Technologies and Technology Equipment
A. G. Sukhov, S. M. Shanchurov, M. M. Malysh, L. B. Zhirnova
Standardization of technological processes relating to metal processing using laser radiation: current state, problems, tasks Retardation of the domestic industry is caused by the slow introduction of laser technologies into industry. The reason lies in the lack of standards for the technological processes of welding, cutting, surfacing, heat treatment, marking, cleaning of the metallic surface, standards for terms and definitions related to the laser processing of materials. To remedy this situation, it was created a program for 2019—2023 to develop national standards for technological processes and terminology for laser processing of metals.
Standardization of technological processes relating to metal processing using laser radiation: current state, problems, tasks Retardation of the domestic industry is caused by the slow introduction of laser technologies into industry. The reason lies in the lack of standards for the technological processes of welding, cutting, surfacing, heat treatment, marking, cleaning of the metallic surface, standards for terms and definitions related to the laser processing of materials. To remedy this situation, it was created a program for 2019—2023 to develop national standards for technological processes and terminology for laser processing of metals.
Tags: industry standards laser industry laser processing of metals laser production technologies national standards standardization лазерная обработка металлов лазерная промышленность лазерные производственные технологии национальные стандарты отраслевые стандарты стандартизация
Conferences, exhibition & seminars
N. L. Istomina, L. V. Karyakina
Optimal kinematics of motion for the creation of precision optics Undoubtedly, Germany is a leader in the production of precision optics, and the Optatec exhibition reflects the ideas and technical solutions in this field. Based on presented exposition Optatec‑2018 it is possible to understand the direction of modern technical thought, but it is impossible to build a forecast for the development of optical machine-tool technology. We try to justify such a statement.
Optimal kinematics of motion for the creation of precision optics Undoubtedly, Germany is a leader in the production of precision optics, and the Optatec exhibition reflects the ideas and technical solutions in this field. Based on presented exposition Optatec‑2018 it is possible to understand the direction of modern technical thought, but it is impossible to build a forecast for the development of optical machine-tool technology. We try to justify such a statement.
Tags: modern optical industry new optical materials optatec‑2018 optical machine-tool technology precision optics processing of optical materials выставка optatec‑2018 новые оптические материалы обработка оптических материалов оптическое станкостроение прецизионная оптика современная оптическая промышленность
Lasers & Laser Systems
V. P. Lopasov, I. V. Ivonin
Generation of a new-type laser radiation for solving knowledge-based applied problems. Part II It is necessary to use laser radiation with a stable wavefront for communication, aerospace and atmos-pheric-optical devices. The turbulence of the atmosphere distorts the wavefront of radiation as it propagates, especially on large paths exceeding 1–5 km. The disadvantage of lasers built on electric dipole (ED) junctions lies in this. The laser channels of magnetomultipolar (MM) radiation on the MM electronic transition are relevant from the point of view of the stability of the wave front in the atmosphere. The physical basis of such a laser was described in the first part of the article. A spin-flip mode for generating laser MM radiation and its application area are described in the second part of the article.
Generation of a new-type laser radiation for solving knowledge-based applied problems. Part II It is necessary to use laser radiation with a stable wavefront for communication, aerospace and atmos-pheric-optical devices. The turbulence of the atmosphere distorts the wavefront of radiation as it propagates, especially on large paths exceeding 1–5 km. The disadvantage of lasers built on electric dipole (ED) junctions lies in this. The laser channels of magnetomultipolar (MM) radiation on the MM electronic transition are relevant from the point of view of the stability of the wave front in the atmosphere. The physical basis of such a laser was described in the first part of the article. A spin-flip mode for generating laser MM radiation and its application area are described in the second part of the article.
Tags: biharmonic pumping radiation electron-ion ensemble molecular gas optical "solenoid-resonator". prepared magnetomultipole transition self-organization ансамбль электрон-ион бигармоническое излучение накачки молекулярный газ оптический "соленоид-резонатор" приготовленный магнитомультипольный переход самоорганизация
Optical Devices & Systems
O. N. Shishkanov, A. P. Boychenko
Polychrome-electric visualization of photonics products based on optical glass The technology of radiation defects visualization in crystals, through pores and microcracks in polymer materials has traditionally used photoplates. Based on the use of glass matrices in the form of microlenses formed in optical glass, new possibilities of electric field visualization of defects on X-ray photographic materials with subsequent conversion of monochrome images into polychrome images are demonstrated.
Polychrome-electric visualization of photonics products based on optical glass The technology of radiation defects visualization in crystals, through pores and microcracks in polymer materials has traditionally used photoplates. Based on the use of glass matrices in the form of microlenses formed in optical glass, new possibilities of electric field visualization of defects on X-ray photographic materials with subsequent conversion of monochrome images into polychrome images are demonstrated.
Tags: crystal defects electric field photography glass matrix of microlenses monochrome and polychrome images polychrome-electric visualization x-ray photographic materials дефекты в кристаллах монохромные и полихромные изображения полихромно-электрополевая визуализация рентгеновские фотоматериалы стеклянные матрицы микролинз электрополевая фотография
A. V. Startsev, Yu. Yu. Styolov
Interaction of a laser track with an edge in a soap film The behavior of light during its propagation in the thickness of a viscous film is associated with the mechanisms of light pressure, nanomechanics and photonics. The laser track, interacting with the edge of the liquid film, exhibits unusual properties. The article discusses these issues on the basis of an analysis of the experimental results.
Interaction of a laser track with an edge in a soap film The behavior of light during its propagation in the thickness of a viscous film is associated with the mechanisms of light pressure, nanomechanics and photonics. The laser track, interacting with the edge of the liquid film, exhibits unusual properties. The article discusses these issues on the basis of an analysis of the experimental results.
Tags: laser tracks light pressure nanomechanics nonlinear phenomena resonant properties of films soap films лазерные треки мыльные пленки наномеханика нелинейные явления резонансные свойства пленок световое давление
Optoelectronic Devices and Systems
I. A. Tsibizov, G. I. Kropotov
Pulsed terahertz spectrometer PTS‑1 Pulsed terahertz spectrometer ITS‑1 – a device for Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy – is presented. The method of optical rectification of femtosecond pulses is implemented to generate THz radiation in ITS‑1. The average output power of the generated THz radiation is 300 µW, the conversion coefficient of the signal from the optical to the THz range is 10–4. The device has a sufficiently flexible optical scheme and multifunctional software. The article presents test results.
Pulsed terahertz spectrometer PTS‑1 Pulsed terahertz spectrometer ITS‑1 – a device for Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy – is presented. The method of optical rectification of femtosecond pulses is implemented to generate THz radiation in ITS‑1. The average output power of the generated THz radiation is 300 µW, the conversion coefficient of the signal from the optical to the THz range is 10–4. The device has a sufficiently flexible optical scheme and multifunctional software. The article presents test results.
Tags: associated synchronism cherenkov synchronism electro-optical gating nonlinear polarization optical rectification terahertz spectroscopy нелинейная поляризация оптическое выпрямление импульсов попутный синхронизм терагерцевая спектроскопия черенковский синхронизм электрооптическое стробирование
Fiber Optic Devices & Technoligies
E. Serdyuk, M. Pireilez, Chen-liang Wu, Mei-Huang Yan
Advantages of partial discharge detection using a hybrid solution involving the Power-over-fiber and fluorescent fiber sensors Partial discharge occurring in electrical devices of high or medium voltage (distribution electrical cabinets, engines, converters and generators) has a negative impact on the performance of the equipment. To detect a partial discharge, it is proposed to use corresponding optical radiation, which can be detected with optical sensors. The design of a hybrid detection system based on a fluorescent fiber sensor and fiber power transmission technology (PoF) is discussed.
Advantages of partial discharge detection using a hybrid solution involving the Power-over-fiber and fluorescent fiber sensors Partial discharge occurring in electrical devices of high or medium voltage (distribution electrical cabinets, engines, converters and generators) has a negative impact on the performance of the equipment. To detect a partial discharge, it is proposed to use corresponding optical radiation, which can be detected with optical sensors. The design of a hybrid detection system based on a fluorescent fiber sensor and fiber power transmission technology (PoF) is discussed.
Tags: fiber optic sensor fluorescence monitoring systems optical sensorics partial discharge pof technology оптическая сенсорика оптоволоконный датчик системы мониторинга технология pof флуоресценция частичный разряд
M. A. Simonov
Fiber-optical system for monitoring the technical condition of industrial facilities The article introduces the products of the "FORC-Photonics", developed and manufactured in the company for nondestructive testing of complex technical facilities at hazardous industrial enterprises.
Fiber-optical system for monitoring the technical condition of industrial facilities The article introduces the products of the "FORC-Photonics", developed and manufactured in the company for nondestructive testing of complex technical facilities at hazardous industrial enterprises.
Tags: fiber optic sensors industrial objects monitoring nondestructive testing overpressure sensors relative strain measurement sensors temperature sensors vibration sensors волоконно-оптические датчики датчики вибрации датчики избыточного давления датчики измерения относительной деформации датчики температуры мониторинг объектов промышленности неразрушающий контроль
O. V. Gradov, V. V. Krukowskikh, P. A. Nasirov, A. G. Jablokov
Multi-axis goniometric 3D-visualization of vector diagrams of optical characteristics of dispersed and biological structures on a chip using different laser scanning regimes and trajectories The aim of this publication is to illustrate the results of the analysis and the volume rendering of the visual patterns of radiation patterns or optical indicatrix in the multi-axis geometries of the experiments at different scanning trajectories and speed regimes. Such methods may be implemented on the "Quaternion"-type setups for lens-free imaging of biological structures with angular resolution.
Multi-axis goniometric 3D-visualization of vector diagrams of optical characteristics of dispersed and biological structures on a chip using different laser scanning regimes and trajectories The aim of this publication is to illustrate the results of the analysis and the volume rendering of the visual patterns of radiation patterns or optical indicatrix in the multi-axis geometries of the experiments at different scanning trajectories and speed regimes. Such methods may be implemented on the "Quaternion"-type setups for lens-free imaging of biological structures with angular resolution.
Tags: 3d-visualization of radiation patterns 3d-визуализация диаграмм направленности biological structures on a chip lensless microscopy optical indicatrix vector diagrams visualization of cell characteristics безлинзовая микроскопия биологические структуры на чипе векторные диаграммы визуализация характеристик клеток оптические индикатрисы