Technologies and Technology Equipment
V. V. Lapshin, E. M. Zakharevich, A. S. Narikovich, A. S. Korotkov, I. I. Lyatun, A. A. Snigirev
Processing Technology Development for Hard-Alloy Punches with a Linear Parabolic Profile DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.
The article describes the processing technology for hard-alloy punches with a linear parabolic profile. The processing kinematics for the surfaces considered is presented. In order to provide the required kinematics using the available equipment, an additional linear machine axis has been developed. The dressing method for the grinding head edges to a certain radius has also been developed. The processed profile control method is explained. The results of the developed method application for processing of punches using various grinding heads are presented.
Processing Technology Development for Hard-Alloy Punches with a Linear Parabolic Profile DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.
The article describes the processing technology for hard-alloy punches with a linear parabolic profile. The processing kinematics for the surfaces considered is presented. In order to provide the required kinematics using the available equipment, an additional linear machine axis has been developed. The dressing method for the grinding head edges to a certain radius has also been developed. The processed profile control method is explained. The results of the developed method application for processing of punches using various grinding heads are presented.
Tags: diamond grinding dressing grinding heads punches x-ray refractive lenses алмазное шлифование правка пуансоны рентгеновские преломляющие линзы шлифовальные головки
N. V. Grezev, I. N. Shiganov, A. A. Vasiliev
Parameter Optimization of the Optical Focusing Scheme for a High-Power Optical Fiber Laser Radiation for Heavy Steel Welding DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.
The parameters of the optical scheme for the penetration of materials of large thicknesses by the radiation of high-power fiber lasers are calculated. It is shown that the ratio of the collimating lens C160 with the focusing lenses F250 and F400 gives the best optical characteristics necessary for melting materials of large thicknesses. The optimal parameters of the optical circuit are imple-mented in the focusing system IPG FLW D50. It has been experimentally shown that the selected parameters of the optical scheme make it possible to obtain high-quality through-melting on steels up to 12 mm thick. The preferred optical scheme for welding materials of large thicknesses should be considered the ratio with C160 / F400.
Parameter Optimization of the Optical Focusing Scheme for a High-Power Optical Fiber Laser Radiation for Heavy Steel Welding DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.
The parameters of the optical scheme for the penetration of materials of large thicknesses by the radiation of high-power fiber lasers are calculated. It is shown that the ratio of the collimating lens C160 with the focusing lenses F250 and F400 gives the best optical characteristics necessary for melting materials of large thicknesses. The optimal parameters of the optical circuit are imple-mented in the focusing system IPG FLW D50. It has been experimentally shown that the selected parameters of the optical scheme make it possible to obtain high-quality through-melting on steels up to 12 mm thick. The preferred optical scheme for welding materials of large thicknesses should be considered the ratio with C160 / F400.
Tags: defocusing of the laser beam faber laser high-power deep-penetration laser welding stability of the laser welding process волоконный лазер мощная лазерная сварка с глубоким проникновением раcфокусировка лазерного пучка стабильность процесса лазерной сварки
Additive Technologies
A. S. Boreysho, G. T. Dzhgamadze, A. A. Moiseev, A. B. Savin, P. G. Smirnov
Multilevel Modeling Operational Processes of Selective Laser Melting DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.
Selective laser melting (SLM) is a promising area in additive processes. The problem of controlling the microstructure and quality of the final product obtained by the SLS method is solved by selecting the melting modes using the experimental search or numerical modeling. As of today, a multilevel simulation method for SLS processes has been developed that is considered in this paper.
Multilevel Modeling Operational Processes of Selective Laser Melting DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.
Selective laser melting (SLM) is a promising area in additive processes. The problem of controlling the microstructure and quality of the final product obtained by the SLS method is solved by selecting the melting modes using the experimental search or numerical modeling. As of today, a multilevel simulation method for SLS processes has been developed that is considered in this paper.
Tags: digital twin mathematical model mesoscale modeling microscale modeling multilevel modeling selective laser melting математическая модель мезоуровневое моделирование микроуровневое моделирование многоуровневое моделирование селективное лазерное сплавление
Lasers & Laser Systems
A. A. Kolegov, A. A. Abakshin, A. V. Gorbachev, D. A. Frolov
1500 W Ytterbium-doped Single Mode CW Fiber Laser DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.
This paper presents the results of the development and creation of a single mode fiber laser with high beam quality and a power of 1 500 W. The prospects for further increasing the power without degradation the quality of the beam are shown.
1500 W Ytterbium-doped Single Mode CW Fiber Laser DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.
This paper presents the results of the development and creation of a single mode fiber laser with high beam quality and a power of 1 500 W. The prospects for further increasing the power without degradation the quality of the beam are shown.
Tags: fiber lasers high power lasers single mode lasers ytterbium lasers волоконные лазеры иттербиевые лазеры мощные лазеры одномодовые лазеры
Optical Devices & Systems
V. Yu. Venediktov, K. N. Gavril’eva, Yu. S. Gudin, V. D. Nenadovich, A. A. Ryzhaya, A. A. Sevruygin, A. L. Sokolov, E. V. Shalymov
Polarization Interferometer and Structured Light DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.
This article describes an experimental study of the optical vortex formation using beams reflected from a combination of two cube-corner reflectors with a special interference phase-shifting coating. As predicted earlier, if arranged properly, these cube-corner reflectors create a spatial polarization structure, that can be called an optical vortex, since the plane of oscillations of thе vector E rotates with azimuth variation in the transverse plane. This enables an easy way of creating such vortices, albeit with some difficulties due to the need for precise optical path control and vortices themselves created in far field.
Polarization Interferometer and Structured Light DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.
This article describes an experimental study of the optical vortex formation using beams reflected from a combination of two cube-corner reflectors with a special interference phase-shifting coating. As predicted earlier, if arranged properly, these cube-corner reflectors create a spatial polarization structure, that can be called an optical vortex, since the plane of oscillations of thе vector E rotates with azimuth variation in the transverse plane. This enables an easy way of creating such vortices, albeit with some difficulties due to the need for precise optical path control and vortices themselves created in far field.
Tags: cube-corner reflectors optical vortex polarization of light retroreflective spatial-polarization interferometer spatial polarization structure поляризация света пространственная поляризационная структура световозвращающий пространственно-поляризационный интерферометр уголковые отражатели
Microwave Photonics
D. A. Koroteev, V. S. Gerasimenko, N. D. Gerasimenko, V. M. Petrov
The Role of Leaky Modes in the Operation of Devices Based on Integrated-Optical Mach-Zehnder Interferometers DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.
The effect of leaky modes on the operation of RF integrated-optical amplitude modulators and quantum noise generators made according to the Mach-Zehnder interferometer scheme has been studied. It is shown that the optical power dissipation through the leaky modes leads to a decrease in the dynamic range of the amplitude modulator, and, most importantly, to the possible intruder’s attack on a quantum communication line. In relation to the quantum noise generators made according to the Mach-Zehnder interferometer scheme, the leaky modes ensure penetration of vacuum fluctuations into the noise generator circuit that is necessary for the generator operation.
The Role of Leaky Modes in the Operation of Devices Based on Integrated-Optical Mach-Zehnder Interferometers DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.
The effect of leaky modes on the operation of RF integrated-optical amplitude modulators and quantum noise generators made according to the Mach-Zehnder interferometer scheme has been studied. It is shown that the optical power dissipation through the leaky modes leads to a decrease in the dynamic range of the amplitude modulator, and, most importantly, to the possible intruder’s attack on a quantum communication line. In relation to the quantum noise generators made according to the Mach-Zehnder interferometer scheme, the leaky modes ensure penetration of vacuum fluctuations into the noise generator circuit that is necessary for the generator operation.
Tags: attacks on the quantum communication lines integrated-optical amplitude modulators quantum noise generators tunnelling modes атаки на квантовые линии связи интегрально-оптические амплитудные модуляторы квантовые генераторы шума моды утечки
Optical measurements
A. V. Aprelev, V. A. Smirnov, E. V. Davydova
Application of Spectrophotometric Methods for Dye Identification DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.
At present, the actual problem is the identification of wine, alcohol-containing drinks, juices and juice-containing drinks in relation to the available synthetic dyes by simple and affordable methods. The article contains a brief description of the research conducted, the device and database of optical density numerical values of synthetic dyes used for the production of wine, juices and juice-containing drinks.
Application of Spectrophotometric Methods for Dye Identification DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2022.
At present, the actual problem is the identification of wine, alcohol-containing drinks, juices and juice-containing drinks in relation to the available synthetic dyes by simple and affordable methods. The article contains a brief description of the research conducted, the device and database of optical density numerical values of synthetic dyes used for the production of wine, juices and juice-containing drinks.