Technologies and Technology Equipment
A.A.Budilovich, A, G.Dorosdkevich, A.A.Melnikov, V.P.Nakonechny, A.V.Romanovich, V.S.Tomal, T.G.Shushkanova
Automated Optical Details Washing Complex Used Before Coating The Details In Vacuum Environment The article describes the automated washing complex AKP-3 used for final washing of large-sized optical details, made from quartz glass, before their coating in vacuum environment. There is given the information about technical characteristics of the complex. Automated optical details washing complex used before coating the details in vacuum environment
Automated Optical Details Washing Complex Used Before Coating The Details In Vacuum Environment The article describes the automated washing complex AKP-3 used for final washing of large-sized optical details, made from quartz glass, before their coating in vacuum environment. There is given the information about technical characteristics of the complex. Automated optical details washing complex used before coating the details in vacuum environment
Tags: basket basket carrier circulation-filtration filter module filtration rating laminar flow operating system ламинарный поток tool changing device ultrasonic generator washing complex of optical details water treatment автооператор водоподготовка кассета кассетоноситель комплекс промывки оптических деталей рейтинг фильтрации система управления ультразвуковой генератор фильтромодуль циркуляция-фильтрация
A.G.Grigoriance, I.V.Kulikov, I.N.Shiganov
Features Of Obtaining Superconducting Layer In Second-Generation High-Temperature Superconducting Tapes Pulsed Laser Deposition Method Second-generation superconducting material is an area of great interest for the production of power cables, current limiters, generators, transformers and superconducting magnets. It is due to their performance and behavior in magnetic fields. The results of obtaining high-temperature superconductors (HTSC) YBa2Cu3O7-x epitaxial films on textured metal substrates with pulsed laser deposition method are given in the article. The conditions for superconducting coating epitaxial growth are determined. The critical passing current value 247 A is obtained when HTSC film as thick as 2.25 μm.
Features Of Obtaining Superconducting Layer In Second-Generation High-Temperature Superconducting Tapes Pulsed Laser Deposition Method Second-generation superconducting material is an area of great interest for the production of power cables, current limiters, generators, transformers and superconducting magnets. It is due to their performance and behavior in magnetic fields. The results of obtaining high-temperature superconductors (HTSC) YBa2Cu3O7-x epitaxial films on textured metal substrates with pulsed laser deposition method are given in the article. The conditions for superconducting coating epitaxial growth are determined. The critical passing current value 247 A is obtained when HTSC film as thick as 2.25 μm.
Tags: high-temperature superconducting tapes pulsed laser deposition superconducting coatings superconducting materials высокотемпературные сверхпроводниковые ленты импульсное лазерное осаждение сверхпроводящие материалы сверхпроводящие покрытия
Conferences, exhibition & seminars
Metalloobrabotka-2017: More And More Laser Tools Once again, confirming the status of the largest exhibition and the most important event in the field of machine-tool industry, Metalloobrabotka – 2017 demonstrated the latest technologies and equipment, innovative systems in the field of metal processing, as well as the technical features and advantages of modern machine tools.
Metalloobrabotka-2017: More And More Laser Tools Once again, confirming the status of the largest exhibition and the most important event in the field of machine-tool industry, Metalloobrabotka – 2017 demonstrated the latest technologies and equipment, innovative systems in the field of metal processing, as well as the technical features and advantages of modern machine tools.
Additive Technologies
E.A.Lukina, D.V.Zaitsev, S.V.Sbitneva, A.V.Zavodov
Selective Synthesis Of Heat-Resistant Nickel Alloy: Structural Aspects The formation peculiarities of non-equilibrium structures during selective laser sintering and subsequent heat treatment of Ni-Al-W-Co-Cr-Ti-Mo high-temperature nickel alloy are considered in this article. This nickel alloy is used in the industry to manufacture blades which are part of gas turbine engine. The influence of laser beam scanning path on the resulting material quality is described.
Selective Synthesis Of Heat-Resistant Nickel Alloy: Structural Aspects The formation peculiarities of non-equilibrium structures during selective laser sintering and subsequent heat treatment of Ni-Al-W-Co-Cr-Ti-Mo high-temperature nickel alloy are considered in this article. This nickel alloy is used in the industry to manufacture blades which are part of gas turbine engine. The influence of laser beam scanning path on the resulting material quality is described.
Tags: carbides cells heat-resistant nickel alloy molten pools ячейки sls texture γ- and γ’-phases γ- и γ’-фазы ванны расплава жаропрочный никелевый сплав карбиды слс текстура
Lasers & Laser Systems
G.I.Dolgikh, S.S.Budrin, S.G.Dolgikh, V.A.Chupin, S.V.Yakovenko
Features Of Application Of Mobile Laser Strainmeter In Winter Conditions The exploration technologies of Arctic resources require the results of fundamental studies dedicated to the structure and composition of the sea crust of both shelf and deep-water ice-covered Arctic waters. This article deals with the features of using a surface-type mobile laser strainmeter for solving similar problems. The results of an experiment for determining the speed characteristics of waves generated with a low-frequency hydroacoustic radiator that creates harmonic and complex phase-manipulated signals in water are described.
Features Of Application Of Mobile Laser Strainmeter In Winter Conditions The exploration technologies of Arctic resources require the results of fundamental studies dedicated to the structure and composition of the sea crust of both shelf and deep-water ice-covered Arctic waters. This article deals with the features of using a surface-type mobile laser strainmeter for solving similar problems. The results of an experiment for determining the speed characteristics of waves generated with a low-frequency hydroacoustic radiator that creates harmonic and complex phase-manipulated signals in water are described.
Tags: convolution hydroacoustic radiator inversion mobile laser strainmeter model of sea crust phase-shift signal гидроакустический излучатель инверсия мобильный лазерный деформограф модель морской земной коры свертка фазоманипулированный сигнал
Optical Devices & Systems
A.V.Medvedev, S.N.Knyazeva, R.O.Kashcheev, A.V.Grinkevich
Modern Design Approach To The Aiming Review of the different construction options of optical trains used in modern sighting units with co-channels is represented. These devices feature enhanced functionality as well as low mass and small dimensions.
Modern Design Approach To The Aiming Review of the different construction options of optical trains used in modern sighting units with co-channels is represented. These devices feature enhanced functionality as well as low mass and small dimensions.
Tags: co-channels multispectral systems one-pupil optical trains sighting units мультиспектральные системы однозрачкоые схемы прицельные устройства совмещенные каналы
Optical Measurements
V.A.Solomatin, D.A.Balabanova
Measuring Method Of Relief-Frequency Response Of Laser Locators In The Relief Scanning The concept of "relief-frequency response" has been introduced, representing a laser scanner as a filter of spatial frequencies when probing the surface relief. A method for measuring the laser locator relief-frequency response has been proposed using test objects in the form of a step change in range (a spatial analogue of measuring the transient response). The article describes the installation design to determine the relief-frequency response, the method and the results of measurements.
Measuring Method Of Relief-Frequency Response Of Laser Locators In The Relief Scanning The concept of "relief-frequency response" has been introduced, representing a laser scanner as a filter of spatial frequencies when probing the surface relief. A method for measuring the laser locator relief-frequency response has been proposed using test objects in the form of a step change in range (a spatial analogue of measuring the transient response). The article describes the installation design to determine the relief-frequency response, the method and the results of measurements.
Tags: laser locators laser probe of the relief relief-frequency characteristic лазерное зондирование рельефа лазерные локаторы рельефно-частотная характеристика
Optical Devices
The Benefits Of Transmission Grating Based Spectroscopy Combination of the attractive benefits with a competive price has led to a renewed customer interest to compact spectrometers based on transmission gratings. Two alternative designs of compact spectrometers based on transmission gratings are presented in this paper.
The Benefits Of Transmission Grating Based Spectroscopy Combination of the attractive benefits with a competive price has led to a renewed customer interest to compact spectrometers based on transmission gratings. Two alternative designs of compact spectrometers based on transmission gratings are presented in this paper.
Tags: compact spectrometer transmission grating компактные спектрометры пропускающие дифракционные решетки
Optical measurements
M.Y.Dolomatov, K.F.Latypov
Determination Of Heterocyclic Molecules Ionization Potential Based On Optical Absorption Spectra Of Electromagnetic Radiation In The Visible And UV Range A physical effect connecting the ionization potentials of oxygen- and nitrogen-containing molecules with the integral autocorrelate characteristic of the absorption spectrum in the visible and UV range 190–760 nm (6.53–1.63 eV) was observed experimentally. The research results can be applied in molecular electronics, photonics, photochemistry and physical chemistry to study electron transfer processes, the band structure characteristics of nanoparticles in condensed matter physics.
Determination Of Heterocyclic Molecules Ionization Potential Based On Optical Absorption Spectra Of Electromagnetic Radiation In The Visible And UV Range A physical effect connecting the ionization potentials of oxygen- and nitrogen-containing molecules with the integral autocorrelate characteristic of the absorption spectrum in the visible and UV range 190–760 nm (6.53–1.63 eV) was observed experimentally. The research results can be applied in molecular electronics, photonics, photochemistry and physical chemistry to study electron transfer processes, the band structure characteristics of nanoparticles in condensed matter physics.
Tags: electron correlations electronic spectra hartree-fock methods heterocyclic molecules integral parameter of autocorrelation function ionization potential гетероциклические молекулы интегральный параметр автокорреляционной функции методы хартри-фока потенциал ионизации электронные корреляции электронные спектры
Fiber Optic Devices
M.A.Kazaryan, V.I.Krasovsky, I.N.Feofanov, D.M.Krichevsky, I.G.Likhachev, A.V.Kulikovskiy, R.A.Zakharyan, V.I.Pustovoi, A.V.Zasedatelev
NO2 Fiber-Optic Detector A method for measuring low concentrations of nitric oxide using a fiber-optic interferometric detector is suggested in the article. In order to increase detection sensitivity, the surface area contacting with the gas is increased using nanoporous Al2O3 and introducing hybrid nanoparticles into its pores.
NO2 Fiber-Optic Detector A method for measuring low concentrations of nitric oxide using a fiber-optic interferometric detector is suggested in the article. In order to increase detection sensitivity, the surface area contacting with the gas is increased using nanoporous Al2O3 and introducing hybrid nanoparticles into its pores.
Tags: fiber-optic detector hybrid nanoparticles measuring low concentrations of nitric oxide nanoporous al2o3 гибридные наночастицы измерение малых концентраций окиси азота нанопористый al2o3 оптоволоконный датчик
V.A.Burdin, A.V.Burdin
Optical Time-Domain Reflectometry Methods For Measurement Of Distribution Of Excess Optical Fiber Length In Fiber-Optic Cable Loose-Tubes The methods of excess fiber length measurement in loose-tube cable using optical time domain reflectometer are considered in this paper. The results of climatic tests for the construction length of a modular optical cable are presented. A method for estimating the excess length of an optical fiber via measurements of the fiber backscattering characteristics with a conventional optical reflectometer is proposed. A comparison of methods for determining the excess length of an optical fiber via estimating the bending loss is performed. The errors of line approximation of experimental curves related to excess fiber length dependency from temperature are used as error criterion. The error estimations of described methods are presented and conditions of their usage are considered.
Optical Time-Domain Reflectometry Methods For Measurement Of Distribution Of Excess Optical Fiber Length In Fiber-Optic Cable Loose-Tubes The methods of excess fiber length measurement in loose-tube cable using optical time domain reflectometer are considered in this paper. The results of climatic tests for the construction length of a modular optical cable are presented. A method for estimating the excess length of an optical fiber via measurements of the fiber backscattering characteristics with a conventional optical reflectometer is proposed. A comparison of methods for determining the excess length of an optical fiber via estimating the bending loss is performed. The errors of line approximation of experimental curves related to excess fiber length dependency from temperature are used as error criterion. The error estimations of described methods are presented and conditions of their usage are considered.