Laser products that generate laser radiation at the same time at several wavelengths are widely used in both civil and military fields of activity. Hygienic standardization of multi-wave laser radiation has its own specifics. The formulas for calculating the maximum permissible levels of radiation, regulated in the domestic laser safety regulations, are not sufficiently correct. The article presents evidence of the need to make changes to existing documents on laser safety.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.

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Issue #3/2019
B. N. Rakhmanov, V. I. Kezik, V. T. Kibovsky, S. V. Tikhomirov
Computational Methods for Estimating the Degree of Danger of Multi-Wave Laser Radiation
Laser products that generate laser radiation at the same time at several wavelengths are widely used in both civil and military fields of activity. Hygienic standardization of multi-wave laser radiation has its own specifics. The formulas for calculating the maximum permissible levels of radiation, regulated in the domestic laser safety regulations, are not sufficiently correct. The article presents evidence of the need to make changes to existing documents on laser safety.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.
Laser products that generate laser radiation at the same time at several wavelengths are widely used in both civil and military fields of activity. Hygienic standardization of multi-wave laser radiation has its own specifics. The formulas for calculating the maximum permissible levels of radiation, regulated in the domestic laser safety regulations, are not sufficiently correct. The article presents evidence of the need to make changes to existing documents on laser safety.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.
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