescue services. The emphasis is placed on the devices of UV direction finders based on multi-­channel photomultipliers, which have a high potential for timely detection of fires and rapid response to extinguish them.
Unmanned Aircraft System for Automatic Detection and Determination of Coordinates of Forest Fires in the Ultraviolet Spectrum
A. F. Osipov
Moscow, Russia
The article provides information about the device of an unmanned aircraft system. It tells about the requirements for drones and about the device of optoelectronic ultraviolet solar-­blind direction finders.
The article discusses the requirements for optoelectronic UV-solar-­blind direction finders from the point of view of detecting a fire source and transmitting this information to rescue services. The emphasis is placed on the devices of UV direction finders based on multi-­channel photomultipliers, which have a high potential for timely detection of fires and rapid response to extinguish them.
Keywords: optical, ultraviolet, solar-­blind, direction finder, unmanned, UAVs, focon, multi-­anode, photomultiplier, electron-­optical converter,
The articles received on: 20.01.2023
The article accepted: 30.03.2023

Forests are of great importance to humans as a source of food, a source of energy, building material, raw materials for production, a regulator of natural processes. The past two years have been extremely unfavorable for the forests. According to Aerial Forest Protection Federal Budget-­Funded Institution in 2021, more than 10 million hectares of forests were burned in Russia (according to Greenpeace, more than 18 million hectares of forests were burned).
The organization of fire extinguishing processes in our country is based on the document – ​“Standards for the Provision of a Constituent Entity of the Russian Federation with Forest Fire Organizations, Fire-­Fighting Machinery and Equipment, Fire-­Fighting Fixings and Stocks, Other Means of Preventing and Extinguishing Forest Fires” (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07/19/2019 No. 1605‑р, hereinafter referred to as the Standards). The forest fires in 2021 showed that equipment and work according to these Standards do not ensure timely detection and rapid extinguishing of forest fires. In addition, the existing Standards prevent the use of new technical solutions, for example, the method of pointing an aircraft at a fire and extinguishing it with a flammable liquid, which is described in [1], or the use of UV direction finders.
In 2021, The Federal Forestry Agency, the All-­Russian Scientific Research Institute of Forestry and Mechanization (FBU VNIILM) issued 1 methodological recommendations “Practical Use of Domestic Methods and Technologies, as well as Means of Detecting and Extinguishing Forest Fires” [2], which further complicates the use of innovations, makes their use almost impossible. Figure 1 shows a graph of the area of forest lands covered by fires.
Protection of forests from fires
It is well known that effective fire fighting requires timely real-time detection of fires and their prompt rapid extinguishing. Such a technique is not available in the Standards used. For example, the document provides for about 1935 monitoring complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and (or) unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) for the whole of Russia. The deplorable results of fire detection and extinguishing indicate that either there are not enough unmanned monitoring complexes, or available unmanned monitoring complexes have low technical characteristics. At the same time, the Standards allow the replacement of equipment, technical means of a certain class with equipment similar in purpose, means of higher productivity (capacity). But for some reason, none of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation use this opportunity and more advanced innovative equipment.
The “Unmanned aircraft system for automatic detection and determination of coordinates of forest fires in the ultraviolet spectrum” can and should fill the gap in terms of timely real-time detection of fires. The unmanned aircraft system for automatic detection and determination of the coordinates of forest fires in the UV spectrum (hereinafter referred to as UAS) is a drone with an optoelectronic ultraviolet solar-­blind direction finder installed on it.
The procedure for the use of the airspace of the Russian Federation, including by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, UASs, drones), is established by the Federal Rules for the Use of the Airspace of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 138 dated 11.03.2010 (hereinafter – ​FAP‑138).
Currently, more than 100 companies are engaged in drones in Russia [3,4] for every taste and purse. To ensure the effectiveness of the use of UAS, a fire detection drone must have the following characteristics:
load capacity 2–5 kg (weight of UV direction finder);
cruising flight speed of 50–100 km/h, the more, the more efficient;
the duration of the flight at one refueling is 12–24 hours, the more, the more efficient.
The remaining parameters of UAVs are not of a fundamental nature, since almost all UAVs have all the necessary technical devices for being used in detecting forest fires.
OptICAL electronic ultraviolet
solar-­blind direction finders
Optical vision devices are used in the UV range of the spectrum [5,6]. With the help of optical ultraviolet vision devices, many important practical problems are solved. In addition to optical vision devices with a working ultraviolet spectrum, there is another class of ultraviolet devices – ​optoelectronic ultraviolet direction finding devices. A direction finder is a device for determining the direction to external objects and celestial bodies. With the help of a direction finder, the bearing readout is performed. There are visual, optical, acoustic and radio direction finders. For the case of fire detection, the main role is played by optical direction finders. Optoelectronic ultraviolet solar-­blind direction finders have no less important and numerous civilian and military applications. Unfortunately, these rich opportunities are practically not used.
Solar radiation with a wavelength of 300 nm or less does not reach the Earth’s surface. It is this UV range that is called the sun-blind range. Practically, it is considered from 240 nm to 280 nm. In this range, there are practically no sources of UV radiation in the conditions of the Earth. There are extremely few natural and artificial sources of UV radiation, and there is practically no interference. The transmission of the atmosphere in this range is good [7]. It is very easy to detect any UV object that has appeared [8,9]. The spectrum of solar radiation is well studied and described in regulatory documents [10–12].
Optoelectronic UV direction finder does not generate any images, videos, photos, pictures for human viewing or computer processing. This device is designed to determine the angular coordinates of objects emitting or reflecting radiation in the UV-sun-blind range of the spectrum. The UV direction finder determines only the angular coordinate of each detected ultraviolet object relative to its optical axis. The resulting angular coordinate can be decomposed into two component coordinates in X and Y.
Currently, four principal methods of creating UV direction finders are known [13]. Based on them, the design of direction finders, which are produced by Russian enterprises, is built:
based on an ultraviolet electron-­optical image converter coupled with a CCD matrix or CMOS matrix. JSC “NPO GI-PO” Kazan, JSC “Central Research Institute “Electron”, St. Petersburg, PJSC “ROMZ”, Rostov, JSC “Cathode“, Novosibirsk, Group of Companies “Kronstadt”, St. Petersburg, etc. followed this path.;
based on solar-­blind hybrid television devices based on electron-­sensitive CTDs (charge transfer devices), JSC “Central Research Institute “Electron”, St. Petersburg;
based on solid-­state UV matrices, JSC NPO Orion, Moscow;
based on multi-­anode photomultipliers with an AlGaN-based photocathode, JSC “Cathode”, Novosibirsk.
The table shows a comparison of the main parameters of UV direction finders produced by various Russian companies.
The tabular data show that the best set of basic parameters have direction finders based on multi-­anode photomultipliers.
In addition, other types of direction finders have poor performance, since they work in frame mode. Because of this, when installing these direction finders on aircraft carriers, it is necessary to use a mechanical or electronic image stabilization system, for example, a gyro-stabilized platform, a steadicam, a gimbal, etc. Also, direction finders based on personnel systems require large computing power and complex software that also works in real time. A satisfactory solution has not yet been found.
One big advantage of direction finding systems based on multi–anode photomultipliers should be noted, and this advantage is the ability to register the signature of UV objects (time dependence of the UV radiation intensity of an object). The registered signature can be used to determine the type and purpose of the target or object. Other types of direction finders do not have such possibility. Therefore, UV-sun-blind direction finders based on multi-­anode photomultipliers have a number of advantages. Among other things, it should be borne in mind that the multi-­anode photomultipliers produced by JSC “Cathode” have already been included in the “List of Electrical and Radio Products Approved for Use”.
The success of using UV direction finders on helicopters, airplanes, tanks encourages the installation of UV direction finders on UAVs. The only company in Russia that is engaged in the installation of UV direction finders on UAVs is Group of Companies “Kronstadt”, [14]. However, the information from the prospectus for this product reveals the fact that this product is an ordinary color television camera and is not yet an ultraviolet direction finder.
Automatic detection and determination of the coordinates of forest fires in the UV spectrum
The principle of operation of an unmanned aircraft complex consisting of a UAV and a UV direction finder installed on it is presented in the patent [15]. The method of automatic detection and determination of coordinates of forest fires is described in [16–18]. In addition to detecting and determining the coordinates of fires, the proposed system can determine the area of forest fires, build contours of forest fires. In addition, the system can determine the type of fire: a crown fire or a ground fire, a forest fire or a peat forest fire, a soil fire or an underground fire. Information about the coordinates of the centers of a forest fire can be the source information for forest fire modeling programs, for example, those designed by LLC “OKB “Burstroyproekt” (Trofimov V. A.) The forest fire model allows you to predict changes in the continuous forest fire zone depending on current weather conditions and the digital terrain model at specified time intervals. Forest fire modeling is implemented on the basis of “Recommendations for the Detection and Extinguishing of Forest Fires” (approved by Federal Forestry Agency (Rosleskhoz) dated December 17, 1997) with the methodological support of the All-­Russian Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the Federal Center for Science and High Technologies.
The initial data for the simulation were the current fire zone, the estimated parameters of the forest area and the weather forecast. Additionally, digital forest maps can be used (to limit the spread of fire outside the forest area) and a digital terrain model (to determine slopes).
The output data of the model are the fire propagation zones at the time points specified by the initial parameters. Additionally, the list of buildings and structures falling into the fire zone with the approach time, the number of people in the emergency zone, the composition of forces and means required to perform emergency rescue operations (ERO) can be determined.
The model of a natural fire is implemented in two versions:
A DLL running on Windows x64 (see an excerpt from the structure to the modeling library in the attachment). This implementation version can be used if there is a management system in which third-­party libraries can be integrated.
As part of the web application “Standard Control Center” running on any operating system.
Additional applications of UV direction finders installed on UAVs
A Means of Ensuring the Safety and Troubleshooting of Overhead Power Transmission Lines, Ensuring Safety on Electrified Railways
A UAV equipped with a UV direction finder moves automatically along a predetermined route along an overhead power line. The direction finder determines the three-­dimensional coordinates of each of them (latitude, longitude and height of the fault above the Earth’s surface) by the UV radiation of the corona discharges of faults. By the signal of the malfunction glow the UV direction finder determines the type of malfunction, makes a forecast of the development of emergency conditions and promptly transmits data to repair services in real time.
A Means of Ensuring the Safety of the Electric Power Industry of Cities and Towns, Detection and Localization of Fires in Populated Areas, and Man-Made Fires
A UAV equipped with a UV direction finder equipped with an ultra-wide-angle sun-blind photodetector head [19] automatically patrols the territory of a city or village along a given route. When malfunctions of energy objects occur, accompanied by sparks, corona discharge, electric arc, the direction finder determines the coordinates of the malfunctions and transmits these data to repair services in real time. The same principle is laid down when fixing fires in populated areas or man-made fires.
Means of Detection and Localization of Natural (Forest and Steppe) Fires
A UAV equipped with a UV direction finder fitted with an ultra-wide-angle sun-blind photodetector head [19] automatically patrols natural territories along a given route. When a fire appears in the forest or in the steppe, the direction finder determines the coordinates of the fire and promptly transmits this data to the Ministry of Emergency Situations in real time.
A Means of Searching for Those in Distress at Sea
The same principle of direction finding at sea can be used if a sailor’s life jacket is equipped with a UV radiation source based on UV LEDs or an excilamp.
A Means of Neutralizing Football Fanatics
The UAV moves along a given route inside the stadium bowl. When a fire appears, the direction finder determines the coordinates of the intruder. In all these examples, UAVs equipped with the same UV direction finder are used, the difference in these devices is only in the software.
It seems that the Unmanned aircraft system for automatic detection and determination of coordinates of for-est fires in the ultraviolet spectrum is one of the most effective innovations in the field of early timely fire detection. It should be connected to a fire propagation simulation program, which makes it possible to make a forecast depending on the type of fire source, current weather conditions and a digital terrain model at specified time intervals.
Osipov Alexander Fedorovich, Moscow, Russia.
Area of interest: ultraviolet optoelectronic devices.
ORCID: 0000-0002-9042-9884
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