VCEL-лазеры: скорость передачи данных до 40 Гбит/c
Шероховатость: фрактальные методы измерений
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Content & Annotations of Issue #6/2010
Technologies and Technology Equipment
Effective Control of a Laser Engraving Complex
Laser radiation source and beam positioning system or galvanometer deflectors or scanators, are the basic components of any laser engraving complex. Owing to the appearance of high power price affordable fiber laser sources with a high coefficient of efficiency and endurance and the increased skanators performance laser engraving speed increased. This enhanced the requirements for control devices performance. In this article a contrastive analysis summary of two types of laser complex control, direct and with the use of a special controller, is given.
Thermosensor Diagnostics of Laser Wleding
Thermosensor diagnostic (TD) works well for fuse welding especially for laser welding. Its base is thermosensor conversion of signals that characterize dynamics of thermal waves tracks in various environments and structures. On the basis of developed space-time data compression the TD principles and technical implementation are set up. TD often allows to exclude postwelding welded joint quality control with the help of other physical methods.
Optical Measurements
Power-Density Spectrum as the Surface Roughness Characteristic
For description of surface roughness in optical measurements practice averaged characteristics are usually used. Another approach to measure multiscale roughness is to use a sufficiently unique solid-state multiscale roughness characteristic namely, power-density spectrum, that is input in a similar manner as high frequency signals characteristics. At surface roughness factual research this allows to proceed from quality measurement methods to quantitative methods.
A.Budagovskyi, O.Budagovskaya, I.Budagovskyi
Green Cells Paradoxes and Their Practical Application
A method of diagnosing the plants functional status by measuring the gain-phase characteristic of quasimonochromatic probing laser beam radiation dissipated on a plant tissue is developed. The method also allows to evaluate the status of nonphotosynthetic plants fabric by the degree of their microstructure organization.
A.Koslov, I.Grutskova, L.Basireva
Photon Crystals Formation on Surfaces Features
Outcome of experiments to create a spatial 3D- matrix to stimulate biostruture growth on the basis of photon crystals are considered. The possibility to control the polymer microsphere (PM) packing structure by external stress is investigated. It was shown that to build up a dense multilayer PM pack it is necessary to transform spherically symmetric microsphere properties to cylindrically symmetric properties. Method to determine microsphere spatial position that allows to observe dynamics of the dense photon crystals pack formation process was developed.
Волоконно-оптические системы связи
S.Blokhin, L.Karachinsky, A.Kuzmenkov, N.Maleev
Semiconductor Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VCSELs) with Data Transmission Rate of up to 40 Gbit/s. Part 2
In the first part of the survey semiconductor vertical radiating lasers' (VCEL) frequency characteristics and factors that limit their speed where investigated. Continuing this subject authors proposed constructional and technological solutions that would permit to increase the VCEL performance up to 40Gbit/sec and showed the principle possibility to implement a faultless (BER < 10-12) optical data transmission with transfer rate up to 38Gbit/sec.
Optoelectronic devices
Разработка: студия Green Art