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Книги по фотонике
Урик Винсент Дж.-мл., МакКинни Джейсон Д., Вилльямс Кейт Дж.
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Content & Annotations of Issue #1/2011
Technologies and Technology Equipment
Nanodimension Processing
The results of producing small size X-ray optics are introduced. kinematic processing of an elleptical cylinder is performed by polishing with a small sized tool. The proposed system may by adopted to produce fly’s-eye lenses.
Optical Devices & Systems
V.Komotskyi, V.Korolkov, J.Sokolov
Optoelectronic Diffraction Narrow Angle Displacement Sensors
Narrow angle displacement and vibration sensors performance is based on the principle of laser radiation diffraction on a spatial separated periodic lattices system. The results of development and investigation of new circuits including mirror films are present.
Optical Measurements
Light Channels Formation in Thin Films Means
Unusual behavior of low power laser beam in a thin liquid soap film is drawing researchers attention. A beam let into a film is split in it into narrow micron wide channels. It is shown that these channels are formed exactly be light and are not the result of the film inhomogeneities. These properties of light are scientific and practical attractive for information and power addressed signaling.
R.Radgabli, M.Gakhramanova
Solar Radiation parameters in Coastal Zone Measurement Method
Correct estimation of solar radiation that enters earth atmosphere is important for radiation balance calculation, photometric apparatus calibration, photo-voltaic array efficiency investigation. A three point, three wave, method for calculating solar constant discrete values is proposed. The method is devised on the basis of photometric measurements in the coastal zone results. Its mathematical background is given.
V.Privalov, V.Shemann
Iodine Molecules Probing by an Airborne Fluorescent Lida
Radioactive isotopes of iodine molecules detection above nuclear energy stations or radiochemical plants may serve as a indicator of atmosphere radioactive contamination. That is why development of an airborne fluorescent lidar for detecting low iodine molecules concentrations is a promising technique for monitoring atmosphere contamination over such facilities.
A.Dirochka, A.Filichev
IInternational Photoelectronics and Night-Vision Devices Conference
In accordance with materials of the 21 International Photoelectronics and Night-Vision Devices Conference that was held on May 2010 at federal state unitary enterprise “NPO “Orion” (Moscow) photoelectronics moder state and trends are persented. Scientific and industrial developments are taken into account, that are modern technologies, equipment and domestic and foreign development leaders achievements
Волоконно-оптические системы связи
A.Gluschenko, L.Gluschenko, A.Korsun, A.Kazanovskyi
Laser Channel Voice Data leakage Quality Determination
When detecting laser radiation that is reflected by building costructions appearence in it bending vibrations under the influence of acoustic signal pressure will modulate this signal. A method for determination the optjelectronic (laser) voice leakage channel quality with the help of the correlation index of input/output signals is proposed.
Optoelectronic devices
G.Lubegin, D.Onischenko. V.Guslaynnikov
Injection Photodiodes on АIIBVI monocrystals
Miniature personal devices that alert of methane accumulation or alternatively of oxygen lack at work and residential areas just save somebodies lives. In gas analysers injection photodiodes (IPD) are used. Method of chalcogenides amount in АIIBVI solid compounds variation was developed. This method permits to produce a variety of IPDs with high sensitivity in various optical spectrums.
Разработка: студия Green Art