Technologies and Technology Equipment
N. N. Popov, A. S. Filonov, S. N. Bezdidko, D. A. Sagalayev, D. S. Afanasov
Visualization of optical gradient-index lens structure defects with refraction index radial distribution Gradient-index lenses, elements of nonlinear optics, refer to the functional materials of optics. Heterogeneity of the gradient-index lens structure leads to a deterioration in optical properties. It is shown how it is possible to reduce the number of defects at the stage of thermal sintering process of the charge frit stock.
Visualization of optical gradient-index lens structure defects with refraction index radial distribution Gradient-index lenses, elements of nonlinear optics, refer to the functional materials of optics. Heterogeneity of the gradient-index lens structure leads to a deterioration in optical properties. It is shown how it is possible to reduce the number of defects at the stage of thermal sintering process of the charge frit stock.
Tags: differential aeration electrolytic corrosion optical gradient-index lens visualization of micro- and mesodefects визуализация микро- и мезодефектов дифференциальная аэрация оптические граданы электролитическая коррозия
V.G.Volkov, E. A. Moiseev, Y. S. Mitrofanova, B. N. Senik
Modern trends in development of innovative thermal imaging lenses and concerns of their industrial production The article deals with the concerns of industrial production of thermal imaging lenses for IR-range. They relate both to a stage of production of individual optical components, and a stage of assembly and alignment.
Modern trends in development of innovative thermal imaging lenses and concerns of their industrial production The article deals with the concerns of industrial production of thermal imaging lenses for IR-range. They relate both to a stage of production of individual optical components, and a stage of assembly and alignment.
Tags: thermal imaging devices thermal imaging diagnostics thermal imaging lenses тепловизионная диагностика тепловизионные объективы тепловизионные приборы
S. V. Tarasenko, E. A. Morozova, R. D. Garipov
Dental implants surface analysis after exposure to radiation of laser dental systems Laser methods are also being actively introduced into modern dentistry. Analysis of the implant microsurface of various systems after exposure to laser irradiation at different wavelengths by the results of scanning electron microscopy showed which medical lasers have the most traumatic impact on the implant surface, and which carry the least damage. This will help to select the mode of medical laser operation.
Dental implants surface analysis after exposure to radiation of laser dental systems Laser methods are also being actively introduced into modern dentistry. Analysis of the implant microsurface of various systems after exposure to laser irradiation at different wavelengths by the results of scanning electron microscopy showed which medical lasers have the most traumatic impact on the implant surface, and which carry the least damage. This will help to select the mode of medical laser operation.
Tags: implants surface analysis laser dental systems traumatic impact of laser irradiation анализ поверхности имплантов стоматологические лазеры травматическое воздействие лазерного излучения
Conferences, exhibition & seminars
A.M. Mayorova
Actual problems of optics and laser physics The use of the technique of spiral beams of light, the identification of quantum dots, the technology of layer-by-layer laser melting of functional and gradient structures, the technique of creating ferroelectric liquid crystals with a low refractive index-these topics affect the most dynamically developing areas of modern optics. Reports on them were made at a conference organized by the Institute of Physics. P.N. Lebedev Russian Academy of Sciences in Samara, where the leading scientific schools of Russia in the field of optics and laser physics were presented.
Actual problems of optics and laser physics The use of the technique of spiral beams of light, the identification of quantum dots, the technology of layer-by-layer laser melting of functional and gradient structures, the technique of creating ferroelectric liquid crystals with a low refractive index-these topics affect the most dynamically developing areas of modern optics. Reports on them were made at a conference organized by the Institute of Physics. P.N. Lebedev Russian Academy of Sciences in Samara, where the leading scientific schools of Russia in the field of optics and laser physics were presented.
Tags: problems of optics and laser physics technique of spiral beams of light the identification of quantum dots the technology of layer-by-layer laser melting of functional and вопросы современной оптики и лазерной физики идентификация квантовых точек техника спиральных пучков света технология послойного лазерного плавления функциональных и гради
Lasers & Laser Systems
N. V. Burov, J. Lin, V. B. Romashova
High-power fiber combiners The reliability of alloy fiber components in fiber optic laser systems provides a high level of radiation power. The article describes the main problems of creating fiber combiners and methods for their solution to minimize energy losses and preserve beam quality.
High-power fiber combiners The reliability of alloy fiber components in fiber optic laser systems provides a high level of radiation power. The article describes the main problems of creating fiber combiners and methods for their solution to minimize energy losses and preserve beam quality.
Tags: fiber combiners fused biconical tapering technology high-power fiber laser высокомощные волоконные лазеры оптоволоконные объединители излучения технология сплавного биконического тейпирования
A. V.Avdeev, A. S.Boreysho, S. V.Ivakin, A.P. Pogoda, A. V.Savin
High brightness solid-state phase-conjugate lasers for space applications The article substantiates the main requirements as well as suggests approaches to the construction of spaceborne lasers for location and lidar applications, energy transfer, space debris removal from near-earth orbits, and acceleration of space vehicles. The achievements in the field of high brightness solid-state lasers based on the phase conjugation effect are demonstrated, and the feasibility of their application in space technology is substantiated.
High brightness solid-state phase-conjugate lasers for space applications The article substantiates the main requirements as well as suggests approaches to the construction of spaceborne lasers for location and lidar applications, energy transfer, space debris removal from near-earth orbits, and acceleration of space vehicles. The achievements in the field of high brightness solid-state lasers based on the phase conjugation effect are demonstrated, and the feasibility of their application in space technology is substantiated.
Tags: high brightness laser laser orbital debris removal лазерный локатор phase-conjugate laser power beaming solid state laser spaceborne laser spaceborne lidar space debris космический лазер космический лидар космический мусор лазер высокой яркости лазерное удаление космического мусора обращение волнового фронта передача энергии твердотельный лазер
V. P. Lopasov, I. V. Ivonin
Generation of a new-type laser radiation for solving knowledge-based applied problems. Part 1 A physical basis for the generation of magnetomultipole (MM) radiation in the wavelength range 250–900 nm in the "set of fields + molecular gas" non-equilibrium system is created. The mechanism of the two-dimensional feedback between the energies of the quadratic Stark effect at the low-frequency electric dipole (starter) and the Zeeman effect at the high-frequency magnetic multipole (working) vibrational-rotational (VR) transitions is substantiated.
Generation of a new-type laser radiation for solving knowledge-based applied problems. Part 1 A physical basis for the generation of magnetomultipole (MM) radiation in the wavelength range 250–900 nm in the "set of fields + molecular gas" non-equilibrium system is created. The mechanism of the two-dimensional feedback between the energies of the quadratic Stark effect at the low-frequency electric dipole (starter) and the Zeeman effect at the high-frequency magnetic multipole (working) vibrational-rotational (VR) transitions is substantiated.
Tags: magnetomultipolar laser propagation of laser radiation in the atmosphere магнитомультипольный лазер распространение лазерного излучения в атмосфере
Optical Measurements
I. S. Klimenko
Interference of speckle fields The revue of author’s articles on investigation of speckle fields phenomena and their coherent interaction processes that form physical basis of holographic and speckle interferometry. The phenomena appearing in the case of speckle-modulated fields superposition are analyzing, interpreting and summarized from common point of view as in interference experiments, so in realization of the practical possibilities of speckle optics methods.
Interference of speckle fields The revue of author’s articles on investigation of speckle fields phenomena and their coherent interaction processes that form physical basis of holographic and speckle interferometry. The phenomena appearing in the case of speckle-modulated fields superposition are analyzing, interpreting and summarized from common point of view as in interference experiments, so in realization of the practical possibilities of speckle optics methods.
Tags: coherence diffraction hologram interference speckle field superposition голограмма дифракция интерференция когерентность суперпозиция спекл-поле
Metrology and Certification
B. Neumann, S. Wright
Fast high power laser power measurement There is always a need to measure and control the parameters of the output laser radiation: at the stage of production and testing, and during the operation of laser installations. The following article describes two systems that are suitable for high power measurements.
Fast high power laser power measurement There is always a need to measure and control the parameters of the output laser radiation: at the stage of production and testing, and during the operation of laser installations. The following article describes two systems that are suitable for high power measurements.
Tags: integrating spheres measure and control the parameters of the output laser radiation photodiodes thermocouples измерение и контроль параметров выходного лазерного излучения интегрирующая сфера термопары фотодиоды
P. A. Ivanov
Autocollimators and goniometers. Review of modern models A brief review of modern samples of autocollimators and goniometers is given in the article and their brief metrological analysis is carried out.
Autocollimators and goniometers. Review of modern models A brief review of modern samples of autocollimators and goniometers is given in the article and their brief metrological analysis is carried out.
Tags: visual and digital autocollimators and goniometers визуальные и цифровые автоколлиматоры и гониометры
Yu.A. Salangin
New opportunities for Russian products export The key event of the summer of 2017 was the signing by Rosacredit of documents on international recognition - the Mutual Recognition Arrangement of the Asia-Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Organization (APLAC MRA), and then the similar Arrangement of the International Laboratory Accreditation Organization (ILAC MRA) in the field of testing (ISO / IEC17025 ) and calibration (ISO / IEC17025). This event was preceded by the procedure for assessing by the international auditors APLAC of the Service of Testing Laboratories.
New opportunities for Russian products export The key event of the summer of 2017 was the signing by Rosacredit of documents on international recognition - the Mutual Recognition Arrangement of the Asia-Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Organization (APLAC MRA), and then the similar Arrangement of the International Laboratory Accreditation Organization (ILAC MRA) in the field of testing (ISO / IEC17025 ) and calibration (ISO / IEC17025). This event was preceded by the procedure for assessing by the international auditors APLAC of the Service of Testing Laboratories.