Cube beamsplitters are found in a variety of applications where matching path lengths, reduced ghosting, and limited beam shift are important. By arranging beamsplitters with polirizers it is possible to obtain perfect results for circuits with a low focal number

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Урик Винсент Дж.-мл., МакКинни Джейсон Д., Вилльямс Кейт Дж.
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Issue #5/2014
Polarized beam Splitters Ice Cube series
Cube beamsplitters are found in a variety of applications where matching path lengths, reduced ghosting, and limited beam shift are important. By arranging beamsplitters with polirizers it is possible to obtain perfect results for circuits with a low focal number
Cube beamsplitters are found in a variety of applications where matching path lengths, reduced ghosting, and limited beam shift are important. Polarizing beamsplitter (PBS) cube assemblies are found in head mounted displays (HMD), head-up displays (HUD), pico-projectors, and interferometers, and can be beneficial when a compact form factor or reduced mechanical vibration are required. Typically MacNeille cubes have been used for many PBS applications, but for low f/D’s (large cone angles), the color balance and the contrast ratio between passing and blocking state transmittance have been less than ideal. On the contrary, wire grid polarizers (WGP) are known for excellent broadband performance in low f/D applications. By incorporating a WGP along the hypotenuse of a cube beamsplitter, the Moxtek ICE Cube™ provides a superior PBS in low f/D applications.
Transmission Mode Performance results at low f/D
As depicted in figure 1(a), a white light LED source was collimated and passed through an iris followed by a high contrast pre-analyzer to select an input polarization state. The beam was then focused into MacNeille (top row) and Moxtek (bottom row) cube beamsplitters and the blocking state transmittance was minimized on a screen. The blocking state reflectance (Rs) and transmittance (Ts) were then imaged using a camera (fig. 1b, 1e). After rotating the pre-analyzers 90°, the passing state transmittance (Tp) and reflectance (Rp) were then imaged (fig. 1c, 1f). Finally, the pre-analyzer was rotated approximately 45° to give equal intensity in the reflected and transmitted beams to approximate a PBS configuration. As shown in figure 1, the ICE Cube has improved color balance and a reduced leakage in the blocking state (Ts) when compared to the MacNeille cube. The images represent about f/1.5 cube input cone angle, though the aperture was also varied to change the f/D (images not shown). Both cubes were also characterized at variable angles with well collimated light from the UV to the SWIR and the Moxtek PBS cube showed marked improvement, accommodating angular deviations from normal incidence of ±20° in the azimuthal direction and ±10° in the polar (elevation) direction with minimal performance variation. See Moxtek’s ICE Cube Technical Note for more details

Transmittance measurements using the figure 1 setup were also made by replacing the screen with a detector (ThorLabs 5120C). For a cone angle of ±16° (f/D of 1.74), the Moxtek ICE Cube had a contrast ratio between passing and blocking state transmittance (Tp/Ts) of 1470, while the MacNeille cube only had a measured contrast ratio of 23. Passing state transmittance (Tp) for the Moxtek and MacNeille cubes were about 74.8% and 78.6% respectively when compared to the raw transmittance without the cube. For a much smaller cone angle of ±4.4° (f/D of 6.45), the contrast ratio and Tp of the MacNeille cube only improved to 103 and 81.7% respectively, while the ICE Cube contrast ratio and Tp improved to 6460 and 81.4%. The white LED emission spectra was taken with portable fiber spectrometer and is presented in figure 2, showing a strong peak at about 450 nm and broadband emission in the red and green wavelengths. To limit stray light in transmittance measurements without impacting cone angle, an iris was placed in front of the detector. The pre-analyzer was a Moxtek UVD240 and the MacNeille cube was a typical thin film cube from a standard optical catalog supplier.
LCOS Display Application Results
Applications such as HMD, HUD, and pico-projectors typically use either LCOS or DMD reflective panels. To simulate an LCOS display configuration using a PBS cube, a broadband quarter waveplate and mirror were placed in the transmitted beam path after the cube, and the retro-reflected beam was split off orthogonally, passed through a clean-up polarizer, and then measured using a detector or imaged onto a screen (fig. 1). This configuration is similar to a single pixel representation of a normally-off projection display application. Optimizing the quarter-waveplate orientation changes the p-polarization state passing through the cube into circular polarized light, which becomes polarized with the opposite handedness upon reflection, and finally converted to s-polarized light after passing back through the quarter-waveplate. After reflecting off the beamsplitter, the s-polarization passes through the clean-up polarizer, producing the on-state. On the contrary, aligning the fast or slow axis of the waveplate with the p-polarization state that is transmitted through the cube leaves the linear polarization state unchanged. The retro-reflection off of the mirror largely passes through the cube and any Rp light is filtered out by the clean-up polarizer, produces the off-state image. The leakage through the system in the off-state takes the form of a Maltese Cross due to the geometric depolarization of the condenser lens. The Moxtek and MacNeille cube off-state leakage is shown in figure 3, parts (b) and (c) respectively for an f/D of 1.74. The system leakage in the dark state, and especially the color balance, are clearly superior for the Moxtek cube. For a smaller cone angle of ±4.4° (f/D of 6.45) the measured contrast ratio between on and off states for the Moxtek and MacNeille cubes were 6,600 and 4,940 respectively, while system efficiencies were 41.2% and 55.8%. For an f/D of 1.74, the small detector could not capture a significant portion of the beam and a collimating lens would be needed before the detector to produce meaningful results. The non-normal incidence beam interacting with the quarter-waveplate may also be limiting system performance in the low f/D case depicted in figure 3. The quarter waveplate was from Foctek Photonics and was designed for 450-680 nm wavelengths, the mirror was New Focus D5108 with about 90% transmittance throughout the visible, and the clean-up polarizer was a Moxtek UVC240. The beam dump was Acktar Black Metal Velvet.
General Performance Considerations
Figure 4 depicts the general beamsplitting function of the Moxtek ICE Cube, where the prism hypotenuse plane defines the s- and p-polarization states. The passing state transmittance is p-polarized with very high purity (Tp), while the reflected beam has both s-and p-polarization states (Rs and Rp). The p-polarized reflectance can be eliminated using a pre-analyzer or clean-up polarizer (as shown in figure 3). The typical spectral and angular performance results are summarized in the ICE Cube data sheet. Please see the Moxtek ICE Cube Technical Note for more details and further comparison to the MacNeille cube. The ICE Cube opto-mechanical design and environmental performance details are summarized in Table 1. The broadband performance and large angular field of view are important criteria in emerging near-eye display applications while the maximum luminous flux and operating temperature are more critical in traditional projection display applications. Also listed are path length and angular deviation measurements, which are important in interferometry applications. Optional assembly of optics in plate or film form (e.g. pre-analyzers, clean-up polarizers, waveplates), directly onto the cube face is possible. This could be advantageous to reduce interfacial reflectance losses and effects from mechanical vibration.
The Moxtek ICE Cube beamsplitter with embedded nanowire grid polarizer provides superior broadband performance over a wide angular aperture, without the dramatic color shifts and angular performance variations evident in MacNeille cube beamsplitters. While MacNeille cube designs can typically only tolerate a narrow angular aperture before performance deteriorates, the Moxtek ICE Cube accommodates a much larger angular field of view, allowing the optical designer to maintain system performance in broadband spectroscopic applications with demanding form factors. ■
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Разработка: студия Green Art