DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2024.

The use of diamond-like coatings on optical parts is reviewed, and their advantages, including high hardness, chemical inertness, and low coefficient of friction, are analyzed. Problems with adhesion and stresses when used in DLC films to protect multilayer IR coatings and other materials are identified. Possible solutions to these problems and methods for optimizing the quality and properties of DLC coatings are described. The aim of the work is to develop effective methods to increase adhesion and reduce stresses in DLC films, which will improve the quality and durability of multilayer IR coatings, as well as expand the field of their application. The results can be used in various industries.

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Issue #1/2024
A. H. Khisamov, M. V. Nazarenko, S. V. Zaitsev
Applying Diamond-like (DLC) Coatings to Optical Parts
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2024.

The use of diamond-like coatings on optical parts is reviewed, and their advantages, including high hardness, chemical inertness, and low coefficient of friction, are analyzed. Problems with adhesion and stresses when used in DLC films to protect multilayer IR coatings and other materials are identified. Possible solutions to these problems and methods for optimizing the quality and properties of DLC coatings are described. The aim of the work is to develop effective methods to increase adhesion and reduce stresses in DLC films, which will improve the quality and durability of multilayer IR coatings, as well as expand the field of their application. The results can be used in various industries.
Applying Diamond-like (DLC) Coatings to Optical Parts

The use of diamond-like coatings on optical parts is reviewed, and their advantages, including high hardness, chemical inertness, and low coefficient of friction, are analyzed. Problems with adhesion and stresses when used in DLC films to protect multilayer IR coatings and other materials are identified. Possible solutions to these problems and methods for optimizing the quality and properties of DLC coatings are described. The aim of the work is to develop effective methods to increase adhesion and reduce stresses in DLC films, which will improve the quality and durability of multilayer IR coatings, as well as expand the field of their application. The results can be used in various industries.
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Разработка: студия Green Art