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Content & Annotations of Issue #7/2020
Lasers & Laser Systems
H. Gouraud, A. V. Eliseev, A. A. Borimova, D. S. Svyazina, N. V. Burov
Features of the ModBox Front-­End Master Source for generating Nanosecond Pulses
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2020.14.7.600.603

The ModBox Front-­End system is intended for use as a master source in laser systems generating radiation with a high energy density. The review presents new software features of the device and its latest enhancements: updated hardware of optical and RF amplifiers, increased output power, stability, improved characteristics of hardware pulse shaping.
K. N. Temnikova
Laser Production and Application: Topical Issues of Information Security and Business Continuity
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2020.14.7.604.615

The article deals with the production and application of lasers, and the related possibilities of penetration into the software of industrial laser systems. The goals, advantages and procedure for the implementation of the ISO / IEC 27001:2013 Information Security Management System (ISO 270XX series of standards) are considered. A step-by-step algorithm is presented on how to form an Information Security Management System at enterprises in order to reduce risks and avoid system errors. The relationship of the proposed measures with ensuring business continuity and increasing the investment attractiveness of enterprises is shown. Business disruptions lead to the loss of customers, income and reputation, while the lack of a Business Continuity Management System in the enterprise indicates an unpreparedness for a quick recovery of activities and inconsistency with the international level.
G. I. Dolgikh, S. G. Dolgikh
Laser Interference Systems Research on Tsunamigenic Earthquakes
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2020.14.7.616.624

The features of using laser strainmeters and laser meters of hydrospheric pressure variations for recording tsunamigenic earthquakes and their generated signals are described. When analyzing the records of various tsunamigenic earthquakes using laser strainmeters, the prospects for creating tsunami warning systems are considered.
Optical Devices & Systems
E. R. Muslimov, N. K. Pavlycheva, I. A. Guskov
Concept of Composite Holographic Optical Elements
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2020.14.7.586.599

In the present paper we propose a concept of a new type of holographic optical element. Such an optical element will represent a hologram recorded by stitching of several elementary fields. In this case, the following parameters may change in each elementary field: the groove profile depth or refractive index modulation amplitude; the shape of groove or fringe profile; grooves / fringes frequency; curvature of the grooves / fringes and their period non-uniformity parameters. In the resulting composite element such characteristics as diffraction efficiency, spectral and angular selectivity, polarization, dispersion and aberration properties can be controlled locally. The use of such elements will make it possible to create new optoelectronic devices with improved performance. On an example of spectrograph design for the visible domain of 400–800 nm it is shown that the use of such an element allows to reduce aberrations by up to 2.14 times and to increase the root-mean-square value of the diffraction efficiency up to 1.47 times.
Quantum Technologies
V. M. Petrov, A. V. Shamray, I. V. Ilyichev, N. D. Gerasimenko, V. S. Gerasimenko, P. M. Agruzov, V. V. Lebedev
Generation of Optical Frequency Harmonics for Quantum Communication Systems at Side Frequencies
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2020.14.7.570.582

For the first time, a significant effect of passive (i. e., without additional amplification) optical feedback on the number of spectral components of the output signal of a phase microwave integrated optical modulator has been demonstrated. The conditions are revealed under which the number of additional spectral components increases to 2 × 20 pieces, and the spectral range covered by them reaches up to 69 GHz.
It is proposed to use this effect to increase the transmission rate of the quantum key, as well as to expand the functionality of optical communication systems using based on DWDM standards.
Optical measurements
M. M. Kugeiko, V. L. Kozlov, V. A. Firago, N. L. Zgirovskaya
Methods and Systems of Optical and Physical Measurements (in Conditions of a priori Uncertainty)
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2020.14.7.626.637

The review presents optical and electronic methods and systems of various functional purpose developed by the authors on the basis of the “a priori-free” concept, which make it possible to exclude a priori information or assumptions about the object under study in the interpretation of measurement information, as well as “non-calibration” measuring systems that are resistant to changes in the instrumentation constants of reception radiating, recording blocks, environment, pollution of optical elements.
Разработка: студия Green Art