Additive technologies make it possible to create technical objects of lightweight design with unique physical and mechanical properties. But the non-linear nature of the deformation and destruction lead to the need to create hierarchically organized materials. This article presents the results of mesoscale modeling and multi-level process of selective laser melting (SLM) of productsproducts, having resistance to cyclic stress.

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Issue #1/2016
R.Faskhutdinov, S.Chervonnykh, N.Trufanov
Additive Manufacturing in Aero Engine Production
Additive technologies make it possible to create technical objects of lightweight design with unique physical and mechanical properties. But the non-linear nature of the deformation and destruction lead to the need to create hierarchically organized materials. This article presents the results of mesoscale modeling and multi-level process of selective laser melting (SLM) of productsproducts, having resistance to cyclic stress.

eduction of gas turbine engine weight in aerospace industry helps saving fuel and reducing harmful emissions. One of the key goals in this industry is design of gas turbine engine components with reduced weight retaining their functional capabilities. The state-of-the-art software allows optimization of part geometry which leads to efficient weight reduction [1]. However, traditional manufacturing of optimized products is sometimes not worthwhile as you need to contribute a great deal of manpower and investment.

With Selective Laser Melting (SLM) technology a complex geometry can be achieved in one step and complexity of structural features design doesn’t affect the product cost [2-4]. Besides, manufacturing of the products designed to be made with conventional methods makes the use of additive methods less effective because of higher material consumption. It appears that reduced weight parts do not only improve engine performance but increase efficiency of additive manufacturing.

In spite of declared advantages of additive manufacturing with SLM you encounter the same difficulties as with casting – deformation and residual stress. Capability of high precision layer-by-layer manufacturing of complex inner and outer geometry parts, the degree of such defects in the process of manufacturing the parts of modern aero engines require preliminary in-situ technological trials, selection of the specific part position in the setup, design of an additional supports system, selection of the manufacturing conditions to minimize the defects.

The possibility of numerical simulation of the SLM-process (Fig.1) is of a particular interest; it is a potential reserve for improving the quality of additive manufacturing products and consequently provides the possibility to introduce technologies for making parts with most efficient geometry. Prediction of residual stress and deformation at mathematical models [5] in the process of manufacturing plays a great role for optimization of parts manufacturing conditions, development of supporting structures, minimizing defects and improving manufacturing quality of complex aero engine components.

Aviadvigatel has formed a working team focused on organization of additive manufacturing which pools the efforts of the specialists in various disciplines to develop a through cycle of reduced weight parts design for additive manufacturing.

Development and introduction of new numerical simulation based methods of gas turbine engines production preparation for metal powder layer-by-layer melting machines is in process, this allows optimization of the manufacturing process at mathematical models.

The developed parts additive manufacturing chain will help reducing the engine weight by 30 %. Use of selective laser melting process will allow reducing parts nomenclature and the number of process steps during their manufacturing, i.e. increasing engine reliability.
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Разработка: студия Green Art