Issue #4/2018
V. P. Lopasov, I. V. Ivonin
Generation of a new-type laser radiation for solving knowledge-based applied problems. Part II
Generation of a new-type laser radiation for solving knowledge-based applied problems. Part II
It is necessary to use laser radiation with a stable wavefront for communication, aerospace and atmos-pheric-optical devices. The turbulence of the atmosphere distorts the wavefront of radiation as it propagates, especially on large paths exceeding 1–5 km. The disadvantage of lasers built on electric dipole (ED) junctions lies in this. The laser channels of magnetomultipolar (MM) radiation on the MM electronic transition are relevant from the point of view of the stability of the wave front in the atmosphere. The physical basis of such a laser was described in the first part of the article. A spin-flip mode for generating laser MM radiation and its application area are described in the second part of the article.
Теги: biharmonic pumping radiation electron-ion ensemble molecular gas optical "solenoid-resonator". prepared magnetomultipole transition self-organization ансамбль электрон-ион бигармоническое излучение накачки молекулярный газ оптический "соленоид-резонатор" приготовленный магнитомультипольный переход самоорганизация
new representation of laser radiation is based on the physics of laser consisting of two elements: molecular gas and biharmonic pumping radiation (BR).
Specific manner of the "collective of fields + molecular gas" system ("CF+MG") system
The self-organization process of the "CF+MG" system into an ensemble of diamagnetic electron-ion nanoparticles is formed after the volume of coherence (1) is filled by molecules of H2O at a concentration of ~ 1016 m‑3. The concentration of N2 should be 7 orders of magnitude more.[2]
In this case, the mean distance between molecules of H2O is ~ 10–6m, light passes it during 1,5 · 10–14 s. This time is enough for launching the mechanism of 2D feedback in the molecules of H2O of the "CF + MG" system. The BR field has here the coherence of the first order at the spatial-temporal (ST) points (r1, t1), (r2, t2) with the correlation function of the first order g(1) (r1, t1, r2, t2) [8]. As the distance between the molecules of H2O is great, then to study the processes in the "CF+MG" system, it is enough, at first, to study one collision of the molecules H2O and N2 and take into account the average energy of the molecules H2O in the volume (1). Then one can average the result of elastic collision revealed for one molecule H2O taking into account the exciting pumping BR for obtaining analogous result for the molecules H2O randomly oriented relatively to N2.
In addition, at the stage of elastic collision
The molecule H2O is displaced for only 10–10 m. That means, one can assume the molecule of H2O to be fixed in space but increasing the tensor of gyration gq = 0 → g q* at the stage of elastic collision τECM with a molecule of N2 (6).
In this approximation, the Lorentz and Coriolis forces and the mechanism of two-dimensional non-local feedback at each step T+q / 4 of the stage (6) [14]:
1. separate the charges of the valence (bound) electron –e and ion i of the molecule H2O according to the states of the VR transition (5) orthogonally and along of the Z axis of the coherent pumping BR;
2. prepare the MM electron transition with a uniformly broadened contour in the range of the VR transition due to ST variance of the collective of fields;
3. form the complex refractive index
of the optically active ensemble of diamagnetic electron-ion nanoparticles with functional relation of Re and Im parts at the prepared MM transition.
1. 1) low-frequency (starting) ED and high-frequency magnetic multipole (working) HF transitions, combined by a lower state into a V circuit,
2. 2) the self-organization of the "CF+MG" system into an ensemble of diamagnetic nanoparticles on a MM electronic transition with a potential "well" prepared on the electron surface in the region of the highly excited state of the KV transition,
3. 3) the mechanism of the 2D OS between the energies of the quadratic Stark and Zeeman effects under extreme conditions on the "CF+MG" system (2),
4. 4) self-excitation of the generation of MM radiation at the frequency of the prepared MM transition at the time when the threshold diamagnetic energy is accumulated at its highly excited level.
Mathematical description of the physical basis of MM laser requires development of the QEMD approach to formation of the complex refractive index of the optically active ensemble of diamagnetic electron-ion nanoparticles (7).
Generation of the laser MM radiation is based on two physical principles [30, 31] and critical conditions (2) for the "CF+MG" system.
1. The principle of "coherent superposition" of the quantum states [30], in particular, three states of the V-diagram of VR transitions of the molecule H2O in the collective of fields consisting of electric and magnetic components of the elastic collision field of the molecules H2O and N2, the BR pumping field and the Rayleigh scattering field. The principle of "coherent superposition" is applicable to both microparticles and macroscopic objects. One formulation for molecules says: "if the system can be in different states, it can simultaneously be in two or more states at the same time".
Taking as the individual states of the molecule the spatial coordinates of its mass center, we obtain that the molecule is capable of taking different positions in space. More precisely, the molecule can be instantaneously at all points of space, i. e. be "smeared" in the entire coherent spatial-temporal (ST) continuum.
1. The Fermat principle in wave optics says [31]: a light ray moves from the initial point to the final point along a trajectory that minimizes the time spent. Minimization of time when light passes through the medium occurs due to nano- or femto-ordering of electric ε(r, t) and magnetic μ(r, t) permeability tensors [29].
The technology of generation of the MM radiation is based on the open self-organization of the "CF+MG" system into an ensemble of electron-ion nanoparticles under critical conditions (2). The conditions (2) are given in such a way that the Fermat principle and the "coherent superposition" principle for the molecular gas (H2O+N2) in the coherence volume of the BR pumping (1) are realized simultaneously in the system. In molecules H2O, according to the V-diagram, the dependence of the probability of a working VR transition not only on the amplitude, polarization and difference ω–q, the sum ω+q of the frequencies of the components EB⊥, HB⊥ of the BR pumping is created, but also on the cross terms BC∥⊥q and DC⊥∥q of the components of the induced dipole moments (3), (4). Simultaneously (at asymmetry I1q/12q ≠ 1), the amplitude-phase modulation is realized in the V-diagram of the transitions [32], which for the BR pumping field becomes the internal sign-variable ±А⊥ and Ф∥ modulation on every quarter of the period T+q / 4 ≤ 10–15 of the average carrier frequency of the BR pumping (Fig. 7).
The step of the BR pumping field equal to T+q / 4 ~ ħ / I0 ≤ 10–15 s makes it possible to use the non-locality effect of the response of valence electron of the molecule for controlling operation of the feedback between the energies of the quadratic Stark and Zeeman effects in time and space (1). Here 2I0 = e4m / 2ħ2 is the unit of energy for the ionization of the hydrogen atom [23]. The non-locality effect of the response is that the valence electron of the molecules H2O, arriving to the point rq from the point r΄q in time T+q / 4 ≤ 10–15 s, brings the memory of the action of the vector sum of both electric EΣ⊥∥q and magnetic HΣ∥⊥q components of the collective of fields at the point r΄q on it.
The mechanism of the two-dimensional feedback corrects the given asymmetry of the BR pumping intensities through the cross terms BC∥⊥q and DC⊥∥q in Eq. (3) and Eq. (4) for different volume (1) points at each step T+q / 4 ≤ 10–15. In this case, the rate of transformation of the zero node (from I1q=0 / 12q=0 = 1) of the intersection of the components EΣ⊥∥q and HΣ∥⊥q into a saddle-shaped node (up to I1q / 12q±1) increases.
The following dynamics are self-coordinated in the molecules H2O:
1. The states of the VR transitions (5);
2. Crossing- longitudinal non-local control of the electron –e motion by the collective of fields;
3. Crossing-longitudinal components of the Umov-Pointing vector J ~ EΣ⊥∥q HΣ∥⊥ relatively the Z-axis of the BR pumping.
At the stage (6), the non-local non-linearity J ~ EΣ⊥∥q HΣ∥⊥q passes along the contour of the two-dimensional feedback and, connecting the molecules H2O in the Fresnel zones of the volume (1), non-linearly increases the probability of the magnetic multipole (working) VR transition (5).
Self-organization of the molecules H2O into an ensemble of nanoparticles is accompanied by inter-dependence of the ST variance Re n΄⊥∥q*, diamagnetic susceptibility Im – and the diamagnetic energy at the working VR transition .
As a consequence, the mechanism of two-dimensional non-lineal and non-local feedback at the stage (6):
1. anisoptopically accumulates the "quantum polarization" diamagnetic susceptibility [33], the gyration tensor gq = 0 → g q, and the diamagnetic energy at the highly excited state of the working VR transition;
2. lauches the self-organization of the "CF+MG" system into an electron-ion ensemble bound by a standing wave field of the s polarization (SWSP). The electron-ion ensemble takes the shape of a multi-cylindrical "solenoid-cavity" [13, 14, 34] due to the femto-second ordering of the tensors of electric ε (r⊥∥q, t΄q) and magnetic μ (r⊥∥q, t΄΄q) permeability of the molecular gas;
3. form the phase of the incipient wave of MM radiation at a frequency ω+q → ωXq* in each SWSP profile for odd Fresnel zones (the "solenoid-cavity" mode). In each SWSP profile, a phase shift π is added to the odd bands and causes the even and odd Fresnel zones "to work in phase" relatively to the point PX located on the Z axis far beyond the "solenoid-cavity" threshold, it is the quantum analog of the hyperlenses system [35].
That is, the mechanism of the two-dimensional feedback, resonantly amplifying the gyrotropic property of the molecules, at the stage (6) it transforms the energy of the collective of fields at the frequencies 2ω–q, 2ω+q and the energy of the electron-rotational-vibrational motion of the molecules H2O into their threshold diamagnetic energy at the frequency 2ωXq* = 2ω+q* through the nonlinear factor J ~ EΣ⊥∥q HΣ∥⊥q.
In this case, the threshold diamagnetic energy depends on the energy of the collective of fields perturbing the molecules H2O with a given step T+q / 4 ≤ 10–15 s, and also on the V-diagram of the VR transitions during the self-organization of the "CF+MG" system into an ensemble of diamagnetic electron-ion nanoparticles at the stage (6).
The following factors play a key role in the QEMD at the stage (6):
1. Elastic collisions of the molecules N2 and H2O and the V-diagram of the VR transitions provide:
• decrease of the symmetry of the molecules H2O due to the increase of the gyration tensor gq = 0 → g q*;
• sign-variable ±А⊥ and Ф∥ modulation at each quarter-period T+q / 4 ≤ 10–15;
• increase of the "quantum polarization" diamagnetic susceptibility [33];
2. The Biot-Savart law provides stability of the magnetic field strength H∥q* = k1 4 π nf∥q* jnf⊥q* along the solenoid axis [36].
In particular, it provides stability of the magnetic field strength along the axis of a multi-cylindrical (according to the Fresnel zones number) optical "solenoid-cavity" self-organized in the "CF + MG" system in the form of SWSP. Here k1 = 1/c in the Gauss system, nf∥q* and jnf⊥q* is the number of turns (wavelengths of MM radiation) on the "solenoid-cavity" length and the electron current in the sections λXd* = λ+q* in each Fresnel zone.
3. The addition of the components of the collective of fields JEΣ⊥∥q and HΣ∥⊥q to the field of the molecules H2O leads to a phase conjugation of the field of the BR spherical wave with p polarization with the field of Rayleigh scattering along the feedback loop in the range of the anomalous ST variance of n΄⊥∥q* light at the VR transitions (5).
In this case, all Fresnel zones "work in phase" relatively to the point PX located on the Z axis far beyond the "solenoid-cavity".
4. The difference between the properties of the electric and magnetic photons [37] opens the possibility of spin-flip generation of MM radiation at the frequency of the prepared MM electronic transition.
The total momentum of the electric photon is equal to J=L+S, which is the vector sum of the spin S=1 and the orbital L momentums, where L is nothing else than the rank of the spherical functions YLm that are part of the wave function of a photon having parity (–1)J. The total momentum of a magnetic photon having parity (–1)J+1 coincides with the orbital momentum J = L. The spin of the magnetic photon S = 1 implicitly presents in the orbital momentum L as an element of the rank of spherical functions.
Under critical conditions (2), which affect the interaction of the magnetic photon with the valence electron of the molecule H2O, the photon spin Sf=1 and the electron spin se=±1/2 are oriented relatively to the Z axis of the MM radiation at the stage (6). At each step T+q / 4 ≤ 10–15 of the stage (6), the Lorentz, Coriolis, and two-dimensional feedback forces control the motion –e for resonant nonlinear amplification of the spin-orbit interaction.
The moments of ending the stage (6) is:
1. the gyration tensor of the molecules H2O has reached the threshold value gq = 0 → g q*;
2. the spin of the valence electron of the molecules H2O and the spin of the magnetic photon have ordered between each other ↑↓ relatively to the Z-axis of the pumping BR.
3. the orbit of the valence electron of each molecule H2O along (||) the Z-axis has reached the size λXd* = λ+q* , and the size λXd* = λ+q*/2 orthogonally the Z-axis in each Fresnel zone;
4. each electron-ion nanoparticle has become a quantum nanoresonator at its part of the range 250–900 nm, see Fig. 8.
5. the MM electron transition with the threshold diamagnetic susceptibility and the threshols diamagnetic energy of electron-ion nanoparticles has been prepared;
6. the "solenoid-cavity" with optically active ensemble of diamagnetic nanoparticles in the form of SWSP at the frequency of MM electron transition 2ωXq* = 2ω+q* has taken the property of multi-cylindrical "threaded hose" with the step λXd* = 2π/k;
7. the full ST coherence of MM radiation of the order mDJmnZ has been realized [14]; mDJmnZ is the Fresnel zones number in the volume (1) at the half-wavelength of the MM radiation λXd*/2;
8. an additional potential "well" is formed on the electron surface of the molecules H2O in the range of the highly excited state of the working VR transition. The spatial degeneracy of the diamagnetic energy with respect to the magnetic energy Jm-sublevels is relieved in the potential "well", Fig. 9.
9. the electron-ion nanoparticles have taken a unit measure equal to:
• the wavelength of MM radiation λXd* = λ+q*,
• the nanoresonator length λXd* = λ+q* along the Z-axis of the "solenoid-cavity" and
• the half-length λXd* / 2 orthogonally ⊥ the Z-axis in each Fresnel zone.
The diamagnetism of the optical "solenoid-cavity" is caused by the macroscopic control of the motion of the valence electron of the molecules H2O in the modes (Fresnel zones) up to the threshold spatial-temporal velocities.
The optically active medium in the "solenoid-cavity" acquires the property of a photonic liquid-crystal (LC) medium and the property of a superconductor with absolute diamagnetic susceptibility ≈ –1 / 4 π [38]. The ensemble of diamagnetic electron-ion nanoparticles has a ST ordering of the complex refractive index (7) with a factor of β⊥∥q* ≈ –1 / 4 π .
Spin-flip generation mode of the laser MM radiation
Diamagnetic electron-ion nanoparticles mD in all Fresnel zones of the optical "solenoid-cavity" have the interdependence of the Re and Im parts of the complex refractive index (7) and the radiation line contour in the form of a δ-shaped function, Fig. 10.
Along the Z-axis of the "solenoid-cavity" at the frequency λXd* = λ+q* of the prepared MM electron transition, generation of the MM laser radiation with σ polarization is self-excited in the spin-flip mode ↓↑ with the dependently formed characteristics.
Physical basis of the ED radiation includes:
1. Λ-diagram of the Ed transitions (Fig. 11);
2. active medium, cavity and pumping;
3. feedback mechanism realizing the process of interaction between the photons of generation and the active medium in the cavity.
Generation of the ED radiation is self-excited at one of the frequencies of the resonator ωr at the moment when the threshold population inversion has been reached at the natural Ed transition 2 ⇒ 1 , Fig. 11.
Physical basis of MM radiation includes:
1. elastic collision of a working molecule (H2O) with a broadening molecule (N2);
2. a low-frequency (initial) ED transition and a high-frequency magnetic multipole (working) VR transitions combined into a V-diagram by the lowest state;
3. mechanism of two-dimensional feedback between the energies of quadratic Stark δWSt⊥∥q=0 and Zeeman δW˘Z⊥∥q=0 effects in the molecule H2O under critical conditions (2).
An open self-organization of the "CF+MG" system is realized in the volume (1) in an optically active ensemble of diamagnetic electron-ion nanoparticles on a prepared MM electron transition in the range of the working VR transition. The electron-ion nanoparticle ensemble takes the form of a multi-cylindrical "solenoid-cavity" during the stage (6).
The end of stage (6): an additional potential "well" with the threshold diamagnetic susceptibility and the threshold diamagnetic energy W˘Z⊥∥q* of electron-ion nanoparticles in the "solenoid-cavity" on the prepared MM electron transition is formed in the range of the highly excited state of the working VR transition (Fig. 8).
Generation of the MM radiation (Fig. 8) is self-excited in a multi-cylinder optical "solenoid-cavity" in the spin-flip mode at the frequency of the prepared MM electron transition 2ωXq* = 2ω+q*. The characteristics of the MM radiation are formed dependently.
The pumping BR field with π polarization with spherical cross-section intensity distribution at the inlet of the diamagnetic photon LC medium directed along the Fresnel zones creates at the outlet a beam of MM radiation with σ polarization and the divergence
θ⊥∥q* ≈ χd⊥∥q* λXq*/Dq*, (8)
which is one order of magnitude less than the diffraction divergence of the pumping ED radiation. The coefficient χd⊥∥q* ≈ 1 / 4 π is used here, which characterizes the total (electric, magnetic and mechanic) spatial-temporal ordering of the electron-ion nanoparticles in the form of a diamagnetic photon LC medium on the prepared MM electron transition.
The high noise resistance of MM radiation in the atmosphere is caused by the fact that a rigid function relatively the point Px located on the Z-axis far beyond the "solenoid-cavity" is self-organized between the diamagnetic photonic LC medium, the collective of fields, and the Fresnel zones.
In this case, the Biot-Savart law with a stable component H∥q* of MM radiation along the Z axis extends to all Fresnel zones of the multi-cylindrical optical "solenoid-cavity", and to all molecules mD H2O that started from the state к΄.
It follows from the estimates of [39, 40] that the characteristics of the MM radiation are 1 to 7 orders of magnitude greater than the characteristics of the ED of radiation. In this case, the MM radiation has coherence of high order Со = mDJmnz, a screw front and a large orbital magnetic/mechanical moment L = mDJmnzħ, Fig. 12.
The minimum noise-resistant trace of the wave front of MM radiation in the atmosphere is equal to the product of the wavelength of the MM radiation λXd* = λ+q* and the full-order ST coherence of a high order Со = mDJmnz. That is, the minimum noise-resistant trace of MM radiation in the atmosphere is ℓ = λXd*mDJmnz.
For the MM radiation at λXd* = 693.384 nm in the range of the VR magnetic multipole transition of H2O we obtain a minimum noise-resistant trace:
ℓ = 107 ∙ 5 ∙ 694.38 nm ∙ 28 801 ≈ 34.719 ∙ 28,801 ∙ 103 m ≈
≈ 999.94 km at mD ≈ 107, Jm = 5 ,
Δz∥q* = c/δω = 3 ∙ 1010 / 50 ∙ 106 = 6 m, nz = 28 801,
2rnf⊥q* = 1,0 cm.
After the formation of a potential "well" and the threshold diamagnetic energy W˘Z∥⊥q* in the highly excited state of the prepared MM electron transition, the generation of MM radiation with σ polarization is realized at a frequency of W˘Z∥⊥q* in the "solenoid-cavity".
The BR pumping field with π polarization, filling a "solenoid-cavity" at each period TXq* = 2π/TXq* and preparing a diamagnetic energy in it, pushes out of it the field of MM radiation with σ polarization with the diamagnetic energy. That is, generation of MM radiation consists of two connected parts:
1. spin-flip ↓↑ generation of MM radiation with σ polarization at the frequency of ωXq* with diamagnetic energy W˘Z∥⊥q* and
2. spin-flip ↑↓ filling of the "solenoid-cavity" by the BR pumping field with π polarization with formation of the diamagnetic energy W˘Z∥⊥q* on the prepared MM electron transition.
One can write the monochromatic MM radiation in the form
δωXq* ≈ Pemisq* / 2πUstorq*. (9)
Q-factor of the cavity [1] is used in Eq. (9), which is set as Q = ωXq* / δωXq* the ratio of the frequency of MM radiation to the line width δωXq* on the prepared MM transition (Fig. 10) and as Q = 2π ∙ (accumulated energy)/(energy lost during the period TXq*).
The diamagnetic energy accumulated by the ensemble of nanoparticles in the standing wave field of MM radiation with σ polarization is Ustorq* ≈ 2 ∙104 erg at TXq* = 2π/TXq* and ΔVq* ≈ 0,8 ∙ 106 cm3 (S ≈ 0,81 cm2, Δz0q* ≈ 102 and mD ≈ 107) [41, 42]. For the polychromatic pumping laser radiation [41, 42] we obtain the power of the MM radiation Pemisq* ≈ ħωXq* / TXq* = 1,23 ∙ 103 W in the laser cavity on the period TXq* = λXq* / с ≈ 2,31 ∙ 10–15 s. It follows from Eq. (9) that the threshold monochromaticity of the MM radiation at the outlet from the cavity is δωXq* ≈ 1,9 ∙ 10–2 Hz.
Since when the energy of the collective of the pumping fields is moved along a closed V-diagram of the transitions (5), the channels for the loss of diamagnetic energy are practically eliminated, it becomes possible to obtain the pumping efficiency of ~100%.
Characteristics of the field of MM radiation are described by the correlation function g(Co) (r1, t1,...rCo, tCo; rCo, tCo,...r1, t1) = 1 of order Co = mDJmnZ [8]: estimate is present in [39].
1. Working range 250–900 nm.
2. Efficiency of pumping ~100%.
3. Monochromaticity ~1 Hz.
4. Divergence less than diffraction ~ by the factor of 1/4π.
5. Spatial resolution ≤1 cm.
6. Orbital magnetic/mechanic momentum up to 10 000 000 ħ
7. Exceeding of the wave front stability. Over the wave front of ED radiation up to the factor of 10 000 000.
8. Energy of MM radiation is determined by the pumping BR energy.
Communication and aerospace applications
1. High-stable high-speed (≥2 Тb/s) communication with reliability of 10–9 on the Earth-Space-Earth routes with any point of the Earth.
2. High-precision (≤1 cm) navigation of objects on the Earth-Space-Earth paths.
3. United laser control system for low-orbit and geostationary space vehicles in real time.
4. Utilization of "space debris" on the space vehicle orbit.
5. Monitoring of emergency situations on land, on water and under water.
6. Laser-magnetic hardening of aerospace material.
7. High-precision diagnostics of the motion of near-Earth vehicles and underwater objects.
8. Laser-magnetic protection of turbine blades and space materials with wear-resistant coating.
7.2. Medical applications
1. High-frequency high-precision magnetic resonance therapy of oncological diseases, arthritis and arthrosis by means of accumulation of diamagnetic energy by a diseased object.
2. High-precision high-frequency treatment of eye diseases by means of accumulation of diamagnetic energy in a diseased object.
7.3. Atmospheric-optical applications
1. High-precision measurement of electro- and magnetodynamic parameters of molecules, etc.
2. High-precision measurement of the composition and state of the molecular-aerosol atmosphere.
3. High-precision diagnostics of the state of the atmosphere, the Earth’s and the Moon’s surfaces.
4. High-precision monitoring of the state of the channels of the solar-terrestrial communication and determination of the magnitude of magnetic storms affecting the human condition, optical weather and the operation of terrestrial and space communication systems.
Until recently, the phenomena were not discussed in the world literature, where the collective of fields EΣ⊥∥q, HΣ∥⊥q and the molecular gas under extreme macroparameters would be the components of a united QEMD process that produces the generation of MM radiation with anomalous magneto-optical properties. The photon wavelength of such radiation is much larger than the size of the working molecule (that is, the size determining its form-factor, for nuclei this size coincides, of course, with its "radius"), but coincides with the size of the electron-ion nanoparticle. Most recently, it has been suggested that a dynamic process can synthesize a diamagnetic medium and light fields [41, 42]. Extreme macroparameters of the collective of fields and molecular gas can also provide self-organization of ball lightning and the formation of its properties [34]. This process was used in [43] for the development of the MM method of highly sensitive diagnostics of the molecular composition of the atmosphere. It is shown that the sensitivity of the MM method is four orders of magnitude greater than the sensitivity of the laser-induced fluorescence method.
Comparison of the results of the calculation of the self-organization of molecules into an electron-ion ensemble performed within the framework of the S-theorem and based on the growth criterion of the non-locality radius of the response of the valence electron of molecules in the collective of fields allows us to conclude that the QEMD approach to the generation of MM radiation is quite adequate to the estimates of its characteristics [13, 40]. The result of the estimate [39] indicates that the MM radiation has a qualitatively new level of stability of the wave front for coherence of high order, a small attenuation of the intensity on large atmospheric paths and a large magnetic induction in various objects.
The mechanism of the two-dimensional feedback corrects the intra- and intermolecular motion of the electron and ion and changes the energy and geometric structure of the working molecules during time shorter than the duration of their elastic collision with the broadening molecules. This mechanism fits within the framework of the theory of interaction of light with matter [23] and is indirectly confirmed by the results:
1. studies of the dynamics of an anisotropic collision of molecules [44, 45];
2. intra-molecular quantum dynamics [46];
3. phase control of spontaneous radiation [47];
4. non-inert amplification of radiation by changing the phase of the control field [48];
5. non-destructive quantum measurements [49].
The next stages of research development are:
1. QEMD calculation of the self-organization of the electron-ion ensemble on the prepared MM electron transition with generation of MM radiation at its frequency;
2. direct experimental verification of the proposed method for generating MM radiation; and
3. application of MM radiation for solving science-intensive communication, aerospace, atmospheric optical, medical, and other problems.
The authors thanks S. N. Bagaev for discussion of the result of the work at the Academic Council of the Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS and S. M. Kobtsev for a discussion of the results of the work, V. G. Bagrov and A. A. Rukhadze for consultations and useful discussions, V. N. Cherepanov and R. R. Valiev for the analytics of the "field collective + molecular gas" system.
The work was supported by the Skolkovo Foundation No. KTIT‑11 on 18.09.2012 and TRINC of the Tomsk Region in 2014.
Photonics, v.12(№1), 2018. V. P. Lopasov, I. V. Ivonin. Generation of a new-type laser radiation for solving knowledge-based applied problems. Part I. DOI: 10.22184/1993–7296.2018.
Photonics, v.12(№1), 2018. V. P. Lopasov, I. V. Ivonin. Generation of a new-type laser radiation for solving knowledge-based applied problems. Part I. DOI: 10.22184/1993–7296.2018.
new representation of laser radiation is based on the physics of laser consisting of two elements: molecular gas and biharmonic pumping radiation (BR).
Specific manner of the "collective of fields + molecular gas" system ("CF+MG") system
The self-organization process of the "CF+MG" system into an ensemble of diamagnetic electron-ion nanoparticles is formed after the volume of coherence (1) is filled by molecules of H2O at a concentration of ~ 1016 m‑3. The concentration of N2 should be 7 orders of magnitude more.[2]
In this case, the mean distance between molecules of H2O is ~ 10–6m, light passes it during 1,5 · 10–14 s. This time is enough for launching the mechanism of 2D feedback in the molecules of H2O of the "CF + MG" system. The BR field has here the coherence of the first order at the spatial-temporal (ST) points (r1, t1), (r2, t2) with the correlation function of the first order g(1) (r1, t1, r2, t2) [8]. As the distance between the molecules of H2O is great, then to study the processes in the "CF+MG" system, it is enough, at first, to study one collision of the molecules H2O and N2 and take into account the average energy of the molecules H2O in the volume (1). Then one can average the result of elastic collision revealed for one molecule H2O taking into account the exciting pumping BR for obtaining analogous result for the molecules H2O randomly oriented relatively to N2.
In addition, at the stage of elastic collision
The molecule H2O is displaced for only 10–10 m. That means, one can assume the molecule of H2O to be fixed in space but increasing the tensor of gyration gq = 0 → g q* at the stage of elastic collision τECM with a molecule of N2 (6).
In this approximation, the Lorentz and Coriolis forces and the mechanism of two-dimensional non-local feedback at each step T+q / 4 of the stage (6) [14]:
1. separate the charges of the valence (bound) electron –e and ion i of the molecule H2O according to the states of the VR transition (5) orthogonally and along of the Z axis of the coherent pumping BR;
2. prepare the MM electron transition with a uniformly broadened contour in the range of the VR transition due to ST variance of the collective of fields;
3. form the complex refractive index
of the optically active ensemble of diamagnetic electron-ion nanoparticles with functional relation of Re and Im parts at the prepared MM transition.
1. 1) low-frequency (starting) ED and high-frequency magnetic multipole (working) HF transitions, combined by a lower state into a V circuit,
2. 2) the self-organization of the "CF+MG" system into an ensemble of diamagnetic nanoparticles on a MM electronic transition with a potential "well" prepared on the electron surface in the region of the highly excited state of the KV transition,
3. 3) the mechanism of the 2D OS between the energies of the quadratic Stark and Zeeman effects under extreme conditions on the "CF+MG" system (2),
4. 4) self-excitation of the generation of MM radiation at the frequency of the prepared MM transition at the time when the threshold diamagnetic energy is accumulated at its highly excited level.
Mathematical description of the physical basis of MM laser requires development of the QEMD approach to formation of the complex refractive index of the optically active ensemble of diamagnetic electron-ion nanoparticles (7).
Generation of the laser MM radiation is based on two physical principles [30, 31] and critical conditions (2) for the "CF+MG" system.
1. The principle of "coherent superposition" of the quantum states [30], in particular, three states of the V-diagram of VR transitions of the molecule H2O in the collective of fields consisting of electric and magnetic components of the elastic collision field of the molecules H2O and N2, the BR pumping field and the Rayleigh scattering field. The principle of "coherent superposition" is applicable to both microparticles and macroscopic objects. One formulation for molecules says: "if the system can be in different states, it can simultaneously be in two or more states at the same time".
Taking as the individual states of the molecule the spatial coordinates of its mass center, we obtain that the molecule is capable of taking different positions in space. More precisely, the molecule can be instantaneously at all points of space, i. e. be "smeared" in the entire coherent spatial-temporal (ST) continuum.
1. The Fermat principle in wave optics says [31]: a light ray moves from the initial point to the final point along a trajectory that minimizes the time spent. Minimization of time when light passes through the medium occurs due to nano- or femto-ordering of electric ε(r, t) and magnetic μ(r, t) permeability tensors [29].
The technology of generation of the MM radiation is based on the open self-organization of the "CF+MG" system into an ensemble of electron-ion nanoparticles under critical conditions (2). The conditions (2) are given in such a way that the Fermat principle and the "coherent superposition" principle for the molecular gas (H2O+N2) in the coherence volume of the BR pumping (1) are realized simultaneously in the system. In molecules H2O, according to the V-diagram, the dependence of the probability of a working VR transition not only on the amplitude, polarization and difference ω–q, the sum ω+q of the frequencies of the components EB⊥, HB⊥ of the BR pumping is created, but also on the cross terms BC∥⊥q and DC⊥∥q of the components of the induced dipole moments (3), (4). Simultaneously (at asymmetry I1q/12q ≠ 1), the amplitude-phase modulation is realized in the V-diagram of the transitions [32], which for the BR pumping field becomes the internal sign-variable ±А⊥ and Ф∥ modulation on every quarter of the period T+q / 4 ≤ 10–15 of the average carrier frequency of the BR pumping (Fig. 7).
The step of the BR pumping field equal to T+q / 4 ~ ħ / I0 ≤ 10–15 s makes it possible to use the non-locality effect of the response of valence electron of the molecule for controlling operation of the feedback between the energies of the quadratic Stark and Zeeman effects in time and space (1). Here 2I0 = e4m / 2ħ2 is the unit of energy for the ionization of the hydrogen atom [23]. The non-locality effect of the response is that the valence electron of the molecules H2O, arriving to the point rq from the point r΄q in time T+q / 4 ≤ 10–15 s, brings the memory of the action of the vector sum of both electric EΣ⊥∥q and magnetic HΣ∥⊥q components of the collective of fields at the point r΄q on it.
The mechanism of the two-dimensional feedback corrects the given asymmetry of the BR pumping intensities through the cross terms BC∥⊥q and DC⊥∥q in Eq. (3) and Eq. (4) for different volume (1) points at each step T+q / 4 ≤ 10–15. In this case, the rate of transformation of the zero node (from I1q=0 / 12q=0 = 1) of the intersection of the components EΣ⊥∥q and HΣ∥⊥q into a saddle-shaped node (up to I1q / 12q±1) increases.
The following dynamics are self-coordinated in the molecules H2O:
1. The states of the VR transitions (5);
2. Crossing- longitudinal non-local control of the electron –e motion by the collective of fields;
3. Crossing-longitudinal components of the Umov-Pointing vector J ~ EΣ⊥∥q HΣ∥⊥ relatively the Z-axis of the BR pumping.
At the stage (6), the non-local non-linearity J ~ EΣ⊥∥q HΣ∥⊥q passes along the contour of the two-dimensional feedback and, connecting the molecules H2O in the Fresnel zones of the volume (1), non-linearly increases the probability of the magnetic multipole (working) VR transition (5).
Self-organization of the molecules H2O into an ensemble of nanoparticles is accompanied by inter-dependence of the ST variance Re n΄⊥∥q*, diamagnetic susceptibility Im – and the diamagnetic energy at the working VR transition .
As a consequence, the mechanism of two-dimensional non-lineal and non-local feedback at the stage (6):
1. anisoptopically accumulates the "quantum polarization" diamagnetic susceptibility [33], the gyration tensor gq = 0 → g q, and the diamagnetic energy at the highly excited state of the working VR transition;
2. lauches the self-organization of the "CF+MG" system into an electron-ion ensemble bound by a standing wave field of the s polarization (SWSP). The electron-ion ensemble takes the shape of a multi-cylindrical "solenoid-cavity" [13, 14, 34] due to the femto-second ordering of the tensors of electric ε (r⊥∥q, t΄q) and magnetic μ (r⊥∥q, t΄΄q) permeability of the molecular gas;
3. form the phase of the incipient wave of MM radiation at a frequency ω+q → ωXq* in each SWSP profile for odd Fresnel zones (the "solenoid-cavity" mode). In each SWSP profile, a phase shift π is added to the odd bands and causes the even and odd Fresnel zones "to work in phase" relatively to the point PX located on the Z axis far beyond the "solenoid-cavity" threshold, it is the quantum analog of the hyperlenses system [35].
That is, the mechanism of the two-dimensional feedback, resonantly amplifying the gyrotropic property of the molecules, at the stage (6) it transforms the energy of the collective of fields at the frequencies 2ω–q, 2ω+q and the energy of the electron-rotational-vibrational motion of the molecules H2O into their threshold diamagnetic energy at the frequency 2ωXq* = 2ω+q* through the nonlinear factor J ~ EΣ⊥∥q HΣ∥⊥q.
In this case, the threshold diamagnetic energy depends on the energy of the collective of fields perturbing the molecules H2O with a given step T+q / 4 ≤ 10–15 s, and also on the V-diagram of the VR transitions during the self-organization of the "CF+MG" system into an ensemble of diamagnetic electron-ion nanoparticles at the stage (6).
The following factors play a key role in the QEMD at the stage (6):
1. Elastic collisions of the molecules N2 and H2O and the V-diagram of the VR transitions provide:
• decrease of the symmetry of the molecules H2O due to the increase of the gyration tensor gq = 0 → g q*;
• sign-variable ±А⊥ and Ф∥ modulation at each quarter-period T+q / 4 ≤ 10–15;
• increase of the "quantum polarization" diamagnetic susceptibility [33];
2. The Biot-Savart law provides stability of the magnetic field strength H∥q* = k1 4 π nf∥q* jnf⊥q* along the solenoid axis [36].
In particular, it provides stability of the magnetic field strength along the axis of a multi-cylindrical (according to the Fresnel zones number) optical "solenoid-cavity" self-organized in the "CF + MG" system in the form of SWSP. Here k1 = 1/c in the Gauss system, nf∥q* and jnf⊥q* is the number of turns (wavelengths of MM radiation) on the "solenoid-cavity" length and the electron current in the sections λXd* = λ+q* in each Fresnel zone.
3. The addition of the components of the collective of fields JEΣ⊥∥q and HΣ∥⊥q to the field of the molecules H2O leads to a phase conjugation of the field of the BR spherical wave with p polarization with the field of Rayleigh scattering along the feedback loop in the range of the anomalous ST variance of n΄⊥∥q* light at the VR transitions (5).
In this case, all Fresnel zones "work in phase" relatively to the point PX located on the Z axis far beyond the "solenoid-cavity".
4. The difference between the properties of the electric and magnetic photons [37] opens the possibility of spin-flip generation of MM radiation at the frequency of the prepared MM electronic transition.
The total momentum of the electric photon is equal to J=L+S, which is the vector sum of the spin S=1 and the orbital L momentums, where L is nothing else than the rank of the spherical functions YLm that are part of the wave function of a photon having parity (–1)J. The total momentum of a magnetic photon having parity (–1)J+1 coincides with the orbital momentum J = L. The spin of the magnetic photon S = 1 implicitly presents in the orbital momentum L as an element of the rank of spherical functions.
Under critical conditions (2), which affect the interaction of the magnetic photon with the valence electron of the molecule H2O, the photon spin Sf=1 and the electron spin se=±1/2 are oriented relatively to the Z axis of the MM radiation at the stage (6). At each step T+q / 4 ≤ 10–15 of the stage (6), the Lorentz, Coriolis, and two-dimensional feedback forces control the motion –e for resonant nonlinear amplification of the spin-orbit interaction.
The moments of ending the stage (6) is:
1. the gyration tensor of the molecules H2O has reached the threshold value gq = 0 → g q*;
2. the spin of the valence electron of the molecules H2O and the spin of the magnetic photon have ordered between each other ↑↓ relatively to the Z-axis of the pumping BR.
3. the orbit of the valence electron of each molecule H2O along (||) the Z-axis has reached the size λXd* = λ+q* , and the size λXd* = λ+q*/2 orthogonally the Z-axis in each Fresnel zone;
4. each electron-ion nanoparticle has become a quantum nanoresonator at its part of the range 250–900 nm, see Fig. 8.
5. the MM electron transition with the threshold diamagnetic susceptibility and the threshols diamagnetic energy of electron-ion nanoparticles has been prepared;
6. the "solenoid-cavity" with optically active ensemble of diamagnetic nanoparticles in the form of SWSP at the frequency of MM electron transition 2ωXq* = 2ω+q* has taken the property of multi-cylindrical "threaded hose" with the step λXd* = 2π/k;
7. the full ST coherence of MM radiation of the order mDJmnZ has been realized [14]; mDJmnZ is the Fresnel zones number in the volume (1) at the half-wavelength of the MM radiation λXd*/2;
8. an additional potential "well" is formed on the electron surface of the molecules H2O in the range of the highly excited state of the working VR transition. The spatial degeneracy of the diamagnetic energy with respect to the magnetic energy Jm-sublevels is relieved in the potential "well", Fig. 9.
9. the electron-ion nanoparticles have taken a unit measure equal to:
• the wavelength of MM radiation λXd* = λ+q*,
• the nanoresonator length λXd* = λ+q* along the Z-axis of the "solenoid-cavity" and
• the half-length λXd* / 2 orthogonally ⊥ the Z-axis in each Fresnel zone.
The diamagnetism of the optical "solenoid-cavity" is caused by the macroscopic control of the motion of the valence electron of the molecules H2O in the modes (Fresnel zones) up to the threshold spatial-temporal velocities.
The optically active medium in the "solenoid-cavity" acquires the property of a photonic liquid-crystal (LC) medium and the property of a superconductor with absolute diamagnetic susceptibility ≈ –1 / 4 π [38]. The ensemble of diamagnetic electron-ion nanoparticles has a ST ordering of the complex refractive index (7) with a factor of β⊥∥q* ≈ –1 / 4 π .
Spin-flip generation mode of the laser MM radiation
Diamagnetic electron-ion nanoparticles mD in all Fresnel zones of the optical "solenoid-cavity" have the interdependence of the Re and Im parts of the complex refractive index (7) and the radiation line contour in the form of a δ-shaped function, Fig. 10.
Along the Z-axis of the "solenoid-cavity" at the frequency λXd* = λ+q* of the prepared MM electron transition, generation of the MM laser radiation with σ polarization is self-excited in the spin-flip mode ↓↑ with the dependently formed characteristics.
Physical basis of the ED radiation includes:
1. Λ-diagram of the Ed transitions (Fig. 11);
2. active medium, cavity and pumping;
3. feedback mechanism realizing the process of interaction between the photons of generation and the active medium in the cavity.
Generation of the ED radiation is self-excited at one of the frequencies of the resonator ωr at the moment when the threshold population inversion has been reached at the natural Ed transition 2 ⇒ 1 , Fig. 11.
Physical basis of MM radiation includes:
1. elastic collision of a working molecule (H2O) with a broadening molecule (N2);
2. a low-frequency (initial) ED transition and a high-frequency magnetic multipole (working) VR transitions combined into a V-diagram by the lowest state;
3. mechanism of two-dimensional feedback between the energies of quadratic Stark δWSt⊥∥q=0 and Zeeman δW˘Z⊥∥q=0 effects in the molecule H2O under critical conditions (2).
An open self-organization of the "CF+MG" system is realized in the volume (1) in an optically active ensemble of diamagnetic electron-ion nanoparticles on a prepared MM electron transition in the range of the working VR transition. The electron-ion nanoparticle ensemble takes the form of a multi-cylindrical "solenoid-cavity" during the stage (6).
The end of stage (6): an additional potential "well" with the threshold diamagnetic susceptibility and the threshold diamagnetic energy W˘Z⊥∥q* of electron-ion nanoparticles in the "solenoid-cavity" on the prepared MM electron transition is formed in the range of the highly excited state of the working VR transition (Fig. 8).
Generation of the MM radiation (Fig. 8) is self-excited in a multi-cylinder optical "solenoid-cavity" in the spin-flip mode at the frequency of the prepared MM electron transition 2ωXq* = 2ω+q*. The characteristics of the MM radiation are formed dependently.
The pumping BR field with π polarization with spherical cross-section intensity distribution at the inlet of the diamagnetic photon LC medium directed along the Fresnel zones creates at the outlet a beam of MM radiation with σ polarization and the divergence
θ⊥∥q* ≈ χd⊥∥q* λXq*/Dq*, (8)
which is one order of magnitude less than the diffraction divergence of the pumping ED radiation. The coefficient χd⊥∥q* ≈ 1 / 4 π is used here, which characterizes the total (electric, magnetic and mechanic) spatial-temporal ordering of the electron-ion nanoparticles in the form of a diamagnetic photon LC medium on the prepared MM electron transition.
The high noise resistance of MM radiation in the atmosphere is caused by the fact that a rigid function relatively the point Px located on the Z-axis far beyond the "solenoid-cavity" is self-organized between the diamagnetic photonic LC medium, the collective of fields, and the Fresnel zones.
In this case, the Biot-Savart law with a stable component H∥q* of MM radiation along the Z axis extends to all Fresnel zones of the multi-cylindrical optical "solenoid-cavity", and to all molecules mD H2O that started from the state к΄.
It follows from the estimates of [39, 40] that the characteristics of the MM radiation are 1 to 7 orders of magnitude greater than the characteristics of the ED of radiation. In this case, the MM radiation has coherence of high order Со = mDJmnz, a screw front and a large orbital magnetic/mechanical moment L = mDJmnzħ, Fig. 12.
The minimum noise-resistant trace of the wave front of MM radiation in the atmosphere is equal to the product of the wavelength of the MM radiation λXd* = λ+q* and the full-order ST coherence of a high order Со = mDJmnz. That is, the minimum noise-resistant trace of MM radiation in the atmosphere is ℓ = λXd*mDJmnz.
For the MM radiation at λXd* = 693.384 nm in the range of the VR magnetic multipole transition of H2O we obtain a minimum noise-resistant trace:
ℓ = 107 ∙ 5 ∙ 694.38 nm ∙ 28 801 ≈ 34.719 ∙ 28,801 ∙ 103 m ≈
≈ 999.94 km at mD ≈ 107, Jm = 5 ,
Δz∥q* = c/δω = 3 ∙ 1010 / 50 ∙ 106 = 6 m, nz = 28 801,
2rnf⊥q* = 1,0 cm.
After the formation of a potential "well" and the threshold diamagnetic energy W˘Z∥⊥q* in the highly excited state of the prepared MM electron transition, the generation of MM radiation with σ polarization is realized at a frequency of W˘Z∥⊥q* in the "solenoid-cavity".
The BR pumping field with π polarization, filling a "solenoid-cavity" at each period TXq* = 2π/TXq* and preparing a diamagnetic energy in it, pushes out of it the field of MM radiation with σ polarization with the diamagnetic energy. That is, generation of MM radiation consists of two connected parts:
1. spin-flip ↓↑ generation of MM radiation with σ polarization at the frequency of ωXq* with diamagnetic energy W˘Z∥⊥q* and
2. spin-flip ↑↓ filling of the "solenoid-cavity" by the BR pumping field with π polarization with formation of the diamagnetic energy W˘Z∥⊥q* on the prepared MM electron transition.
One can write the monochromatic MM radiation in the form
δωXq* ≈ Pemisq* / 2πUstorq*. (9)
Q-factor of the cavity [1] is used in Eq. (9), which is set as Q = ωXq* / δωXq* the ratio of the frequency of MM radiation to the line width δωXq* on the prepared MM transition (Fig. 10) and as Q = 2π ∙ (accumulated energy)/(energy lost during the period TXq*).
The diamagnetic energy accumulated by the ensemble of nanoparticles in the standing wave field of MM radiation with σ polarization is Ustorq* ≈ 2 ∙104 erg at TXq* = 2π/TXq* and ΔVq* ≈ 0,8 ∙ 106 cm3 (S ≈ 0,81 cm2, Δz0q* ≈ 102 and mD ≈ 107) [41, 42]. For the polychromatic pumping laser radiation [41, 42] we obtain the power of the MM radiation Pemisq* ≈ ħωXq* / TXq* = 1,23 ∙ 103 W in the laser cavity on the period TXq* = λXq* / с ≈ 2,31 ∙ 10–15 s. It follows from Eq. (9) that the threshold monochromaticity of the MM radiation at the outlet from the cavity is δωXq* ≈ 1,9 ∙ 10–2 Hz.
Since when the energy of the collective of the pumping fields is moved along a closed V-diagram of the transitions (5), the channels for the loss of diamagnetic energy are practically eliminated, it becomes possible to obtain the pumping efficiency of ~100%.
Characteristics of the field of MM radiation are described by the correlation function g(Co) (r1, t1,...rCo, tCo; rCo, tCo,...r1, t1) = 1 of order Co = mDJmnZ [8]: estimate is present in [39].
1. Working range 250–900 nm.
2. Efficiency of pumping ~100%.
3. Monochromaticity ~1 Hz.
4. Divergence less than diffraction ~ by the factor of 1/4π.
5. Spatial resolution ≤1 cm.
6. Orbital magnetic/mechanic momentum up to 10 000 000 ħ
7. Exceeding of the wave front stability. Over the wave front of ED radiation up to the factor of 10 000 000.
8. Energy of MM radiation is determined by the pumping BR energy.
Communication and aerospace applications
1. High-stable high-speed (≥2 Тb/s) communication with reliability of 10–9 on the Earth-Space-Earth routes with any point of the Earth.
2. High-precision (≤1 cm) navigation of objects on the Earth-Space-Earth paths.
3. United laser control system for low-orbit and geostationary space vehicles in real time.
4. Utilization of "space debris" on the space vehicle orbit.
5. Monitoring of emergency situations on land, on water and under water.
6. Laser-magnetic hardening of aerospace material.
7. High-precision diagnostics of the motion of near-Earth vehicles and underwater objects.
8. Laser-magnetic protection of turbine blades and space materials with wear-resistant coating.
7.2. Medical applications
1. High-frequency high-precision magnetic resonance therapy of oncological diseases, arthritis and arthrosis by means of accumulation of diamagnetic energy by a diseased object.
2. High-precision high-frequency treatment of eye diseases by means of accumulation of diamagnetic energy in a diseased object.
7.3. Atmospheric-optical applications
1. High-precision measurement of electro- and magnetodynamic parameters of molecules, etc.
2. High-precision measurement of the composition and state of the molecular-aerosol atmosphere.
3. High-precision diagnostics of the state of the atmosphere, the Earth’s and the Moon’s surfaces.
4. High-precision monitoring of the state of the channels of the solar-terrestrial communication and determination of the magnitude of magnetic storms affecting the human condition, optical weather and the operation of terrestrial and space communication systems.
Until recently, the phenomena were not discussed in the world literature, where the collective of fields EΣ⊥∥q, HΣ∥⊥q and the molecular gas under extreme macroparameters would be the components of a united QEMD process that produces the generation of MM radiation with anomalous magneto-optical properties. The photon wavelength of such radiation is much larger than the size of the working molecule (that is, the size determining its form-factor, for nuclei this size coincides, of course, with its "radius"), but coincides with the size of the electron-ion nanoparticle. Most recently, it has been suggested that a dynamic process can synthesize a diamagnetic medium and light fields [41, 42]. Extreme macroparameters of the collective of fields and molecular gas can also provide self-organization of ball lightning and the formation of its properties [34]. This process was used in [43] for the development of the MM method of highly sensitive diagnostics of the molecular composition of the atmosphere. It is shown that the sensitivity of the MM method is four orders of magnitude greater than the sensitivity of the laser-induced fluorescence method.
Comparison of the results of the calculation of the self-organization of molecules into an electron-ion ensemble performed within the framework of the S-theorem and based on the growth criterion of the non-locality radius of the response of the valence electron of molecules in the collective of fields allows us to conclude that the QEMD approach to the generation of MM radiation is quite adequate to the estimates of its characteristics [13, 40]. The result of the estimate [39] indicates that the MM radiation has a qualitatively new level of stability of the wave front for coherence of high order, a small attenuation of the intensity on large atmospheric paths and a large magnetic induction in various objects.
The mechanism of the two-dimensional feedback corrects the intra- and intermolecular motion of the electron and ion and changes the energy and geometric structure of the working molecules during time shorter than the duration of their elastic collision with the broadening molecules. This mechanism fits within the framework of the theory of interaction of light with matter [23] and is indirectly confirmed by the results:
1. studies of the dynamics of an anisotropic collision of molecules [44, 45];
2. intra-molecular quantum dynamics [46];
3. phase control of spontaneous radiation [47];
4. non-inert amplification of radiation by changing the phase of the control field [48];
5. non-destructive quantum measurements [49].
The next stages of research development are:
1. QEMD calculation of the self-organization of the electron-ion ensemble on the prepared MM electron transition with generation of MM radiation at its frequency;
2. direct experimental verification of the proposed method for generating MM radiation; and
3. application of MM radiation for solving science-intensive communication, aerospace, atmospheric optical, medical, and other problems.
The authors thanks S. N. Bagaev for discussion of the result of the work at the Academic Council of the Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS and S. M. Kobtsev for a discussion of the results of the work, V. G. Bagrov and A. A. Rukhadze for consultations and useful discussions, V. N. Cherepanov and R. R. Valiev for the analytics of the "field collective + molecular gas" system.
The work was supported by the Skolkovo Foundation No. KTIT‑11 on 18.09.2012 and TRINC of the Tomsk Region in 2014.
Photonics, v.12(№1), 2018. V. P. Lopasov, I. V. Ivonin. Generation of a new-type laser radiation for solving knowledge-based applied problems. Part I. DOI: 10.22184/1993–7296.2018.
Photonics, v.12(№1), 2018. V. P. Lopasov, I. V. Ivonin. Generation of a new-type laser radiation for solving knowledge-based applied problems. Part I. DOI: 10.22184/1993–7296.2018.
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