Requirement of the emerging industrial markets of the early withdrawal of high-tech products led to the creation of a separate industrial photonics industry in Russia. The first part of the review has showed the structure of the industry, the current state and the problems hindering its development, which are characteristic of all domestic high-tech, were considered. A business that has been strengthened through the use of the results of this industry should take the bulk of the funding for applied research and development on the industry, leaving the state only funding for fundamental and individual prospecting work on photonics and its applications, as well as purely defense tasks. The second part of the review discrabes priorities and challenges facing the industry in Russia. Their solution will allow to use the high potential inherent in photonics.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.

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Issue #3/2019
I. B. Kovsh
Photonics in Russia: state and challenges. Part II
Requirement of the emerging industrial markets of the early withdrawal of high-tech products led to the creation of a separate industrial photonics industry in Russia. The first part of the review has showed the structure of the industry, the current state and the problems hindering its development, which are characteristic of all domestic high-tech, were considered. A business that has been strengthened through the use of the results of this industry should take the bulk of the funding for applied research and development on the industry, leaving the state only funding for fundamental and individual prospecting work on photonics and its applications, as well as purely defense tasks. The second part of the review discrabes priorities and challenges facing the industry in Russia. Their solution will allow to use the high potential inherent in photonics.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.
Requirement of the emerging industrial markets of the early withdrawal of high-tech products led to the creation of a separate industrial photonics industry in Russia. The first part of the review has showed the structure of the industry, the current state and the problems hindering its development, which are characteristic of all domestic high-tech, were considered. A business that has been strengthened through the use of the results of this industry should take the bulk of the funding for applied research and development on the industry, leaving the state only funding for fundamental and individual prospecting work on photonics and its applications, as well as purely defense tasks. The second part of the review discrabes priorities and challenges facing the industry in Russia. Their solution will allow to use the high potential inherent in photonics.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.
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