The design of long-focal length catadioptric lenses for the visible and infrared ranges (VIS, SWIR, MWIR and LWIR) is proided. The front group of all lenses is similar and consists of 2 mirrors, with the first (prime) mirror having a diameter of 150 mm. The diameter of the mirror is selected based on the requirements for lens aperture and possible production of the mirror. In addition, the same diameter of the primary mirror, if necessary, allows to combine several channels (TV and SWIR, TV and LWIR) into one. The article describes a television and SWIR lenses with a focal point of 600 mm and a relative aperture of F/4, a MWIR lens with a focal point of 400 mm and a relative aperture of F/4, and a LWIR lens with a focal point of 250 mm and a relative aperture of F/1.6. The design options for a catadioptric zoom and multi-channel lenses with a focal point of 400–800 mm and a relative aperture F/5-F/10 are indicated.
Tags: long-focal length catadioptric lens multi-channel lens mwir and lwir mwir и lwir observation devices swir vis zoom lens длиннофокусный зеркально-линзовый объектив зум объектив мультиканальный объектив приборы наблюдения
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