DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2020.14.4.332.337

A standard series of Stirling microcryogenic systems has been created for photoreceiving modules operating in the IR spectral ranges of 3–5 microns and 7–14 microns. The series includes four types of Stirling reverse cycle systems of integral and differential execution. The results of tests with a cooling capacity of 400, 500, 750 mW (77K, +60 °C) are presented. In the design and manufacture of systems, technological solutions were used that increase the efficiency and service life in the temperature range of cryostatting 70–150K.

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Issue #4/2020
A. V. Samvelov, S. G. Yasev, A. S. Moskalenko, V. V. Startsev, A. Yu. Baranov, O. V. Pakhomov
Domestic Microcryogenics: Microcryogenic Systems for Photo Detectors
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2020.14.4.332.337

A standard series of Stirling microcryogenic systems has been created for photoreceiving modules operating in the IR spectral ranges of 3–5 microns and 7–14 microns. The series includes four types of Stirling reverse cycle systems of integral and differential execution. The results of tests with a cooling capacity of 400, 500, 750 mW (77K, +60 °C) are presented. In the design and manufacture of systems, technological solutions were used that increase the efficiency and service life in the temperature range of cryostatting 70–150K.
Domestic Microcryogenics: Microcryogenic Systems for Photo Detectors

A. V. Samvelov 1, S. G. Yasev 1, A. S. Moskalenko 1, V. V. Startsev 1, A. Yu. Baranov 2, O. V. Pakhomov 2

Optical-­Mechanical Design Bureau ASTROHN JSC, Lytkarino, Moscow Region, Russia
St. Petersburg University of Precision Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University), St. Petersburg, Russia

A standard series of Stirling microcryogenic systems has been created for photoreceiving modules operating in the IR spectral ranges of 3–5 microns and 7–14 microns. The series includes four types of Stirling reverse cycle systems of integral and differential execution. The results of tests with a cooling capacity of 400, 500, 750 mW (77K, +60 °C) are presented. In the design and manufacture of systems, technological solutions were used that increase the efficiency and service life in the temperature range of cryostatting 70–150K.

Keywords: Stirling microcryogenic systems, starting power, stationary mode, cryostatting temperature

Received: 24.03.2020
Accepted: 24.04.2020

Image visualization, scanning, aiming, pointing, remote sensing around the clock in all weather conditions require the use of cooled IR modules. An integral part of IR modules is miniature cooling systems called Stirling microcryogenic systems (MCS) [1].

Photoelectronics technologies are critical technologies that determine the degree of technological development of machine vision, artificial intelligence, unmanned navigation. However, the level of modern photoelectronics in many respects depends on the technology of cooled photoreceiving modules (PRM) and cryostatic microcryogenic systems. The stability of the photoelectric characteristics of photoreceiving devices depends on the MCS: volt and current sensitivity, detection ability, temperature difference equivalent to noise, etc.

At present, Russian enterprises do not provide serial production of effective Stirling MCS. It is important for the domestic customer not only to be able to purchase Russian MCSs for cryostatization of the PRM, the main thing is to be able to choose highly efficient MCS, with the necessary heat and power characteristics, in a convenient layout for the equipment being developed [2, 3]. ASTROHN DB JSC has created a range of effective Stirling MCS. For the purpose of producing a standard size range, it is necessary to conduct tests and determine the values ​​of the parameters of the devices.

The object of the study is the model range created at ASTROHN DB JSC, which includes four types of Stirling MCS of integral and differential design with a cooling capacity of 400, 500, 750 mW (77K, 60 °C). When designing the MCS, to increase the efficiency and resource of the MCS, innovative technological solutions were used. During the start-up period, the system operates at maximum speed, providing the required availability time. When the operating temperature of cryostatization is reached, the system switches to a mode providing only suppression of heat inflows. Thus, the MCS operates in power saving mode. The MCS operation features determine stringent requirements for vibration activity. The main characteristics of the MCS, developed and manufactured by ASTRON DB JSC, are shown in the table. The external appearance of microcryogenic systems is shown in Figs. 1 and 2.

Microcryogenic systems underwent start-up tests under normal climatic conditions (NCC), as well as under the influence of elevated ambient temperature Tamb = 50 °C in combination with thermal models of KNGU.32.50.00. Test graphs are illustrated in Fig. 3–6.

The design of the microcryogenic system of the MKS400SR model is performed according to the Stirling split (rotational) scheme. During testing, the device was launched as part of a heat simulator with its own heat gain of 200 mW. Streams were measured under NCC. The cooled mass of the thermal model in copper equivalent was 4 g.

As can be seen from the graph (Fig. 3), the time to reach the MCS cryostatting mode under NCC is 5 minutes 20 s, at an ambient temperature of Tamb = 50 °C, the start-up time was 7 minutes 30 s. In this case, the starting power of the system did not exceed 18 W. In stationary mode, the power consumption of the MCS reached 5.5 W. At ambient temperature Tamb = 50 °C, the values ​​reached 21.5 W and 6.1 W, respectively. The MCS refueling pressure with a cryoagent of 3.4 MPa.

Another device from the developed range of cooling systems is the MKS400SL. The system is made according to the Stirling split (linear) scheme. In tests, the MKS400SL was launched with the same thermal model as the previous system. The graph demonstrates (Fig. 4) that the time to reach the MCS cryostatting mode under NCC was 5 minutes 45 s, at ambient temperature Tamb = 50 °C the time reached 8 minutes 15 s. At the same time, the starting power of the system under NCC was 20.5 watts. The stationary power consumption of the MCS was 5.8 watts. At ambient temperature Tamb = 50 °C, the values were 23.2 W and 6.4 W, respectively. MCS refueling pressure with a cryogenic agent was 3.2 MPa.

The design of the MKS500 cooling system is based on the integrated Stirling circuit. During testing, the system was launched as part of a heat simulator with its own heat input of 220 mW, measured under NCC. The cooled mass of the thermal model in copper equivalent is 4 g.
According to the graph (Fig. 5), the time to reach the MCS cryostatting mode under NCC was 4 minutes 32 s, and at ambient temperature Tamb = 50 °C the time increased to 6 minutes 28 s. The starting power of the system was 17.3 watts. Power consumption in stationary mode also demonstrated energy efficiency and did not exceed 4.6 watts. At ambient temperature Tamb = 50 °C, the power values ​​reached 19.6 W and 5.9 W, respectively. MCS refueling pressure with a cryogenic agent was 3.5 MPa.

The MKS750 device is made in the integrated Stirling design. During testing, it was launched in conjunction with a thermal simulator with its own heat input of 310 mW. The measurements were carried out under NCC. The cooled mass of the thermal model in copper equivalent is 7 g.
The schedule of operational tests (Fig. 6) shows that the time to reach the MCS cryostatting mode under NCC was 4 minutes 55 s, and at an ambient temperature of Tamb = 50 °C it increased to 6 minutes 48 seconds. The starting power of the system was 26.3 watts. The stationary power consumption of the MCS reaches 6.7 watts. At an ambient temperature of 50 °C, the values ​​acquire the corresponding values ​​of 29.6 W and 8.3 W. MCS refueling pressure with a cryogenic agent was 4.6 MPa.

The MCS is being tested with thermal models of KNGU.32.50.00 MTBF. The thermal load to the thermal models was measured by the gravimetric method without taking into account the influence of the enthalpy of the exhaust vapor. Additional thermal load in the cryozone of thermal models was not supplied during testing.

The standard size range of microcryogenic Stirling reverse cycle systems covers the range of required values ​​in the range of cryostatting temperatures of 70–150K. Tests have shown the performance of microcryogenic systems and reproducibility of operating parameters. The size range is intended for the assembly of standardized photoreceiving modules (PRMs) operating in the infrared ranges of the spectrum of 3–5 microns and 7–14 microns. The PRM is based on photosensitive matrices of formats 128 × 128, 256 × 256, 320 × 256 and 640 × 512 elements based on InSb, КРТ, QWIP’s technology, as well as hot detectors, which provide the tactical and technical characteristics of the optic-­electronic complexes of promising armaments and military and special purpose equipment.

Samvelov Andrey Vitalievich, Cand.of Tech. Sci.,, head of research center "Micro-cryogenic systems" JSC "OKB "ASTRON",, Corresponding member of the international Academy of Cold, Lytkarino, Mosk. region, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0001-5840-7626
Yasev Serey Gennadevich, Project Manager "Microcryogenic Systems", JSC "Optical and Mechanical Design Bureau" ASTRON ",, Lytkarino, Moscow. region, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0003-1792-6849
Moskalenko Alexander Sergeevich, head of the vacuum section, JSC "Opto-mechanical Design Bureau" ASTRON ",, Lytkarino, Mosk. region, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-1657-5015
Startsev Vadim Valerevich, Cand.of Tech. Sci., Chief Designer, JSC Astron Optical-Mechanical Design Bureau,, Lytkarino, Mosk. region, Russia.
ORCID: 0000-0002-2800-544X
Baranov Alexander Yurievich professor of practice, ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0003-2465-4642
Pakhomov Oleg Vsevolodovich, Associate Professor, Department of Cryogenic Engineering ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0001-8228-6329

Contribution by the members of the team of authors
The article was prepared on the basis of many years of work by all members of the team of authors.

Conflict of interest
The authors claim that they have no conflict of interest. All authors took part in writing the article and supplemented the manuscript in part of their work.
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