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Аддитивные технологии: Inconel 718 и AlSi10Mg
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Content & Annotations of Issue #7/2021
Business People
S. V. Popov
Science is Not Always Easy, But It Is Always Accessible
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2021.15.7.550.553
Technologies and Technology Equipment
A. D. Eremeev, D. V. Volosevich
Study of the Formation of the Structure of Laser Tracks During Laser Growing From AlSi10Mg Alloy Powder
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2021.15.7.558.566

The article describes a technique for manufacturing technical samples of AlSi10Mg by laser cladding. The effect of structure and defects on the mechanical strength of this alloy was studied at a process productivity of 1 kg / h and 1.5 kg / h. Mechanical tests for the grown samples are presented. With a decrease in the laser radiation power, a decrease in the dendritic cells of the structure from 204 μm to 46 μm was observed. On a sample with enlarged structure cells and the presence of defects, a significant decrease in the mechanical strength of transverse samples was observed.
M. V. Rashkovets, N. G. Kislov, A. A. Nikulina, O. G. Klimova-Korsmik
Effect of Heat Treatment on the Structure, Phase Composition and Impact Toughness of Inconel 718 Alloy Under Additive Manufacturing
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2021.15.7.568.575

Phase composition of the laser additively manufactured Inconel 718 alloy was investigated. The main strengthening phase of heat-treated materials conditions is gamma’ phase. δ phase deposited near Laves phase particles. Charpy impact tests show increasing of toughness in 1.5 times with the changing of building direction from parallel to transverse in as-deposited and heat-treated materials conditions. Crack propagation in the as-deposited samples is accompanied by the destruction of particles of the Laves phase and bypass them in the heat-treated material.
Conferences, exhibition & seminars
N. L. Istomina
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2021.15.7.594.597
Optical Devices & Systems
M. A. Zavyalova, P. S. Zavyalov, M. V. Savchenko
Experimental Studies of Fiber Confocal Sensor Based on Chromatic Coding Method
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2021.15.7.598.609

The paper presents the results of experimental studies of a fiber confocal sensor based on the chromatic coding method with the developed hybrid refractive-­diffractive and hyperchromatic lenses. This sensor allows you to determine the position of the controlled surfaces with a high resolution (the error does not exceed 0.1–1 µm) on working segments from 20 to 220 µm.
Optoelectronic Instruments & Devices
S. K. Morshnev, N. I. Starostin, Y. V. Przhiyalkovskiy, A. I. Sazonov
Nonlinear Dependence of the Verdet Constant on Concentrations of Paramagnetic Impurities Into the Optical Fiber Core
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2021.15.7.578.590

Paramagnetic contributions to the Verdet constants were measured in optical fibers whose cores are doped with paramagnetic impurities Gd+3 (0.4 at. %) and Tb+3 (1 at. %). It is established that the linear dependence of the Verdet constant on small concentrations of paramagnetic impurities in the optical fiber core requires nonlinear corrections when the concentrations significantly exceed 1–2 at. %. This phenomenon is explained by the formation of exchange pairs of ions of paramagnetic impurities, exchange triples, etc., the probability of which has the same dependence on the concentration of paramagnetic impurities. Exchange pairs of magnetic moments enhance the effect of the magnetic field on the sample and are the precursors of magnetic domains in ferromagnetic materials.
Разработка: студия Green Art