DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2024.18.5.358.374

Institute of Microwave Frequencies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
The article presents the study results of the breakdown of fractals of the nano-sized aluminum droplets on the polymer filaments made of carbon benzene rings under a sudden voltage (discharge) of 1.6 kV cm−1 that is similar in magnitude to the electric field of 2.16 kV cm−1 required for the occurrence of micro-­breakdown with the runaway electrons during the high-altitude lightning discharges. For the ordinary air breakdown, a voltage of 1–30 kV per centimeter is required. The photographs of radiation shapes in the optical spectral region for two types of breakdowns are provided. The possible reverse of the Doppler effect and Cherenko radiation on the fractal metamaterials is discussed.

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Issue #5/2024
P. P. Maltsev
Pulsed Optical and X-ray Radiation of Fractals: Review of Hypotheses. Part I. Micro Runaway Breakdown
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2024.18.5.358.374

Institute of Microwave Frequencies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
The article presents the study results of the breakdown of fractals of the nano-sized aluminum droplets on the polymer filaments made of carbon benzene rings under a sudden voltage (discharge) of 1.6 kV cm−1 that is similar in magnitude to the electric field of 2.16 kV cm−1 required for the occurrence of micro-­breakdown with the runaway electrons during the high-altitude lightning discharges. For the ordinary air breakdown, a voltage of 1–30 kV per centimeter is required. The photographs of radiation shapes in the optical spectral region for two types of breakdowns are provided. The possible reverse of the Doppler effect and Cherenko radiation on the fractal metamaterials is discussed.

Tags:   надповерхностное высокопроводящее состояние   плазма   полимерные нити из волокна ароматического полиамида   фракталы из наноразмерных капель алюминия

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