Business People
T. Id, K. Boll
Trends, Demand and Development in Optical Fiber Industry Today, in the fiber optic industry, we see high competition, especially in the production of standard telecommunications fiber. However, fast development of high-tech industries requires increasing usage of fiber lasers and a wide variety of fiber optic sensors, and this stimulates research and development constantly. Large-diameter fibers are needed to produce laser cables, for example, delivering laser light to the working area in many factories in different industries at the same time small-diameter fibers are required to make FBG sensors, gyroscopes, medical endoscopic instruments.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.5.418.424
Trends, Demand and Development in Optical Fiber Industry Today, in the fiber optic industry, we see high competition, especially in the production of standard telecommunications fiber. However, fast development of high-tech industries requires increasing usage of fiber lasers and a wide variety of fiber optic sensors, and this stimulates research and development constantly. Large-diameter fibers are needed to produce laser cables, for example, delivering laser light to the working area in many factories in different industries at the same time small-diameter fibers are required to make FBG sensors, gyroscopes, medical endoscopic instruments.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.5.418.424
Technologies and Technology Equipment
A. N. Melnikov
High-aperture diffraction optical element shaping techniques based on the use of pendulum-type ruling engines This paper touches upon the features and limitations of shaping techniques and promising application ranges of high-aperture diffraction optical elements. A number of applications require manufacturing ruled high-aperture diffraction optical elements on spherical and aspherical surfaces with a large sag, which is unachievable in practice with the existing manufacturing equipment. Engineering solutions have been suggested that open up the possibility to broaden the range of high-aperture diffraction optical elements basing on the use of pendulum-type ruling engines with subsequent replication of diffraction structure in the polymer layer.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.5.468.475
High-aperture diffraction optical element shaping techniques based on the use of pendulum-type ruling engines This paper touches upon the features and limitations of shaping techniques and promising application ranges of high-aperture diffraction optical elements. A number of applications require manufacturing ruled high-aperture diffraction optical elements on spherical and aspherical surfaces with a large sag, which is unachievable in practice with the existing manufacturing equipment. Engineering solutions have been suggested that open up the possibility to broaden the range of high-aperture diffraction optical elements basing on the use of pendulum-type ruling engines with subsequent replication of diffraction structure in the polymer layer.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.5.468.475
Tags: high-aperture compact spectrograph high-aperture diffraction optical elements high-aperture ruled gratings master matrix pendulum-type ruling engine photopolymers ranges of application replication shaping techniques делительная машина маятникового типа мастер-матрица области применения реплицирование светосильные дифракционные оптические элементы светосильные нарезные дифракционные решетки светосильный компактный спектрограф технологии формообразования фотополимеры
Conferences, exhibition & seminars
X-Ray Optics: How And What Will We See?
The scope of refractive optics has expanded significantly, significantly covering the area of application of traditional X‑ray optics – crystals and mirrors. But for astrophysical problems, X‑ray optics of squint gliding remains an indispensable tool. The complexity of the problem lies in the manufacture of multilayer interference mirrors, refractive lenses, and tunable refractive lenses – zoom lenses. To use their potential, X‑ray optics of diffraction quality are required. And in the field of X‑ray microtomography, the possibilities of increasing sensitivity are hidden in the use of X‑ray optical elements: capillary lenses, Fresnel zone plates, asymmetric reflecting crystals (Bragg magnifiers), multilayer X‑ray mirrors.
The scope of refractive optics has expanded significantly, significantly covering the area of application of traditional X‑ray optics – crystals and mirrors. But for astrophysical problems, X‑ray optics of squint gliding remains an indispensable tool. The complexity of the problem lies in the manufacture of multilayer interference mirrors, refractive lenses, and tunable refractive lenses – zoom lenses. To use their potential, X‑ray optics of diffraction quality are required. And in the field of X‑ray microtomography, the possibilities of increasing sensitivity are hidden in the use of X‑ray optical elements: capillary lenses, Fresnel zone plates, asymmetric reflecting crystals (Bragg magnifiers), multilayer X‑ray mirrors.
Earth In The Arms Of The Sun: Heliophysics And Space Weather
The regular meeting of the Scientific session of the Department of Physical Sciences (supervised by R. A. Suris, academician of the RAS) was held on June 5, 2019. The topic has combined the reports on the latest results in research on the Sun and its effect on space weather.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.5.504.506
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.5.504.506
Lasers & Laser Systems
A. L. Ter-Martirosyan, M. A. Sverdlov, C. N. Rodin, N. A. Pikhtin
Powerful (up to 100 W) Continuous Laser Arrays for Pumping Solid-state Lasers Powerful high-performance continuous wave (CW) laser arrays, emitting in the spectral range of 808 nm and designed for pumping solid-state lasers, have been developed. The laser arrays have high efficiency of converting electric current to light (more than 50%) and small geometrical dimensions. The chips are manufactured based on heterostructures grown by metal organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) epitaxy. The parameters of the developed LA and the results of their life tests are given in the article.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.5.486.495
Powerful (up to 100 W) Continuous Laser Arrays for Pumping Solid-state Lasers Powerful high-performance continuous wave (CW) laser arrays, emitting in the spectral range of 808 nm and designed for pumping solid-state lasers, have been developed. The laser arrays have high efficiency of converting electric current to light (more than 50%) and small geometrical dimensions. The chips are manufactured based on heterostructures grown by metal organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) epitaxy. The parameters of the developed LA and the results of their life tests are given in the article.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.5.486.495
Tags: laser arrays pumping solid-state lasers semiconductor laser лазер полупроводниковый линейка полупроводниковых лазеров накачка твердотельных лазеров
Opto-electronic systems and complexes
A. V. Samvelov, S. G. Yasev, A. S. Moskalenko, V. V. Startsev, O. V. Pakhomov
Micro-Cryogenic Stirling Cooler with a Combined Regenerator and Magnetocaloric Cooling Step The article describes the developed two-stage microcryogenic Stirling system for cryostatting the photodetector module. The design has a rare-earth combined regenerator in the first stage of cooling and magnetocaloric cooling in the second stage. The design provides an extended range of cryostatting temperatures and an increased efficiency near a temperature of 80K.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.5.496.499
Micro-Cryogenic Stirling Cooler with a Combined Regenerator and Magnetocaloric Cooling Step The article describes the developed two-stage microcryogenic Stirling system for cryostatting the photodetector module. The design has a rare-earth combined regenerator in the first stage of cooling and magnetocaloric cooling in the second stage. The design provides an extended range of cryostatting temperatures and an increased efficiency near a temperature of 80K.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.5.496.499
Tags: cryostat for the photodetector stirling micro-cryogenic system the lanthanides криостатирование фпу лантаноиды микрокриогенная система стирлинга
Optical Measurements
B. J. Soller, D. K. Gifford, M. S. Wolfe, M. E. Froggatt
Optical Backscatter Reflectometry (OBR) Optical communications technology is rapidly evolving to meet the ever-growing demand for ubiquitous connectivity and higher data rates. As signaling rates increase and modulation schemes become more complex, guaranteeing a high-fidelity optical transmission medium is becoming even more critical. Additionally, modern networks are relying more on photonic integrated circuits (PICs) based on silicon photonics or other developing technologies, introducing additional variables into the design and deployment of robust high bandwidth optical systems. Measurement and full characterization of loss along the light path is a fundamental tool in the design and optimization of these components and fiber optic networks. The review considers the difference in optical reflectometry methods. The advantages of optical backscatter reflectometry (OBR) are presented for a number of applications, including short fiber networks and PIC.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.5.452.460
Optical Backscatter Reflectometry (OBR) Optical communications technology is rapidly evolving to meet the ever-growing demand for ubiquitous connectivity and higher data rates. As signaling rates increase and modulation schemes become more complex, guaranteeing a high-fidelity optical transmission medium is becoming even more critical. Additionally, modern networks are relying more on photonic integrated circuits (PICs) based on silicon photonics or other developing technologies, introducing additional variables into the design and deployment of robust high bandwidth optical systems. Measurement and full characterization of loss along the light path is a fundamental tool in the design and optimization of these components and fiber optic networks. The review considers the difference in optical reflectometry methods. The advantages of optical backscatter reflectometry (OBR) are presented for a number of applications, including short fiber networks and PIC.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.5.452.460
Tags: obr) ofdr olcr optical communications technology optical reflectometry methods (otdr компоненты волоконной связи методы оптической рефлектометрии (otdr фотонные интегральные схемы частотная оптическая
Fiber Optic Devices & Technoligies
I. A. Bufetov, A. F. Kosolapov, A. D. Pryamikov, A. V. Gladyshev, A. N. Kolyadin, A. A. Krylov, Yu. P. Yatsenko, A. S. Biryukov
Hollow-core revolver fibers (properties, design and fabrication, applications) Hollow-core revolver fibers (RF) are a special type of hollow optical fibers with negative curvature of the core-cladding boundary. Their reflective cladding usually consists of a single layer of capillaries surrounding the hollow core. The physical mechanisms responsible for the waveguide properties of these fibers are discussed. A review of the optical properties and possible applications of hollow-core revolver fibers is given. Particular attention is paid to hydrogen Raman lasers of the mid-IR spectral range based on hollow-core revolver fibers and emitting in the range of 2.9–4.4 μm.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.5.426.443
Hollow-core revolver fibers (properties, design and fabrication, applications) Hollow-core revolver fibers (RF) are a special type of hollow optical fibers with negative curvature of the core-cladding boundary. Their reflective cladding usually consists of a single layer of capillaries surrounding the hollow core. The physical mechanisms responsible for the waveguide properties of these fibers are discussed. A review of the optical properties and possible applications of hollow-core revolver fibers is given. Particular attention is paid to hydrogen Raman lasers of the mid-IR spectral range based on hollow-core revolver fibers and emitting in the range of 2.9–4.4 μm.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.5.426.443
Tags: fiber design and fabrication fiber optics hollow-core fibers raman scattering волоконная оптика вынужденное комбинационное рассеяние (вкр) полые световоды технология волоконных световодов
Optical measurements
A. V. Lukin
Wavefront: Some Issues Related to its Reconstruction and Shaping in Holography and Diffraction Optics In this paper we consider the problems of wavefronts shaping and transformation in holography and in diffraction optics. The simplest examples illustrate the similarity and difference in the physical nature of the processes of formation and intensity distribution of a single diffractive (holographic) lens and a classical lens for continuous and single-pulse laser radiation in a circle of diffusion. It was also proposed to generalize the theorems of Malus and Levi-Civita in cases of diffraction; the appropriate formula is given.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.5.462.467
Wavefront: Some Issues Related to its Reconstruction and Shaping in Holography and Diffraction Optics In this paper we consider the problems of wavefronts shaping and transformation in holography and in diffraction optics. The simplest examples illustrate the similarity and difference in the physical nature of the processes of formation and intensity distribution of a single diffractive (holographic) lens and a classical lens for continuous and single-pulse laser radiation in a circle of diffusion. It was also proposed to generalize the theorems of Malus and Levi-Civita in cases of diffraction; the appropriate formula is given.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.5.462.467
Tags: coherence. diffracted beam diffraction optics holography huygens-fresnel principle light velocity light wave front lightwave length wavefront reconstruction восстановление волнового фронта голография дифрагированный луч дифракционная оптика длина световой волны когерентность принцип гюйгенса-френеля скорость света фронт световой волны
Fiber Optic Devices
I. S. Azanova, D. I. Shevtsov, O. L. Vokhmyanina, I. D. Saranova, A. N. Smirnova, M. I. Bulatov, E. A. Pospelova, Yu. O. Sharonova, T. V. Dimakova, P. F. Kashaykin, A. L. Tomashuk, A. F. Kosolapov, S. L. Semenov
Experience оf the Development of Heat-resistant, Radiation-resistant and Hydro-resistant Optical Fibre The manufacturing technology of pure-silica-core optical fibre mass production has been developed and mastered. Research for its resistance to elevated temperatures, ionizing radiation and hydrogen-containing medium was conducted. These optical fibres can be used in cables for special telemetry systems, on-board cables for aerospace engineering, and geophysical cables for measuring temperature in a borehole.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.5.444.450
Experience оf the Development of Heat-resistant, Radiation-resistant and Hydro-resistant Optical Fibre The manufacturing technology of pure-silica-core optical fibre mass production has been developed and mastered. Research for its resistance to elevated temperatures, ionizing radiation and hydrogen-containing medium was conducted. These optical fibres can be used in cables for special telemetry systems, on-board cables for aerospace engineering, and geophysical cables for measuring temperature in a borehole.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.5.444.450
Tags: high temperature hydrogen environment ionizing radiation optical fibre водородосодержащая среда ионизирующее излучение оптическое волокно повышенная температура
Materials & Coatings
V. B. Romashova, D. S. Shaimadiyeva, N. V. Burov
Research of optical fiber’s hermetic carbon coatings used in harsh conditions Hermetic carbon coatings of various thicknesses in the range from 1 to 100 nm for optical fibers are characterized by confocal Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. In the course of the research, standard Raman far-field spectra were obtained in the region from 1000 to 2000 cm−1 using 5 individual components: different types of graphite-like and disordered phases. A new spectroscopic indicator is also proposed, which provides a measure of the soot fraction in carbon materials. Studies using the TERS (tip-enhanced Raman scattering) method confirmed the complex structure of the Raman D band of the first order assigned to disordered vibrations of the graphite lattice. In addition, using this method, it was proved that carbon allotropes are formed in protective coatings, such as carbon nanotubes.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.5.476.484
Research of optical fiber’s hermetic carbon coatings used in harsh conditions Hermetic carbon coatings of various thicknesses in the range from 1 to 100 nm for optical fibers are characterized by confocal Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. In the course of the research, standard Raman far-field spectra were obtained in the region from 1000 to 2000 cm−1 using 5 individual components: different types of graphite-like and disordered phases. A new spectroscopic indicator is also proposed, which provides a measure of the soot fraction in carbon materials. Studies using the TERS (tip-enhanced Raman scattering) method confirmed the complex structure of the Raman D band of the first order assigned to disordered vibrations of the graphite lattice. In addition, using this method, it was proved that carbon allotropes are formed in protective coatings, such as carbon nanotubes.
DOI: 10.22184/1993-7296.FRos.2019.13.5.476.484