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Content & Annotations of Issue #3/2017
Technologies and Technology Equipment
Permanent Labelling With Lasers
This whitepaper will discuss the laser marking systems, examples of its use in the manufacturing industry. Laser marking device features, requirements and the technology behind different marking methods will also be presented.
V.P.Biriukov, A.A.Fishkov, D.Yu.Tatarkin, E.V.Hriptovich
Influence Of Laser Hardening By Round, Profiled And Oscillating Beam On The Increase Of Service Life Of Machine Parts
The developed technology of broadband laser hardening with a fibre laser beam using IPG 2D scanners will allow expanding the range of parts. The width of the hardening zone of 15–50 mm in one pass allows processing the seats of the centre shafts of various mechanisms and machines for rolling and sliding bearings. In addition, this technology can be used to strengthen bending and other dies with a depth of the hardened layer of 2.5 mm.
V.V.Ilyasov, K.D.Fam, N.V.Prutzakova
Ab Initio Modeling Of Atomic Tungsten Clusters Nucleation With Laser Surface Alloying Of Ceramics
In the article are discussed the mechanisms of nucleation formation of tungsten atomic clusters after laser impact that lead to surface reconstruction and the formation of new material properties. The results will be useful for definition of optimal modes during laser doping.
Measurement Of The Physical And Geometric Divergence Of Laser Beam In Time
The method of quantitative estimation of changes in the spatial parameters of the output beam is described in the article.
Conferences, exhibition & seminars
Conference and Exhibition PHOTONICS 2017
The exhibition opened its doors from February 28 to March 3 in Moscow’s Expocenter. About 170 companies showed their unique developments in the field of laser and optoelectronic technology.
Photonics: from fundamental aspects to practical applications
The scientific session of the RAS Physical Sciences Division "Photonics: Fundamental Aspects and Practical Applications" was performed on April 5. During the meeting the members have been discussed the current state and development trends of the Russian photonics.
Lasers & Laser Systems
D.Virmani, N.Waasem
Focusing Of Plasmons On A Monocrystalline Gold Nanoplate
The results of the investigation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) excited on a single-crystal gold nanoplate with a fine-grained plasmon lens are presented in the article.
A.Andryieuski, V.F.Andryieuski
Laser Diode Modules: Optical Coupling And Parts Bonding
In the article are presented the main technologies of optical coupling from semiconductor laser diode to optical fiber and methods of module parts bonding.
Free-Space Optical Communication
B.Sanguinetti, E.Amri, F.Richou
Single-Photon Detectors For Free Space Optical Communication Systems
The article describes the features and technical characteristics of single-photon detectors used for searching low intensity signals in free space optical communication systems.
Metamaterials: Myth Or Reality? "Reverse" Refractive Index. Part 3
The possibility to create materials with the reverse refractive index in the visible range is subject to criticism. The article invites to discussion, coming to an end with the description of Goos-Henchen effect.
Optoelectronic Devices
V.V.Startsev, V.K.Popov, K.E.Anoshin
Multispectral Module Based On Ir And Video System For Detection And Analysis Of Threats In Order To The Protection Of Extended Objects
The article deals with the design of serial multispectral video thermal imaging module ASTRON-3A, and provides an overview of its technical characteristics.
D.V.Vasiliev, A.I.Laryushin
Investigation Of The Influence Of External Factors On The Operation Of The Navigation Complex Based On Super-Bright Leds
The questions concerning assurance of requirements to technical parameters of a navigating complex based on semiconductor light sources are considered in the article
Разработка: студия Green Art