DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.8.750.759

Comparison of the two concepts – ​metamaterials, in particular optical, and pre-specified properties’ composites which structure is calculated by means of the optimal control theory (OCT) is made. Their general theses, as well as fundamental differences, are shown. The «natural niches» of both concepts, complementary aspects and limits of applicability are indicated. The fundamental problems of computational predictions due to the lack of the radiation – ​matter interaction complete theory are briefly discussed too.

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Issue #8/2019
N. N. Shchitov
Optical metamaterials are the reality of today and the routine of tomorrow. Part 1. Comparison of the concepts of metamaterials and composites with desired properties
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.8.750.759

Comparison of the two concepts – ​metamaterials, in particular optical, and pre-specified properties’ composites which structure is calculated by means of the optimal control theory (OCT) is made. Their general theses, as well as fundamental differences, are shown. The «natural niches» of both concepts, complementary aspects and limits of applicability are indicated. The fundamental problems of computational predictions due to the lack of the radiation – ​matter interaction complete theory are briefly discussed too.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.8.750.759

Optical Metamaterials – ​
The Reality of Today
and the Routine of Tomorrow
Part 1. Comparison of the metamaterials
and pre-specified properties’ composites concepts.

N. N. Sсhitov,, All-­Russia Research Institute of Automatics named after
N. L. Dukhov (VNIIA). State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM, Moscow

Comparison of the two concepts – ​metamaterials, in particular optical, and pre-specified properties’ composites which structure is calculated by means of the optimal control theory (OCT) is made. Their general theses, as well as fundamental differences, are shown. The «natural niches» of both concepts, complementary aspects and limits of applicability are indicated. The fundamental problems of computational predictions due to the lack of the radiation – ​matter interaction complete theory are briefly discussed too.

Keywords: Metamaterials, metaparticles, Optimal Control Theory, Superlattices

Received: 07.10.2019. Accepted: 28.10.2019.
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