DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.8.634.635

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Issue #8/2022
S. M. Bechasnov, V. D. Barmasov, A. I. Popov, M. A. Zavialova
Multi-Channel Endoscopic Platform for Inner Inspection of the Guide Channels of Fuel Assemblies of the Water-Cooled
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.16.8.634.635
Multi-Channel Endoscopic Platform for Inner Inspection of the Guide Channels of Fuel Assemblies of the Water-­Cooled Power Reactors
S. M. Bechasnov, V. D. Barmasov, A. I. Popov, M. A. Zavialova
Technological Design Institute of Scientific Instrument Engineering, Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
The Technological Design Institute of Scientific Instrument Engineering of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk) has developed a multi-­channel endoscopic platform for inner inspection of the guide channels of fuel assemblies of the water-­cooled power reactors. Relevance of the platform development and its main technical specifications are given below.
Keywords: fuel assemblies (FA), fuel rods (FR), endoscopic control
Endoscopic control (hereinafter referred to as the EC) is a high-information method widely used in many industries. Thus, an internal inspection of various parts and assemblies makes it possible to identify the defects and damage in the places that are inaccessible for the observer. In the nuclear power generation complex, the EC is applied to solve the issues of increasing the operation life and reliability of the fuel assemblies (FAs) and fuel rods (FRs) [1, 2].

The developed multi-­channel endoscopic platform for inner inspection of the guide channels of fuel assemblies of the water-­cooled power reactors has the following technical specifications:
viewing angle of the video system lens is not less than 90°;
discreteness of the vertical positioning system readings is 1 mm;
the number of simultaneously viewed channels is 19;
the video system provides viewing (clear image) to the entire depth of the FA channel;
the time of video system removal / installation is not more than 30 minutes;
the duration of a single full inspection cycle of the guide channels (including any transportation activities and visual data archiving) is no more than 10 minutes.
The platform is an autonomous process flow device as a part of the control and packing equipment for the fuel assemblies of the water-­cooled power reactors at Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant Public Joint Stock Company.
The development of this platform makes it possible to significantly increase the endoscopic control speed and objectivity of the FA guide channels of the water-­cooled power reactors.
Sergey Mikhailovich Bechasnov, Head of the Technological Design Institute of Scientific Instrument Engineering SB RAS (TDISIE SB RAS), Novosibirsk, Russia.
Viktor Dmitrievich Barmasov, Leading Electronics Engineer of TDISIE SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Anatoly Ivanovich Popov, Leading Programmer of TDISIE SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Marina Andreevna Zavyalova, PhD, Senior Researcher at TDISIE SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia.
ORCID: 0000-0003-2000-6226
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