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Книги по фотонике
Урик Винсент Дж.-мл., МакКинни Джейсон Д., Вилльямс Кейт Дж.
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Content & Annotations of Issue #5/2012
Technologies and Technology Equipment
A.Grigoriantz, A.Grezev, V.Grezev
Laser welding Large Thickness Steels with High-Power Fibre-Optic and CO2 lasers
The article presents the experimental data of the interaction of laser radiation with plasma physics that accompanies laser welding process. Data are given for CO2 and fibre-optic lasers. Some conditions under which the fusion process proceeds more efficiently are shown. Also action of laser intensity, welding speed, and metal brands on the efficiency of the welding process is considered. Some concrete examples of the nature of metal penetration, properties of welded joints are presented.
Creation of Laser-Plasma Technologies for Metallic Constructions Utilization
The possibility of creation a pulsed mode coal-fired gas dynamic laser (GDL) by means of active medium ripple is considered. It is shown that detonation combustion fuel cycle leads to superior occupation of inversion population density. Construction of a laser mobile technology complex on the standard transport base is considered. The complex design for cutting metal constructions.This allows to implement both a high and medium power transportable GDJ version.
Fine Art Photography Technology Using Color Filters
Design technologies that were the result of implementing polarizing color filters led to creation of new photography and photo installation art forms and styles – polage and frizone. The article considers design technologies using color filters.
Conferences, exhibition & seminars
Laser Biennale Beyond Ural. Conference AMPL-2011 Materials Report
T.Gavrilovskaya, H.Kiseleva, A.Klimkin, A.Soldatov
The X International conference “Pulse lasers on transitions of atoms and molecules” was held at Tomsk academic campus. The conference subject reflects the results of theoretic and experimental investigations of laser active medium, new active mediums, and pumping methods, physical and chemical processes, of new laser technologies, fundamental laser physics problems, laser science, technical, medicine and other applications, discussions of items associated with creation of devices on their basis, new optical technologies.
V.Privalov, V.Shemanin
XX International Conference "Laser Information Technologies in Medicine, Biology and Eco-Geology–2012"
International Conference “Laser Information Technologies in Medicine, Biology and Eco-Geology–2012” celebrated its edge of twenty. Authors from 26 Russian, Ukraine, Kazakstan, Belorussia and Germany scientific institutes presented 100 papers that express results of their theoretic and experimental research.
Lasers & Laser Systems
A.Soldatov, J.Polunin, A,Vasilieva, I.Kostiria, E, Kolmakov, D.Kuksgausen
Double Element Laser lasing 10 Discrete Data Links in the Wavelength Range from 0.51 to 6.45 m
Designers of atmospheric sounding systems, medicine equipment, laser systems visualization apparatus working in the infrared band are interested in multiwavelength lasers. There are some factors that aggravate creation of these lasers. Investigations of a multielement strontium and cupric bromide mixed vapor laser that is the foundation of a multiwave laser source lasing at ten data links in the range from 0.51 to 6,45 μm are presented.
Fiber-Optic Communication Lines
V.Kurochkin, A.Zverev, J.Kurochkin, I.Riabtzev, I.Neizvestnyi
Quantum Cryptography Experimental Investigations
Experimental system for quantum key distribution through an air gap and by fiber-optic transmission line created at the Institute of Physical Problems of SB RAS is considered. Results of quantum efficiency, after pulse emergence probability and noise level of different mode InGaAs-InP avalanche photodiodes investigation are given.
Разработка: студия Green Art