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Книги по фотонике
Урик Винсент Дж.-мл., МакКинни Джейсон Д., Вилльямс Кейт Дж.
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Content & Annotations of Issue #1/2017
Industrial Policy
Standards for laser safety: origins, level, perspectives
Introduction in 2009 in the territory of the CIS of a copy of European standard IEC 60825-1-2007 Safety of laser products in parallel with the existing Sanitary Standards has laid the foundation to confusion in the normative legislation. The legalized standards contain the whole complex of mutually excluding requirements.
O.Bibik, I.Sadovnikov
To the question of regulatory environment on laser safety
For implementation of new technologies to the economy of the Russian Federation it is necessary to adopt useful international experience, including the sphere of regulatory environment on laser safety. The professional discussion among specialists in laser safety has not lead to appearance of the qualitative normative document.
S.Hilov, O.Golovkov
Ultrafine focusing: myth or reality?
The issue about safety during work with laser radiation and its decision cause constant disputes among users and developers of laser devices and services. There are differences among reviews, estimations and regulatory documents on the maximum allowable limit of a laser radiation.
Technologies and Technology Equipment
G.Borovsky, E.Zaharevich, M.Shavva
Equipment for ultra precision machining
The article provides an overview of equipment manufactured by JSC "VNIIINSTRUMENT" for ultra precision processing of the wide range of materials. The main approaches for the development and creation of ultra precision equipment as well as the parameters of machine parts and systems are discussed.
Conferences, exhibition & seminars
N.Istomina, L.Kariakina
Optateс-2016: the latest technologies of optical machine-tool industry and production
The specialists have been given a magnificent opportunity to observe the penetration of innovations in the sphere of vacuum, electronic and photon technologies into structure of the latest equipment for the optical machine-tools.
Lasers & Laser Systems
A.Verkhovtsev, A.Gayoso de los Santos, Z.Pavlova
OEM-driver with butterfly housing for power supply of laser diodes
The company Fedal Ltd is producing compact OEM drivers with output current ranging from 20 A to 100 А and output voltage ranging from 0 V to 40 V. Fedal has begun to produce OEM driver with butterfly housing for power supply of laser diodes.
Acousto-optic technology for pulse picking
For many laser applications, such as marking for instance, it is necessary to control the quantity of energy with picking certain pulses. This can be achieved with a pulse picker and it is generally based on acousto-optic technology.
Optical Measurements
E.Timchenko, P.Timchenko, E.Seleznyova, N.Tregub
Spectral estimation of plant tissue from oil deposit areas
The results of studies concerning influence of underground water accompanying oil, gas and condensate fields on vegetable biological objects are presented. The indirect method of zones identification for investigation of oil deposits is offered.
Components of long-distance quantum Communication. Part 1
The review is devoted to a topical subject of research in the field of optical quantum technologies related to development of optical quantum memory system as well as sources of nonclassical light states that are basic components for implementation of long-distance quantum communication.
Localization of pulsed radiation in photonic crystal
A single Gaussian pulse propagation through a two-dimensional photonic crystal is considered. The spectrum of photonic crystal corresponds to the both permitted and forbidden frequency ranges for the passage of radiation. The possibility of radiation localization within the photonic crystal with finite dimensions is shown.
Metamaterials: myth or reality? "Reverse" refractive index. Part 1
The concept of the materials with reverse refractive index, i.e. metamaterials, in optical spectral region, the possibility of implementation of “superlens”, “cloak of invisibility” etc. The attempt to prove reasonably that a part of the scientists who are engaged in this subject mistake the wish for the reality and take advantage of theoretical calculations.
V.Privalov, V.Shemanin
Lidar sounding of iodine molecules in atmosphere
Content of heavy iodine isotope in the air close to the nuclear power plants or other radiochemical enterprises can be an indicator of the radioactive contamination. Laser measurement methods of molecular iodine concentration in gaseous media rely to the results of numerical simulation methods.
Dual-channel optical pulse oximeter on the base of laser sensors to solve actual problems in medical practice
Pulse oximetry is a noninvasive method of measurement that provides information about the patient’s oxygen saturation of the blood. It is widely used in different areas of medicine. However, there are basic unresolved problems associated with the production of new urgent medical requirements for quality of biosignals registration, monitoring, measurement and processing.
Разработка: студия Green Art