DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2021.

Means of the atmosphere remote sensing in the optical and radio frequency ranges are widely used in air navigation, flight safety technologies, meteorology, ecology, climatology and other areas. Lidar and radar systems have common principles of operation. Despite this common feature, they are traditionally divided according to the used electromagnetic radiation frequency ranges. The consequence of this separation is that their functionality and tasks are separated. However, as practice proves, the integrated use of optical and radio frequency radiation in atmosphere monitoring can lead to a synergistic effect and a significant expansion of the capabilities of such systems. The article discusses the possibilities and prospects for the joint application of optical-­radio-frequency devices of atmosphere sensing.

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Issue #1/2021
A. S. Boreysho, M. A. Konyaev, A. A. Kim, A. S. Michaylenko
Prospects of Optical-­Radio-­Frequency Systems for the Atmosphere Remote Sensing
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2021.

Means of the atmosphere remote sensing in the optical and radio frequency ranges are widely used in air navigation, flight safety technologies, meteorology, ecology, climatology and other areas. Lidar and radar systems have common principles of operation. Despite this common feature, they are traditionally divided according to the used electromagnetic radiation frequency ranges. The consequence of this separation is that their functionality and tasks are separated. However, as practice proves, the integrated use of optical and radio frequency radiation in atmosphere monitoring can lead to a synergistic effect and a significant expansion of the capabilities of such systems. The article discusses the possibilities and prospects for the joint application of optical-­radio-frequency devices of atmosphere sensing.
Prospects of Optical-­Radio-­Frequency Systems for the Atmosphere Remote Sensing
A. S. Boreysho, M. A. Konyaev, A. A. Kim, A. S. Michaylenko
BSTU “VOENMEH” named after D. F. Ustinov,
Laser Systems LLC, St.Petersburg, Russia

Means of the atmosphere remote sensing in the optical and radio frequency ranges are widely used in air navigation, flight safety technologies, meteorology, ecology, climatology and other areas. Lidar and radar systems have common principles of operation. Despite this common feature, they are traditionally divided according to the used electromagnetic radiation frequency ranges. The consequence of this separation is that their functionality and tasks are separated. However, as practice proves, the integrated use of optical and radio frequency radiation in atmosphere monitoring can lead to a synergistic effect and a significant expansion of the capabilities of such systems. The article discusses the possibilities and prospects for the joint application of optical-­radio-frequency devices of atmosphere sensing.

Keywords: atmosphere monitoring, remote sensing, lidar, radar, optical-­radio-frequency locator
Received on: 14.01.2021
Accepted on: 10.02.2021

Lidar and radar systems for the atmosphere remote sensing are based on the same principle: reflection or scattering of electromagnetic radiation from atmosphere objects and the subsequent determination of its characteristics. Nevertheless, historically and traditionally, there has been a separation of optical (lidar) and radio frequency sensing devices. This is largely due to the different methods of generating electromagnetic radiation in the optical and radio frequency ranges, the difference in the technique of receiving and processing signals.

Today, optical and radio frequency sensing of the atmosphere are independent scientific and technical areas with specific fields of application. Nevertheless, in some cases, their joint use turns out to be justified and effective. However, in order to see the potential benefits of integrating different-­range remote sensing systems, it is necessary to understand the specifics and limitations of each of them.

Modern lidars have taken a solid position in the field of 3D scanning, navigation and sensorics of unmanned vehicles and aircraft, environmental monitoring of the atmosphere of megacities and industrial facilities, wind energy, air security and scientific research. The most widespread and significant are lidar systems for analyzing the atmosphere aerosol distribution and chemical air composition, as well as wind speed and direction [1]. In lidar sensing of the atmosphere, e. g., when constructing wind profiles or the backscatter coefficient (cloud profile), the useful signal is the result of laser radiation scattering by fine atmosphere aerosol, which is always present in the surface layer. In this case, the detected power of the scattered signal, depending on the distance r, is determined by the lidar equation, which relates the characteristics of the atmosphere and the parameters of the lidar system:
where η is the overall efficiency of the receiving system, P0 is the output power of the lidar source, β(r) is the atmosphere backscattering coefficient, c is the speed of light, τ is the pulse duration, A is the area of ​​the receiving aperture of the lidar, α(r) is the atmosphere attenuation coefficient.

The characteristics of the atmosphere are contained in the coefficients β(r) and α(r), which characterize the presence and distribution of aerosol along the sensing beam. In general, they can be associated with the values ​​of meteorological visibility range (MVR). The value of attenuation α of the atmosphere can be calculated using the empirical formula:

where ,

where λ is the wavelength [µm], V is the MVR [km], and α [km–1].

The Earth’s atmosphere has a significant impact on the efficiency of any lidar: a change in meteorological conditions from clear skies to dense clouds or fog, rain, blizzard or hurricane leads to a significant decrease in the range of the lidar, up to its complete inefficiency due to superintense scattering and absorption of sounding radiation already in near zone. In other words, with a decrease in the meteorological visibility range, the effective range of the atmosphere lidar also decreases. The table shows typical ranges of operation of the IVL‑5000 Doppler lidar [2], depending on the state of the atmosphere and the MVR value. A decrease in the lidar operating range is associated with a significant increase in atmosphere losses due to scattering and attenuation of optical radiation by a large aerosol, which forms a fog and is typical for various types of precipitation.

The wavelengths of radio-­frequency systems for sensing the atmosphere are 3 to 4 orders longer than optical ones. This leads to a high penetrating ability of radio emission in conditions of dense atmosphere formations, rain and storms, but makes them practically useless in a clean atmosphere, since the scattering centers (particles of fine aerosol and dust) are extremely small for effective scattering of radio frequency radiation. In other words, radio frequency weather radars are most effective in adverse weather conditions with low visibility. In the case of a volume-­distributed target, the power received by the radar is determined by the following equation:
where: Pt is the output power of the source, G is the antenna gain, θ is the angular field of the antenna, τ is the pulse duration, s is the speed of light, K is the coefficient taking into account the characteristics of precipitation, Z is the reflectivity, Latm is the atmosphere attenuation to the target, LMF is losses in the electronic processing channel.

The reflectivity of atmosphere precipitation during radar sensing is associated with the size distribution of scattering centers, the rate of precipitation and other factors, but in a first and fairly accurate approximation it can be expressed by the following relationship:
where: D is the size of the scattering particle, N(D) is the concentration of particles with size D in a unit volume.

Thus, it is possible to relate the characteristic values ​​of the reflectivity of meteorological radars with the coefficient of backscattering and attenuation of the atmosphere for the lidar, since the detected signal in both cases is formed by scattering and reflection on particles in the atmosphere.

Taking into account these features of the radiation interaction with aerosol, it seems logical to combine two measuring systems based on a lidar of the optical range and a radio range with the same spatial and temporal resolution, ensuring all-weather measurements. Work in the direction of combining optical-­radio frequency devices of sensing the atmosphere is being implemented in many countries [3, 4]. In Russia, the combination of lidar and radar on a single mobile platform to ensure all-weather measurements was carried out by Laser Systems LLC [3].

As a result of the analysis of the dependence of the working distances on the meteorological reflectivity of the atmosphere [5], it was shown that the effective functioning of the classical X-band Doppler radar systems is possible under specific weather conditions, when the reflectivity of atmosphere objects is not lower than a certain value, which is critical for the optical range and sharply reduces the operating range. Therefore, when using two bands, optical and radio frequency, a weather “blind zone” appears. In it, the typical operating ranges of both systems are of the order of 2 kilometers or less. This turns out to be unacceptable for the meteorological complex of air navigation and flight safety under changing meteorological conditions in wide ranges. Furthermore, the natural blind zone for X-radars can be more than 3 kilometers.

Mathematical modeling shows that the addition of a millimeter-wave radar (Ka-band weather radar) closes this weather “blind zone” and makes it possible to ensure all-weather measurement of wind parameters with a minimum working distance of more than 5 000 meters (Fig. 1) in all weather conditions, up to average precipitation [3].

In the course of modernization of the two-stage complex, a three-band (X, Ka and IR) complex of all-weather meteorological support “Lira‑3” was developed and is currently being tested [6]. The appearance of the complex is shown in Fig. 2.

The first experimental studies of the joint operation of three channels show that there is not only a qualitative, but also a quantitative coincidence of the obtained values ​​of the wind parameters. Some results of measuring the vertical wind speed profile, carried out in April 2019 in St. Petersburg [4], are shown in the graphs (Fig. 3).

The described system is capable to provide comprehensive all-weather diagnostics of the meteorological situation for the timely detection of dangerous weather phenomena in the take-off / landing zone. Such phenomena include wind shear in the surface layer, wake vortexes behind the aircraft. The system can determine the horizontal and vertical visibility. It should be noted that the efficiency of using such complexes increases significantly when they are retrofitted with special local tools of monitoring the meteorological situation [2].

When 3 sensing ranges work together, the advantage of one range or another will be determined by the state of weather conditions that change over time. When the meteorological conditions change from a clear sky to a light rain, and then to a rainfall, the IR lidar, Ka-band radar, X-band radar will have the greatest efficiency, according to the state of weather conditions.

Another advantage with such integration is the possibility of more accurate atmosphere path profiling, classification of the observed objects, and a reduction in the screening effect. Thus, for example, a light cloud or haze, which has an extremely weak response in the radio frequency ranges, turns out to be contrasting for an IR lidar. At the same time, the dense cloud formation, completely blocking IR radiation and shielding the subsequent atmosphere path, becomes relatively transparent to RF radiation.

Obtaining data of the atmosphere reflectivity profiles in each of the frequency ranges, a semblance of hyperspectral profiling of the atmosphere path is implemented. A promising direction is also the integration of an optical-­radio frequency system with a lidar channel for measuring the chemical composition of the atmosphere. Such measurements may be in demand. Specialists not only from the field of applied meteorology can use the results of such measurements. The results will be of interest for climatology, ecology, technologies for liquidation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters and many other areas of professional activity.

The demand for optical-­radio-frequency systems for the atmosphere remote sensing is growing all over the world. Many applications require minimizing the weight and size parameters and increasing the mobility of the complexes up to installation on a mobile chassis. When such requirements are met, the implementation of optical-­radio-frequency systems for the atmosphere remote sensing by combining independent lidar and radio frequency sensing tools only at the upper level of processing the received data turns out to be suboptimal. The complex becomes expensive, oversized, difficult to deploy and transport. Under these conditions, development prospects are seen in the integration of sensing tools not only at the signal processing level, but also at the physical level. The introduction of microwave photonic technologies, which are actively developing at present, will allow not only to reduce the mass and size characteristics of the complexes, but also to increase their operational characteristics. We are talking about low-noise microwave photonic master oscillators with high phase stability [7], diagram-­forming optoelectronic methods, high-frequency electro-­optical conversion in the receiving path of radars and, finally, the so-called radio-­photon analog-to-digital conversion [8].

The authors express their sincere gratitude to D. N. Vasiliev, S. Yu. Strakhov and to all peers from BSTU “Voenmekh” and Laser Systems LLC, as well as to G. G. Shchukin, V. Yu. Zhukov and M. Yu. Ilyin for their participation, useful advice and discussions during the work.

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About authors
Kim A. A., Ph.D, BSTU “VOENMEH” named after D. F. Ustinov, St. Petersburg.
ORCID: 0000-0002-8923-2953
Boreysho A. S., Dr. Sc., Professor, BSTU “VOENMEH” D. F. Ustinov, St. Petersburg.
ORCID: 0000-0002-3245-9321
M.  A. Konyaev, Dr. Sc., BSTU “VOENMEH” named after D. F. Ustinov, St. Petersburg.
ORCID: 0000-0001-8884-0861
A. S. Michaylenko, Laser Systems JSC, St. Petersburg.
ORCID: 0000-0002-4710-9594

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of the team of authors

Development and research are carried out at the expense of Laser Systems JSC.

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The authors claim that they have no conflict of interest.
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