DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.17.8.598.606

The 2023 Microelectronics Forum was held on October 9–14, 2023 at the Sirius Federal Territory in Sochi. 869 scientific reports were presented at the conference. The total number of forum participants was 2,500 persons. This review clarifies the reports submitted at the Microelectronics Forum in section No. 12 “Optoelectronics and Photonics Technologies”, subsection “12.1 Opto- and Photoelectronics” and devoted to the research development in the field of optoelectronics and photonics, namely the semiconductor photosensorics and photosensoric materials, microcryogenic engineering, thermal imaging and night vision technology.

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Issue #8/2023
A. V. Naumov, A. V. Polesskiy, A. S. Bashkatov
How the Roadmaps are Made: Review of Proceedings of Forum Microelectronics 2023
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.17.8.598.606

The 2023 Microelectronics Forum was held on October 9–14, 2023 at the Sirius Federal Territory in Sochi. 869 scientific reports were presented at the conference. The total number of forum participants was 2,500 persons. This review clarifies the reports submitted at the Microelectronics Forum in section No. 12 “Optoelectronics and Photonics Technologies”, subsection “12.1 Opto- and Photoelectronics” and devoted to the research development in the field of optoelectronics and photonics, namely the semiconductor photosensorics and photosensoric materials, microcryogenic engineering, thermal imaging and night vision technology.
How the Roadmaps are Made: Review of Proceedings of Forum Microelectronics 2023

A. V. Naumov 1, A. V. Polesskiy 2, A. S. Bashkatov 3
JSC “Design Bureau «Astrohn», Lytkarino, Moscow reg., Russia
Orion R&P Association, JSC, Moscow, Russia
FSI VNIIR, Mytishchi,Moscow reg., Russia

The 2023 Microelectronics Forum was held on October 9–14, 2023 at the Sirius Federal Territory in Sochi. 869 scientific reports were presented at the conference. The total number of forum participants was 2,500 persons. This review clarifies the reports submitted at the Microelectronics Forum in section No. 12 “Optoelectronics and Photonics Technologies”, subsection “12.1 Opto- and Photoelectronics” and devoted to the research development in the field of optoelectronics and photonics, namely the semiconductor photosensorics and photosensoric materials, microcryogenic engineering, thermal imaging and night vision technology.

Keywords: optoelectronics and photonics, focal plane array
Article received: October 27, 2023
Article accepted: November 30, 2023

These issues are recognized as critically important all over the world and determine the level of scientific and technological progress of any particular country. In aggregate, these reports draw the contours of the roadmap according to which the national photoelectronics should develop.
Current status and prospects for the development of photoelectronics
The report titled “Activity progress and development prospects for the matrix photodetectors of the mid-wave IR spectrum” has been prepared by K. O. Boltar, an employee of the State Scientific Center “Orion” JSC (authors: Boltar K. O., Burlakov I. D., Vlasov P. V.,Eroshenkov V.V., Lopukhin A. A., Yakovleva N. I.). The report has demonstrated the activity progress in the development of matrix photodetector devices (focal plane arrays ‒ FPAs) for the mid-wave IR range based on indium antimonide at “Orion” JSC. The possible significant increase of the FPA cryosstating to 140 K by replacing the absorbing material InSb with the wider-band gap structures of the xBn type has been studied. The speaker has noted that the photodiode-­based FPAs in the mid-wave IR range are the most in demand for various thermal imaging and heat source direction finding devices. He has recalled that “Orion” JSC makes the commercially available FPAs based on the volumetric indium antimonide in the 640 × 512 versions with a pitch of 15 microns with an integral Stirling cooler and an electronic interface unit. This company also produces the FPAs in smaller formats. The works are continued to improve the FPA design and production technology, while improving the long-term stability of the IR image, linearity of photoconductive response, uniformity of spectral specifications of the elements, quality of the antireflective coatings of the photosensitive element, etc. The FPA design in the form of 1 280 × 1 024 elements with a pitch of 12 microns has been developed. The FPAs with photosensitive elements based on the epitaxial InSb have been grown by the MBE method on the highly doped InSb substrates. The possible increase of the FPA cryosstating temperature to 140 K without deteriorating its photoelectric specifications when replacing the absorbing material InSb with InAsSb and switching to the xBn type structures with an AlInSb layer has been studied.

The report “Problems and solutions of developing a cooled megapixel device for the spectral range of 3–5 microns” has been presented by Mirofyanchenko A. E., an employee of “Orion” (authors: Mirofyanchenko A. E., Mirofyanchenko E. V., Yakushev T. Yu.). The report has examined in detail the problems and solutions of developing the first domestic cooled megapixel matrix photodetector for the mid-wave infrared (3–5 microns) spectrum based on the antimonides. The speaker has emphasized that the infrared (IR) photoelectronic technologies play an important role in the development of thermal imaging approaches, night vision technology and many other areas of state-of-the-art engineering, physics and optics. The manufacturers of modern IR matrix photodetectors (FPAs) are guided by both the cost of the final product and the applicable SWaP trend during the process of development, the essence of which is to reduce energy consumption and physical specifications, as well as to improve the basic photodetector parameters according to the Johnson’s criteria. The speaker has recalled that the object identification by an IR system based on the FPAs is a comprehensive task, the solution of which requires an increased resolution and sensitivity of the IR system. Switching to the FPAs with a smaller pixel pitch and a larger format will allow increasing the detection range. However, from an engineering point of view it is extremely important to overcome the barrier of developing a megapixel matrix with a pitch of 10–12 microns. The most adequate device in the field under consideration is a InSb-based IR FPAs with the format of 640 × 512 and a pitch of 15 microns produced by “Orion” JSC.

The speaker has emphasized that a difficult situation has occurred in terms of the material support. Despite the strong design school in the Russian Federation, there are no production facilities for the megapixel LSI-assemblies for IR FPAs. In the field of photosensitive material production, several years ago Giredmet JSC has demonstrated possible production of single indium and gallium antimonide crystals with a diameter of 100 mm. However, the serial production process has only been launched for a diameter of 50 mm, the application of which is unprofitable in the terms of megapixel devices. The underrun is observed in the production of high-purity materials (6N‑9N) that in aggregate creates danger to the country’s technological sovereignty in the near future. The insufficient resolution of modern domestic photodetectors for the spectral range of 3–5 microns does not provide the necessary detection and recognition range. Therefore, at present it is necessary to increase the spatial resolution in thermal imaging channels by developing the highly sensitive megapixel matrices with a small pitch of elements that detect radiation in the spectral range of 3–5 microns. Development of a megapixel device based on antimonides in Russia is possible during the next 1–2 years in the case of comprehensive planning, implementation of strategic development programs with a sufficient public funding level.

The report of A. V. Polesskiy, an employee of “Orion” has considered the issue of “Image processing in the EORs based on the modern domestic matrix cooled IR FDs” (authors: Polesskiy A. V., Burlakov I. D., Dragunov D. E., Lazarev P. S., Lyapustin M.Yu., Startsev V. V.). The report describes the advances in image processing in the EORs of the mid-wave IR range using the domestic matrix photodetectors based on indium antimonide and MCT. It is noted that the main task of any thermal imaging optical-­electronic system is the image generation in the visible range based on the thermal distribution of scene observed. The up-to-date examples of IR technology available on the market are also equipped with more modern algorithmic solutions in addition to the well-known image processing algorithms that makes it possible to increase the ratio of object signals to the background and increase the sharpness of object boundaries.

The authors present the nonlinear transformation algorithms for the dynamic range of original frame for the most informative visualization of the scene observed, as well as their software and hardware implementation in the devices using the domestic matrix photodetectors of the 640 × 512 format based on indium antimonide produced by “Orion” JSC and based on MCT of a similar format produced by the Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Since nonlinear transformations of the original image pixels are sensitive to the photodetector quality, these algorithms are applicable only to the high-quality photodetectors. The researches have shown that the PDs produced by “Orion” JSC and the Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences are of high quality that makes it possible to apply such algorithms to the fullest extent.
The report by Popov V. S. (State Scientific Center “Orion”) has considered the issue of “IR-range matrix photodetectors based on nanodispersed materials” (authors: Popov V. S., Ponomarenko V. P., Razumov V. F., Ivanov V. V.). The authors have reviewed the operating principles of prospective photodetectors based on the colloidal quantum dots. The advanced foreign and domestic results in the field of photosensitive element development based on the colloidal quantum dots and relative devices based are analyzed. It is noted that at present, in terms of advanced research and development in photoelectronics, much attention is paid to the development of photosensors based on the size-quantized, such as 0D, 1D and 2D, nanodispersed materials. In the last 3 years, in the field of matrix IR photodetector devices, a new area has been established and is actively developing related to the use of nanodispersed semiconductors as the photosensitive materials obtained by the liquid chemistry methods in the form of suspensions, namely the colloidal quantum dots. The main feature of this type of matrix photodetectors is possible elimination of the most comprehensive production stages of matrix IR photodetectors typical for the standard technology. Over the past few years, the first industrial samples of IR matrix megapixel photodetectors have appeared for an extended spectral range from the visible range up to 2.0 microns. Moveover, the first prototypes of relevant matrix photodetectors and cameras, operating in the spectral range of 3–5 microns, have also been demonstrated. The report has also analyzed the advanced foreign and domestic results in this area, in particular the results of works performed by “Orion” Scientific and Production Association JSC and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

The reports devoted to the uncooled bolometric type matrix photodetector devices, presented by the authors from JSC “Design Bureau «Astrohn» (Lytkarino), have been extremely interesting. The report titled “Application of CAD software products for simulation of the optoelectronic, electromagnetic and thermomechanical properties of prospective matrix microbolometer IR detectors” has been represented by A. A. Solodkov (authors: Solodkov A. A., Moskvichev V. Yu., Shileiko N. A.). The paper has shown the test results of CAD application options for simulation of the optoelectronic, electromagnetic and thermomechanical properties of prospective matrix microbolometer IR detectors as a part of a number of process and engineering projects to develop the advanced models. The authors have noted that the CAD software products are being increasingly used for modeling devices based on microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) for various purposes, including the uncooled matrix microbolometer IR detectors (MMBD), where the sensitive elements are implemented on the basis of membrane-type structures as a part of micromechanical solutions. This is due to the need to obtain extreme parameter values through various design and engineering solutions and the need to work out many options for such solutions using the simulation methods.
As a part of implementation of a number of process and engineering projects aimed at the development of advanced IR FPAs, the specialists from JSC “Design Bureau «Astrohn» have developed a methodological approach to the use of individual CAD software products for modeling the designs and physical properties of such MMBDs.

An interesting report titled “Photodetector device based on a matrix microbolometer detector with a spectral sensitivity range of 2–16 microns” has been prepared by N. A. Shileiko, an employee of JSC “Design Bureau «Astrohn» (authors: Khafizov R. Z., Belokonev V. M., Moskvichev V.Yu., Serov V. V., Shileiko N. A., Shatunov D.Yu., Silnitskaya O. A.). The author has reported that JSC “Design Bureau «Astrohn» has developed a photodetector based on a matrix microbolometer detector with a uniform absorption spectrum of 90% in the range of 2–16 microns. He has presented the experimental study results related to the photodetector parameters, demonstrating possible expansion of the specifications of optical-­electronic systems. The authors have noted that the matrix microbolometer detectors that provide broadband thermal radiation absorption, can significantly improve the EOR abilities of detection, recognition and identification of the man-made objects, the components of which are heated in a wide temperature range (from 30 to 300 °C) as a result of operation.

The problems of developing the uncooled MMBDs shall also include the report of A. Yu. Kuntsevich, an employee of the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The report is titled “Growth of amorphous vanadium oxide during the reactive electron beam evaporation and characterization of the response rate of resistive photosensitive elements” (authors: Kuntsevich A. Yu., Tarkaeva E. V., Blumenau M. I., Ievleva V.A, Dulebo A. I.). It is well-known that amorphous VOx is the main material of uncooled bolometers, with a strong dependence of the specific electric resistance on temperature. Simultaneously, it does not have any hysteretic phase transition typical for crystalline VOx. In the report, the authors have indicated the growth of amorphous VOx films at low temperatures with a small number of process parameters. To certify them, a pump-probe method has been developed that makes it possible to study the resistance relaxation after exposure to the laser pulse and set limits of the operating speed. The advantage of this method is reproducibility and a small number of technical parameters.

Another range of problems in optoelectronics is covered by the report of Stakharniy S. A., an employee of Cyclone Central Research Institute JSC titled “Fine-tuning of the image quality for demonstration on an OLED microdisplays with the silicon VLSI control” (authors: Zababurin A.Yu., Nuriev A. V., Stakharniy S. A., Shipitsin D. S.). It is well-known that the individual display devices, built on the miniature displays (microdisplays), are currently actively developing. The authors have conducted research into the features of image quality adjustment for demonstration on the OLED microdisplays with the silicon VLSI control. The conversion principles and algorithms for the input digital video signal are presented to obtain the most informative visual demonstration on the OLED microdisplay screens without the original image deterioration. It is noted that one of the most promising areas represents the microdisplays based on organic light-­emitting diodes (OLED) with silicon VLSI control. The compact dimensions and low power consumption of OLED microdisplays are extremely important when developing the portable ergonomic information display devices (head-mounted video modules, glasses and helmets of virtual, augmented and mixed reality – ​VR/AR/MR). Moreover, the OLED microdisplays have specifications related to the fundamental physical properties of electroluminescent OLED structures, as well as the specifications of silicon technology when developing the VLSI control. The main issue is the availability of significant nonlinearity in the brightness-­voltage specifications of OLED structures and availability of a threshold voltage prior to reaching of which there is no electroluminescence.

The paper describes the research conducted and algorithms developed for converting the input digital video signal to obtain the most informative visual demonstration on the OLED microdisplay without the original image deterioration. The studies have been carried out with due regard to the physical properties of electroluminescent OLED structures produced by Cyclone Central Research Institute JSC, as well as the pixel cells in relation to the domestic silicon technology with the design standards of 180 nm by Micron JSC. The work results are applicable to improve the quality of equipment using the already developed OLEDs microdisplays and are used for the design of silicon VLSI controls for the developed OLED microdisplays with advanced functionality.

At present, the detectors based on multichannel electronic amplifiers (MEAs) have found wide application in various fields of science and technology, such as research in the field of nuclear physics, mass spectrometry, space research technology, medicine, electron microscopy, etc. The report submitted by Krivov S. V., a representative of Baspik Vladikavkaz Technological Center LLC, Russia, Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia-­Alania, has been devoted to this interesting area. The report is titled “Microchannel electronic amplifiers: operating principles and areas of application”. The report has highlighted the latest developments of BASPIK Vladikavkaz Technology Center LLC in the field of MEAs and related detectors. A model range of products is presented with a description of their technical specifications and areas of application. Recently, the enterprise has developed and mastered the detectors for time-of-flight mass spectrometry, quadrupole mass spectrometry, X-ray spectrometry, ultraviolet and visible radiation detectors, diagnostic detectors for the charge-­particle beam profile in the accelerators, etc. The report focuses on the possibility and necessity of import substitution of a wide range of products based on MEA on the Russian market.

The conference members have come to the conclusion that the following scientific and technical problems must be solved:
improvement and development of initial semiconductor photosensitive materials and structures by the heteroepitaxial engineering methods;
development of technology for matrix arrays of photosensitive elements with the extremely small pitch of elements up to 5 microns, ensuring generation of megapixel matrices with the low defectiveness and low interconnection, as well as their hybridization with silicon multiplexers;
development of multiplexers with a small pitch of input cells, digital preprocessing and number of input cells of about 106–107;
development of a range of microcryogenic cooling systems, including the small-­sized ones with low power consumption for “high-temperature” FPAs;
development of new principles and materials for recording IR radiation, including any photodetectors based on quantum dots, other 2D structures, etc.

Taking all the aforesaid into consideration, the participants have highly appreciated the Forum in general and section 12 in particular, both the scientific and technical results and the general atmosphere of the event, whie noting the importance of sharing experience in the field of micro- and optoelectronics.

The Microelectronics Forum held on the Sirius Federal Territory has been an efficient platform for discussing new ideas and presenting results achieved during the entire decade. The results of work and final materials obtained by section 12 will form the basis for activities of the Working Group of the Committee for Scientific, Technological and Infrastructure Development of the Council for the Electronics Industry Development that is drawing up an optoelectronics development roadmap in Russia.
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