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Книги по фотонике
Урик Винсент Дж.-мл., МакКинни Джейсон Д., Вилльямс Кейт Дж.
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Content & Annotations of Issue #2/2017
Bibliometric Analysis of Research in the Field of Lasers
There has been performed a bibliometric analysis of research in the field of lasers in terms of volume and citedness of produced scientific publications, international collaboration links. The indicators, capable to identify the world class centers of scientific excellence are also tested.
Technologies and Technology Equipment
Computational and Experimental Determination of Hard Band Areas Parameters for Laser Hardening of Cast Iron and Steel
The technology of laser thermal hardening of cast iron and steel increases the hardness, wear resistance and scoring resistance of functional surfaces of friction. The conditions and the modes of laser processing reducing negative impact of drawing-back areas are revealed.
J. S. Bobrova, M. Andronic, B.B.Samadov, D.A. Danilenko
Photopolymer Coating Particularities for Planar Optical Waveguides Fabrication
The article describes the coating methods for fabrication of embedded planar waveguides for optoelectronic modules. Recommendations are given for photopolymer layer planarization coated on substrates with high relief up to tens of micrometers.
Conferences, exhibition & seminars
N.L.Istomina, L.V.Kariakina
Optatec-2016: The Latest Technologies of Optical Machine-Tool Industry and Production. Part 2
The specialists have been given a magnificent opportunity to observe the penetration of innovations in the sphere of vacuum, electronic and photon technologies into structure of the latest equipment for the optical machine-tools.
Additive Technologies
M.A.Melnikova, D.M.Melnikov, D.S.Kolchanov
Selective Laser Melting: Application and Formation Features of Three-Dimensional Structural Engineering Elements
A number of exploratory works in the field of selective laser melting technology including features of supporting piece growing that necessary for successful create solid continuous products are presented in the article.
Optical Measurements
A. V.Kniazkov
Evaluation of Changes in the Stress State of Materials by Means of Light Reflection
The analysis of mechanical stress changes evaluation in elasto optic ferroelectric ceramics on reflection index variation of monochromic polarized light incident on medium surface is performed.
K.L.Shuhina, A.I.Fishman, S.S.Harintsev
Investigation of Azo Polymers Local Mobility by Oscillatory Spectra of Chromophores
When illuminating films of azo polymers with linear polarized laser radiation, chromophore fragments orientation occurs. This paper investigates the dependence of anisotropy ratio of chromophore absorption bands on temperature. It is suggested to use this approach for interpretation of relaxation transitions nature in the polymers containing chromophore fragments.
Metamaterials: Myth or Reality? "Reverse" Refractive Index. Part 2
The second part briefly describes such complicated optical effects.
V. P.Minayev
The Dawn of Laser Radiation Use in Domestic Medicine
This overview describes the main milestones of development and deployment history of laser treatment and laser medical equipment in Russia.
Fiber-Optic Elements and Systems
A. A.Kalachev
Components of Long-Distance Quantum Communication. Part 2
The second part of the review is devoted to the topical areas of research aimed at creating sources of single-photon and correlated two-photon states of light, which are intended for use in long-range quantum communication systems.
Threat Model of the Speech Information Confidentiality in Modern Office Based on Convergence of Functions of Optical Networks
The analysis reveals a high degree of threat to the speech information confidentiality circulating at the modern facility of informatization (office of bank or company). Features of implementation and operation of threats create the speech information leakage channel, which is difficult to detect.
Разработка: студия Green Art