DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.17.6.454.461

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Issue #6/2023
V. M. Baev, L. V. Bodakin, A. A. Voronkova, A. V. Vasiliev, S. M. Kotov, V. A. Kubasov, A. V. Pavlenko, F. P. Podtykan, P. V. Tomashevich, V. V. Khukharev
Compact Automated CO2-Laser Installation for Separation of Average Mass Isotopes
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2023.17.6.454.461
Compact Automated CO2-Laser Installation for Separation of Average Mass Isotopes
V. M. Baev, L. V. Bodakin, A. A. Voronkova, A. V. Vasiliev, S. M. Kotov, V. A. Kubasov, A. V. Pavlenko, F. P. Podtykan, P. V. Tomashevich, V. V. Khukharev
JSC “D. V. Efremov NIIEF”, St. Petersburg, Russia
A small-­scale installation with automated control based on a compact repetitively pulsed CO2 laser has been developed. It is used to isolate the 14C carbon isotope during development of the reactor graphite purification process. The operating principle of the facility is based on the selective multiphoton laser dissociation method. The precise wavelength tuning is ensured by the design of a special diffraction grating assembly with automatic control. It is shown that the setup functions are much broader, and it can be used to separate the average-mass isotopes and other chemical elements.
Keywords: isotope separation, laser multiphoton selective chemical gas photodissociation, CO2 laser
Article received: 01.05.2023

Article accepted: 09.07.2023
The main decommissioning issue of nuclear facilities with carbon-­uranium reactor is related to the need to select the best handling methods for large volumes of spent graphite that occupies a special place when dealing with the accumulated radioactive waste (RW). The main radioactive components of graphite rods of nuclear reactors are the long-lived radionuclides. These are 14C isotopes and 36Cl chlorine. Due to a low percentage of 14C and its half-life for many centuries, there is a problem of its extraction, conditioning, decontamination, followed by the disposal of spent graphite. First of all, this is due to a large amount of radioactive material, estimated at the tens of thousands of tons. In terms of radioactive safety and environmental protection, the burial of such a huge amount of irradiated graphite is possible only after a decrease in the concentration of 14C radionuclides by dozens of times. Obtaining pure 14C from a mixture of isotopes is performed by their separation. There are a number of methods for such separation [1], two of which are used more often when working with the irradiated graphite (IG), based on the RW properties:
placement of non-conditioned IG in the containers with subsequent disposal;
IG conditioning (burning, inclusion in an inert matrix, etc.) with separate removal and subsequent disposal/burial of all obtained RW fractions.
First of all, the IG handling issue is related to the solution of its cleaning of 14C.
Previously, it was experimentally proved [2, 3] that in the conditions of obtaining carbon isotopes, due to their small difference in masses and, accordingly, the isotopic shift in the range, the spectrally selective method of multiphoton dissociation of molecules with high selectivity, is the most efficient one. Later, to remove the 14C isotope, the laser installations were developed for the separation of carbon isotopes and isolation of 13C isotope [4, 5]: Dyatel (Troitsk), Spektr (Saint-­Petersburg) and Uglerod (Kaliningrad). The designs of these installations became the prototypes for new development of a IG 14C treatment module and obtaining 14С in an enriched form. The technology used is based on the method of laser multiphoton selective chemical photodissociation of gas obtained by the IG chemical conversion with simultaneous purification from other radionuclides. The laser method only makes it possible to isolate a specific isotope from a mixture of isotopes with almost the same mass – ​in this case, 14C. The prototype of the laboratory laser installation (LLI) has already been tested.
The basis of the new compact automated installation is also a repetitively pulsed CO2 laser with the generation spectrum tuning in the wavelength range of 9–11 μm. A general view of the installation (in section) is shown in Fig. 1. In the chemical conversion unit, IG is processed into the working gas (Freon‑22). The laser unit of the module provides for the 14C separation from the working gas with a controlled flow rate and stabilization of the working substance parameters, power density control with the automated wavelength tuning and alignment. The isolated 14C can be buried or used for other technical purposes.
The laser radiation (1), the resonator of which is made by a diffraction grating (2) and a spherical mirror (7), is focused by a lens (5) made of KCl salt or zinc selenide into the central part of a special cell (reactor) (6), into which the gaseous freon‑22 is supplied. The lens focal length is selected in such a way that the efficient interaction area between the laser radiation and freon is at least 150 mm. Interaction is a stepwise photodissociation of freon molecules.
The reactor is located between the laser (1) and a 100% mirror (7), thus the intracavity conversion is performed. All cavities are located coaxially with each other, have vacuum seals at the junctions and make a single closed volume of the laser installation with the reactor. The interaction area (10) at the lens focus (5) has a transverse dimension (caustic diameter) of about 2 mm and a length of 150–200 mm.
An important feature of the installation is integration of the separation reactor and the CO2 laser cavity into a whole, when the reactor is located inside the laser cavity. This makes it possible to implement a high density of laser radiation in a large scope, to use it most efficiently, and thereby increase the separation process productivity. The installation basis is a gas-discharge module (1). In LLI, the mode using two such modules is possible that expands the system functional capabilities.
The parameters of laser radiation are as follows: pulse energy 0.2–0.5 J; duration 100–200 ns (initial section of a microsecond pulse); the pulse repetition frequency is changed within 0–600 Hz; main operating frequency 100 Hz; pulse power is several megawatts.
During the model calculations, it has turned out that application of the developed CO2-LLI demonstrates high efficiency for the isotope separation of chemical elements with average masses (boron, carbon, sulfur, etc.). Isotopes of these chemical elements and their molecular compounds have the absorption lines in the IR region and are widely used in biology, chemistry, and medicine, for example, as the labels. However, the common centrifugation methods used for isotope separation in the case of obtaining isotopes of average masses are difficult due to the small difference in the isotope masses of one element and, accordingly, the isotopic shift in the spectrum that is difficult to be identified.
For many average-mass isotopes, the absorption lines located in the IR region coincide with the generation lines of CO2 laser radiation [6]. In addition, in the harmonic oscillator system, the oscillation frequency ω is related to the mass m by the dependence ω ~ m−1/2. The reduced mass mred, on which the vibrational energy depends, is considered. The frequency difference of two oscillators Δω is proportional to the following ratio:
(mred.2)1/2 − (mred.1)1/2

(mred.2 · mred.1)1/2
Therefore, for heavy elements at large values of mred, this expression tends to zero. Accordingly, measurement of the frequency shift Δω in the emission of two isotopes by the well-known spectral methods is overridden with difficulties. Moreover, the anharmonicity of oscillations have an impact, causing the spectrum overlap. For light chemical elements, this ratio is large, for example, for the hydrogen isotopes of deuterium and tritium, the mass value is of the same order with its changes. This means that the shift in the radiation frequency is also large enough. However, for the separation of such isotopes, the simpler methods of separation by mass (by deviation in a magnetic field) have long been successfully applied. The separation of isotopes of average-mass elements due to the multifrequency spectrum of a CO2 laser, the high spectral resolution of a diffraction grating with the precised automated control, and the selective multiphoton dissociation method seems to be promising.
Possible regulation in the LLI in a wide range of laser pulse repetition rate (0–600 Hz) and energy from the fractions to several joules (in the case of switching on the second gas-discharge module No. 1, see Fig. 1) makes the laser isotope separation method multi-­purpose [3].
The laser enrichment process is performed by converting freon‑22 into tetrafluoroethylene with a high content of the 14C isotope. The process flow performed in the LLI is shown in Fig. 2. It is in many respects similar to the carbon enrichment process flow by the 13C isotope. The general view of the LLI is shown in Fig. 3.
For selective 14C isotope excitation, the short-­wavelength part of the CO2 laser generation spectrum is applied. The optimal working excitation lines of the spectrum are 9Р(20) – ​9Р(36) from the already low generation intensity region of the CO2 laser [3]. A methodological feature of 14C measurements is a small 14C isotopic shift in relation to 13C and a very low concentration of the target 14C isotope in a mixture of various chemical compounds.
The selective excitation of 14C isotope and optimization of its production process require the flexible tuning of wavelength in the range of 9–11 μm performed using the diffraction grating automated control.
The precise wavelength tuning is ensured by the design of a special diffraction grating unit with automatic adjustment and programmable control.
The diffraction grating and deviating mirror at a given angle to each other are rigidly mounted on a plate to be installed on a motorized platform with two rotation axes. By using two drives, the platform is adjusted (rotated and fixed) along two axes with a resolution of less than 1 arc second. The remote adjustment is performed using the controller. The installation adjustment of the diffraction unit is performed in the range of linear displacements of ±3 mm with accuracy of ±0.5 mm, angular displacements of ±1.5° with an accuracy of ±1.5′. The angle correction between the cavity optical axis and the normal to the diffraction grating surface is carried out within 26.7°–33.4° that corresponds to the radiation wavelength tuning of 9–11 μm. The operational remote adjustment of the diffraction unit around the vertical axis provides the angle correction within ±30′ relative to the pre-set position with an accuracy of ±10′′.
Instead of a diffraction grating with a reflection coefficient of ≤ 70% to the first diffraction order that is usually used in a selective cavity for the radiation output, our circuit uses a diffraction grating that reflects the main radiation (up to 95%) to the first diffraction order. A small part of the radiation (5–7%) that inevitably goes into the zeroth order, is extracted from the cavity to diagnose the laser radiation parameters.
An automated LLI has been developed for testing the reactor graphite clarification process from 14C isotope by the selective multiphoton laser dissociation of 14CHClF2 molecule. The results obtained during the physical LLI lunch and natural content of 14C in CHClF2 have confirmed the numerical simulation results. The calculations have shown that the process scalability is capable of processing up to 3 kg/h of graphite (conversed into freon‑22) with a decrease in the 14C concentration by 2–3 orders of magnitude. The precise wavelength tuning is ensured by the design of a special diffraction grating unit with automatic adjustment and programmable control.
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Contribution of the authors
Baev V. M. Head of the laboratory – Development of circuit diagrams for automatic control of the laser systems.
Bodakin L. V. Chief specialist – Assembly of the LLI installation gas system, adjustment of the optical cavity and diagnostic path.
Voronkova A. A  Software engineer – Development of the automation concept and the LLI system control algorithm.
Vasiliev A. V. Principal researcher – Optimization of the LLI working gas mixture parameters, bringing to the frequency mode.
Kotov S. M. Principal researcher – Design and manufacture of the high-voltage part of the laser power supply.
Kubasov V. A. Leading researcher, Ph.D. in physics and mathematics – Development of the laser optical circuit, design and selection of the cavity elements (lens, mirrors).
Pavlenko A. V. Head of the department, Ph.D. in physics and mathematics – General management of the LLI developmental works.
Podtykan F. P. Head of the laboratory – Theoretical substantiation of the possible14C isotope isolation using the experience of work with the13C isotope.
Tomashevich P. V. Project academic supervisor, head of the laboratory – Calculation works for optimization of the LLI output specifications, determination of the radiation energy required for the multiphoton dissociation.
Khukharev V. V. Leading researcher, Ph.D. in physics and mathematics – Theoretical substantiation of the gas mixture parameters, interaction processes between the laser radiation and freon‑22.
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